partial empty sella and smaller than normal pititary gland

Posted by 5558 @5558, Oct 25, 2016

I was in a car accident a year and a half ago. The air bag and seatbelt i guess you say whipped my head and neck. My nose was injured. I had a concussion and two blown discs in my neck. I have had severe headaches since the accident. I was diagnosed with central spinal cord syndrome. My neck had medal plates put in. It is a year post op. I have suffered with headaches, severe depression, nerve problems in both arms and hands, pain in neck. My family noticed loss of focus and memory problems aftrr the accident. Now that i am trying find some type of normal in my life and trying to do more. I notice problems focusing, comprehending things and giving odd responses. My memory is terrible and was fine before. To complicate things I have vonwillebrandts disease. My left eye prescription changed 2 levels since accident. Most of head pain is on left side. I had an mri with contrast that showed partial empty sella and a smaller ghan normal putuitary gland. Waiting to see neurologist. What is wrong with me and how can it be fixed?

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Hello, I have also been diagnosed with empty sella and living with it for years. I don't know if it happened from side effects of chemotherapy or if it was present before. It was found by trying to check the effets of chemotherapy among them craneal neuropathy. So far the empy sella itself has not had negative consequences, however it might in the future, I hope not. I am writing to you to give you some hope that by itself, an empty sella is not necesarily yet another thing for you to worry too much, just keep it in check. Good luck and keep faith.


Thanks for the reply. It is very encouraging. Do you have to take medication? Do you also have probelms with focusing and have headaches?


Thanks for the reply. It is very encouraging. Do you have to take medication? Do you also have probelms with focusing and have headaches?

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There is no medication that I know for empty sella. I do not have problems with focusing and no headaches, that's why I am pretty sure the problems you describe are not coming from the empty sella. The size of the pituitary might be a problem, but the visit with the neurologist will be very helpful. Regards.

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