Paralytic depression

Posted by splaterific @splaterific, Oct 27, 2023

How do you dig yourself out of paralytic depression, when you can't find the will to even feed yourself?

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@splaterific Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect.

Depression can be overwhelming, seeming to take over our very soul, doesn't it? Tell me about your paralytic depression. How does it manifest for you? You mention about finding the will to feed yourself. What prompted you to reach out to us here, how did you find us? This shows me you may not be as paralyzed as you think!


@splaterific Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect.

Depression can be overwhelming, seeming to take over our very soul, doesn't it? Tell me about your paralytic depression. How does it manifest for you? You mention about finding the will to feed yourself. What prompted you to reach out to us here, how did you find us? This shows me you may not be as paralyzed as you think!

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I'd prefer not to answer, publicly.


I'd prefer not to answer, publicly.

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@splaterific You can pm me by clicking on my profile, and choosing "send private message", if that will help you feel more comfortable.


@splaterific You can pm me by clicking on my profile, and choosing "send private message", if that will help you feel more comfortable.

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Thank you. I've only been here a few days and I'm still learning how to navigate the site.


Prayer has helped me most.. being around people. Prayers to you as I know it is very hard.


@splaterific You can pm me by clicking on my profile, and choosing "send private message", if that will help you feel more comfortable.

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I still can't find / figure out how to pm. Perhaps if you send one to me first, even blank, I'll be able to respond. (Please do.)


Thank you. I've only been here a few days and I'm still learning how to navigate the site.

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No one understands this level of depression unless they’ve lived it. I have good and bad days. I’m unable to work in part because of this. I’ve been quoting psalms 23 every day sometimes multiple times a day. I do it for my family and trying to do it for myself too but I struggle with that. I see my poor husband having to do more plus support us and it pushes me to get out of bed. As far as eating…I rely on nutritional supplement protein drinks ( glucerna and premier protein). It’s easier to drink sips throughout the day when u have no appetite. They’ve kept me from wasting away…literally. I’m struggling with health issues that keep me mostly bedridden. I run high temps that get worse with the more I do. This adds to my depression but I still get up and work until my body says lay down. Prayer helps but I cry a lot. I’m see a therapist weekly and a psychiatrist monthly. Talking helps me. I hope this helps u a little. Big hugs.


Thank you. I've been under-functioning so much that liquid supplements hadn't occurred to me. Obviously, I'm feeling better, and finding this place has helped. Thank you for your response!

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