Looking to connect with people who have non-diabetic neuropathy

Posted by Ann broussard @user_ch98d0b5c, Aug 6, 2018

Would. Like to find people with this issue

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I’ve got spinal OA, stenosis, s/p L-S spine fusion 1990 with chronic PN bilaterally. At 69 no longer a candidate or want repeat fusion surgery. I just discovered a better mix of CBD/THC and I’ve decreased my PRN oxycodone to 2x day a d headed for one. I’ll still need buprenorphine patch but less narcogesic meds is a win in my eyes.

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I have been suffering for almost two years with a multitude of strange symptoms that doctors can not figure out or do not wish to invest their time in to figure out but I feel a lot of my debilitating symptoms are from a Autonomic Nervous System malfunction or some sort of neuropathies throughout my body etc.

After two years of suffering with no help or diagnosis from any doctor or specialist I got my Medical Marijuana card. I find that too much THC sends my anxiety through the roof and makes me feel very uncomfortable and feel very strange, not a good feeling at all.

So I'm switching it up to have more CBD and less THC with buying different strains of Indica flower and Tincture drops.

I was hoping it would relieve some of these strange and awful symptoms and relieve my intensifying anxiety which increased as each month passes without a diagnosis of these daily now episodes of a neurological sensory altering nature.

Too soon yet to see if medical marijuana will help me BUT I am at my wits end with dozens of doctors now still NOT figuring out what is wrong with me.


I forgot to add that the only clear cut diagnosis I did get 1.5 years ago via a MRI is Cervical stenosis and myelopathy of my neck with narrowing of spinal fluid canal on both sides of my spine.

Not sure that cervical stenosis and myelopathy can cause dozens of strange symptoms throughout my entire body as several specialists disagreed on this issue that cervical spine issues can cause pins, needles, numbness in the face, legs, feet etc


I have been suffering for almost two years with a multitude of strange symptoms that doctors can not figure out or do not wish to invest their time in to figure out but I feel a lot of my debilitating symptoms are from a Autonomic Nervous System malfunction or some sort of neuropathies throughout my body etc.

After two years of suffering with no help or diagnosis from any doctor or specialist I got my Medical Marijuana card. I find that too much THC sends my anxiety through the roof and makes me feel very uncomfortable and feel very strange, not a good feeling at all.

So I'm switching it up to have more CBD and less THC with buying different strains of Indica flower and Tincture drops.

I was hoping it would relieve some of these strange and awful symptoms and relieve my intensifying anxiety which increased as each month passes without a diagnosis of these daily now episodes of a neurological sensory altering nature.

Too soon yet to see if medical marijuana will help me BUT I am at my wits end with dozens of doctors now still NOT figuring out what is wrong with me.

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Hello @joannemm30809, I am sorry to hear you haven't found much help for the pain and suffering. I'm also glad to see that you are advocating for your health and learning as much as you can in order to find something that helps with your symptoms. There are a couple of discussions you might find helpful for CBD and THC where you will see some good suggestions from posts by @artscaping and others.

-- Night pain: CBD, THC and sleep: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/night-pain-1/
-- cbd+ thc: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/cbd-thc/

If you want to learn more about Neuropathies, one of the really good set of learning videos I've seen is the YouTube channel for Dr. Matthew B. Jensen (https://health.usnews.com/doctors/matthew-jensen-1033742). Here's a link to his YouTube channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJaXGRxxjnF2mvLiOFmmHLQ

As an old tin can sailor, I'm hoping you have some blue skies and following seas ahead of you...and you can find something that gives you some relief.


I have been suffering for almost two years with a multitude of strange symptoms that doctors can not figure out or do not wish to invest their time in to figure out but I feel a lot of my debilitating symptoms are from a Autonomic Nervous System malfunction or some sort of neuropathies throughout my body etc.

After two years of suffering with no help or diagnosis from any doctor or specialist I got my Medical Marijuana card. I find that too much THC sends my anxiety through the roof and makes me feel very uncomfortable and feel very strange, not a good feeling at all.

So I'm switching it up to have more CBD and less THC with buying different strains of Indica flower and Tincture drops.

I was hoping it would relieve some of these strange and awful symptoms and relieve my intensifying anxiety which increased as each month passes without a diagnosis of these daily now episodes of a neurological sensory altering nature.

Too soon yet to see if medical marijuana will help me BUT I am at my wits end with dozens of doctors now still NOT figuring out what is wrong with me.

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Give this article a try and see if connecting with these pharmacists can benefit you for your specific illnesses?


I've always considered micro dosing as the way to go on many levels. I even had a visit with an ENT to have my throat checked out for damage due to vaping and I'm just fine. I've found that full spectrum works the best and more producers are making high CBD with THC or combo's with both to pick from.

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It sounds like you have a lot of experience with Medical Marijuana (MM). I also live in Pennsylvania and just received my MM card. A doctor and the MM pharmacist both recommended RSO, so I just tried it yesterday. I have severe, painful small fiber neuropathy in my feet, legs, hands, and arms, and it seems to excite it even more. I had the same experience a couple of years ago with high THC MM. I had read before that higher CBD was better for nerve pain. It also did not seem to help my back pain (which I also have). Do the initial bad effects go away after a while?


It sounds like you have a lot of experience with Medical Marijuana (MM). I also live in Pennsylvania and just received my MM card. A doctor and the MM pharmacist both recommended RSO, so I just tried it yesterday. I have severe, painful small fiber neuropathy in my feet, legs, hands, and arms, and it seems to excite it even more. I had the same experience a couple of years ago with high THC MM. I had read before that higher CBD was better for nerve pain. It also did not seem to help my back pain (which I also have). Do the initial bad effects go away after a while?

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Not certain exactly what SE you’re speaking about, please explain further? Also, what rso are you using and does it have THC? How long have you been using rso?


Not certain exactly what SE you’re speaking about, please explain further? Also, what rso are you using and does it have THC? How long have you been using rso?

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I'm sorry, I don't know what "SE" means. I used Grassroots Full Spectrum RSO. It is supposed to be almost all THC. I just took it once (yesterday). I mixed 1 gram of it into 454 grams of peanut butter (this is what the MM pharmacist told me to do). I think it works out to about 13 grams of THC per dose. I talked to the pharmacist again today, and he thinks that if I had a bad reaction to the THC, I should just use pure CBD oil. He said it is best to get it over the counter, since it is cheaper. He also said that CBD from Hemp is just as good as from marijuana. I am not sure it any of this is correct. Thanks for your help.


Can you tell me what your mix of CBD/THC is? I have all the toasted bud here I will ever need (White Widow)and I have CBD drops. I'm trying to regenerate the nerves in my feet that got damaged from Taxol that I took during my breast cancer treatment. I'm also using VitD3 and K2, plus alpha lipoic acid that the chemo team suggested .I'm 79 and have i legal marijuana in pots in my back yard here in California..It's fun to watch it grow next to my tomatoes. Thanks for your interesting comments.

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I also ended up with neuropathy from chemotherapy treatments; which I only had two treatments for breast cancer. My last treatment was June 7th. I noticed the numbness on the bottom of both feet first in August and then in both hands, although not as numb as my feet. My oncologist said it would go away, but didn't say how long the numbness would last. I read in 3-5 months, and maybe just partially go away. He didn't suggest any medication for me. My pharmacy suggested this ribbing oil called Frankincense Myrrh: temporary pain relief, analgesic and anti inflammatory. Homeopathic 2 fl. oz. Comes with a dropper. I rub it on the bottoms of my feet at night. I've used now less than a week. It does keep the inflammation down. I'm wondering about the alpha lipoic that you mentioned .


I forgot to add that the only clear cut diagnosis I did get 1.5 years ago via a MRI is Cervical stenosis and myelopathy of my neck with narrowing of spinal fluid canal on both sides of my spine.

Not sure that cervical stenosis and myelopathy can cause dozens of strange symptoms throughout my entire body as several specialists disagreed on this issue that cervical spine issues can cause pins, needles, numbness in the face, legs, feet etc

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Good evening @joannemm30809. I want to take this opportunity to make a comment that may be helpful. I am not medically trained so this is just to annotate a similarity. I had The pain, pins and numbness in my arms, wrists and hands. I spent many hours in the middle of the night sitting on the edge of the bed in tears of frustration. Come to find out it was stenosis in my neck and surgery was scheduled. I have titantium fusion blocks. I wore a brace for three months to make sure that the fusions were totally sealed. That decision was extremely important and made a big difference.

So.....I am happy to include you in a response about medical cannabis and how it has helped me just survive the daily pain and discomfort. Let me know if you would find that helpful.

What else have you tried to control and manage pain?

May you be free of suffering and the causes of suffering.

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