Pancreatic Cancer Vaccine Therapy (Immunotherapy): What are the facts?

Posted by howleegirl @howleegirl, May 13, 2023

Does anyone know the facts about this vaccine??????????

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Hello Jim,
I did 12 rounds of Fulfurinox which greatly shrunk my tumors and caused necrosis.
With a precision radiation treatment and 2 more chemo rounds, I had pancreadectomy and spleenectomy with clear margins. Then liver Mets resected in February!

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I am scheduled for Whipple June 21st. Nervous.


I understand the anxiety. But what a blessing that you went from unresectable to now surgery!
I can only tell you that the stronger you are going in, the easier the recovery. You are at a center that does so many of these that you should be in very good hands. Especially post op

You are on my calendar for prayers that week. Allow yourself to breathe deeply each day and stay out in that garden!

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