Parkinson’s unresponsive episodes
My father, 93 years old, is suffering these unresponsive episodes, not to be confused with “freezing” of gait. The episode can last two hours and we think might be related to dehydration. Why can’t I find any mention of this in any web sites that describe Parkinson’s? Only in caregiver sites have I found any information. Is no one studying this phenomenon? There may be some connection here that needs investigation.
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Hi @susan62, you were right to be skeptical about the post above claiming cure with natural remedies. A member reported the post. Upon investigation, it was discovered that this member was impersonating a patient who had discovered cure with herbal supplements. The information was medically inaccurate. Furthermore, commercial posts and advertisements are not permitted on Connect.
Thank you for your diligence is seeking reliable information.
Hi! What great news that you are doing so well! Does your neurologist know you are using the herbal supplement? What does he/she think? Are you taking other PD meds? I must admit that I am skeptical about natural remedies, but certainly not closed minded. Would be WONDERFUL if something natural worked!!! Your response would be much appreciated. Thx.
@judithanne, You will be able to post links in a few days. There is a brief period where new members can't post links. We do this to deter spammers and keep the community safe. Clearly the link you wanted to post was not spam. Please allow me to post it for you.
- Cognitive fluctuations in Parkinson’s disease dementia: blood pressure liability as an underlying mechanism published in the Journal of Clinical Movement Disorders
Thank you very much. I will take a look at the article.
Hello @judithanne and welcome to Mayo Connect.
You have posted about unresponsiveness that many have discussed on Connect's Parkinson's (PD) discussion group. I appreciate the information and I hope that it will be helpful to @mshoggie, @chuckcallahan, @bethv, and others. I tried to search for the article that you referred to but I was not able to find it. Could you possibly tell me the name of the website and also the name of the author of the case study?
Have you tried any of these methods to see if they help your mom? I would be interested in knowing which ones helped the most, Is it the compression stockings, the elevated legs or the Nitro patches?
Hi, I have also posted below, but in case you don't see it - look for this article (CASE REPORT) "Cognitive fluctuations in Parkinson’s disease dementia: blood pressure lability as an underlying mechanism". We are going to try this: basically, lying them flat and elevate the legs during the episode.
Hello everyone, My mom has these episodes too and I just came across this article. She has gone anywhere from 5 -45 minutes of unresponsiveness, and her Blood pressure is all over (high and low). After reading this article (Cognitive fluctuations in Parkinson’s disease dementia: blood pressure lability as an underlying mechanism), we are going to try this: basically, lying them flat and elevate the legs during the episode. The Physician who last saw her also suggested coban wraps (compression stockings) and had also heard of a pt who wore Nitroglycerin patch at night (removed early am) and this helped with the swings in blood pressure.
Hello @mshoggie
I was thinking about you and your question about your mother's non-responsive episodes. Have you been able to determine the cause yet? Any changes that you have noticed in these episodes or anything that seems to trigger them?
As you are comfortable doing so, will you provide an update?
If sleep is a problem, you might check out a video that I posted some time ago about sleep problems and PD. Here is the link,
Also, just a thought if the anti-anxiety medication was begun (or increased) prior to the unresponsive episodes that might be a factor as well. Just something to consider.
Thanks for the feedback . She does not sleep well and was given an anti anxiety medication to help her relax at nite. I will review the other responses and will provide updates .