Parotid gland enlarged lymph node

Posted by kenyalama @kenyalama, Jun 18, 2023

My biopsy showed abnormal flow and some abnormal cells. What does it mean?
Seeing surgeon in three weeks

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Thank you! My lymphedema is in my legs and feet. Today is my last and 15th treatment but the Doctor will see me in July to confirm I can be discharged
I will be bringing the pumps home. Two hours of pumping every day one in the am and one in the pm and I am already wearing compression socks 20/30 j plus Velcro compression
Another cronic disease
In addition I feel hartased by “friends” stating that mental illness or unsolved social issues is what’s causing my physical illnesses
Just a few understand what I sm going through
Anything like that with you?

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I have an autoimmune disease that is "invisible," and when I have problems, it is usually something so odd, without a clear explanation (idiopathic is my favorite word). And, when I am not feeling well, it is pretty invisible. Keep up your confidence in what you feel: to me, diet and movement support the meds. I do a lot of stretches, legs up against the walls and so on. I honestly do not know what I could have done for past trauma (aka The Body Knows), except to do the next right things for myself.


Thank you! My lymphedema is in my legs and feet. Today is my last and 15th treatment but the Doctor will see me in July to confirm I can be discharged
I will be bringing the pumps home. Two hours of pumping every day one in the am and one in the pm and I am already wearing compression socks 20/30 j plus Velcro compression
Another cronic disease
In addition I feel hartased by “friends” stating that mental illness or unsolved social issues is what’s causing my physical illnesses
Just a few understand what I sm going through
Anything like that with you?

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Has your doctor suggested a DIURETIC? This is pretty standard precedure for edema of the legs and feet. I am so sorry to hear about your pain. I also have Trigeminal Neuralgia, no paroid involvement to my knowledge, just terrible pain in the left jaw. I have been very lucky SO FAR, Pregabolin has been the miracle drug for me and Baby Teething Medication. When I brush my teeth it stimulates the pain in my jaw . I have a bridge on the back teeth. I fill the inside of the bridge with Baby Teething Medicaton and it solves the pain. It is very interesting how quickly people who have never experienced the pain, jump to the conclusion of mental problems. I think it is very interesting that since being diagnosed with Trigeminal Neuralgia I now have also been diagnosed with MGus. Does one have anything to do with the other? Hope the diuretic may give you some relief from the edema.


Thank you! My lymphedema is in my legs and feet. Today is my last and 15th treatment but the Doctor will see me in July to confirm I can be discharged
I will be bringing the pumps home. Two hours of pumping every day one in the am and one in the pm and I am already wearing compression socks 20/30 j plus Velcro compression
Another cronic disease
In addition I feel hartased by “friends” stating that mental illness or unsolved social issues is what’s causing my physical illnesses
Just a few understand what I sm going through
Anything like that with you?

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@kenyalama You may want to go to the Just Want to Talk support group. You could start a discussion about your friends’ reactions to your illnesses. Other members may have good suggestions for you.
Do you think that would help?

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