Pancreatic cancer recurrence: Anyone else?
Hi, my name is Trish, I had pancreatic cancer 7 years ago. This reoccurrence was a surprise since I had a CT on March 9th, with no sign of anything to a .5mm stricture of small intestine caused by a mass that is malignant. Just had a stent put in to on Monday to open the intestine and I am feeling much better. Will see my oncologist on May 6th, and maybe find out what stage it is. Because I haven’t eaten very well for the past few weeks and have lost almost 20 lbs, it’s left me feeling weak and tired.
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I'm sorry to here you got a recurrance too. I had 3 years NED until a year ago and now in lungs. I'm doing a drug trial at UCLA. I hope you get good news by now and let us know. All good wishes
Hi I'm wondering if you could share your treatments. Ive had a recurrence and now doing a drug trial to rev up immune system.I never heard in literature or on cancer connect, if anyone recovered from recurrences. Thank you for the new hope! Ive got mets in lungs, some ablations but now too many to ablate and too small. I got radiation to pancreas and will be scanned in two months. Thanks again!
Hello @sadiegrace
I so appreciate hearing from you with an update. I think that your fatigue is to be expected since you did lose 20 pounds. Yes, Miralax is a good plan to keep blockages from forming. I think that everyone with upper digestive tract problems has to deal with this. Since I've had three surgeries for carcinoid cancer in the duodenal bulb I've been using Miralax on a regular basis. It really does make a difference.
I have also had weight loss and even though my appetite is better and I can eat more, my weight is still low.
How wonderful that you can resume your normal activities, now. That has to be very encouraging!
I enjoy hearing from you. I admire your courage and persistence in making your life as full as you can. Will you keep in touch and let me know how you are doing?
Hi @hopeful33250
It’s been a month and I am completely recovered from the procedure to open my duodenum that was constricted with the maglignancy. The stent is working well and I am back to eating most everything with no problems.
I am feeling so good so far, except that I have noticed I tire more easily. I am having no symptoms and I’m back to doing all of my normal activities.
I lost a little over 20 lbs when I was having digestive problems because of the stricture, and although I am eating much more these days, I am not gaining any of the weight back.
The hospice nurse is coming in once a week and so far all my vitals are fine.
I’m not sure what to expect. I’m sleeping well and the only thing they’ve put me on is a daily dose of Miralax so I won’t have another blockage like I had after being released from the hospital. I still don’t understand that since I was on clear liquids for almost 2 weeks.
I thank God for all the good days I am having and the ability to get “all my ducks in a row.” So my kids won’t have so much to do when I pass.
Hi great post! can you share your recipe for natural smoothie? Greatly appreciated if you can, leigh
Hello @sadiegrace,
I am truly sorry that there are no more treatment options available for you. I'm glad that you are feeling good now and that you are at peace with your decision to enter hospice care. It is a decision that many of us will have to make at one time or the other and I appreciate the grace and peace you have about this transition.
Wishing you peace. Hospice is very helpful at keeping their patients comfortable. Please post as you continue your journey,
My oncologist appointment yesterday went fine. She believes the pancreatic cancer has been back for 6-8 months with no pain or other symptoms until it caused the duodenum stricture. I am in stage 3 kidney failure and my kidneys probably couldn’t take the stress of any aggressive treatment, ie major surgery such as a whipple which I refused 7 years ago.
The 2 procedures I had to open the duodenum threw me into stage 4 with creative level at 2.34.
So we decided now would be a good time to call in Hospice to oversee care.
I am at peace with that decision. And at this time I am feeling good.
Such great tips @dotmoto. You and @wrolsen give hope.
@sadiegrace, I'll be thinking of you as you prepare for your appointment tomorrow and hope you'll share what you learn so we can journey with you.
Protein Shake Recipe
2 raw eggs (use pasteurized in Shell (Sprouts) or homogenized eggs in carton)
1/2 C Fairfield 2% lactose free milk
1/2 C Lactaid 2% lactose free milk
1to 1/2 C rinsed canned bottled peaches
I used Costco ( you can use 2.5 T sugar instead in place of)
1/4 to 1/2 t of vanilla powder ( I used Nielsen Massey Madagascar pure vanilla powder from Amazon) Powder vanilla was highly recommended
or 1/4-1/2 C vanilla or favorite flavor yogurt
1 T half and half
1/2 C crushed ice
Optional: Vitamin D drops can be added
Blend in blender till smooth and put in two containers one to drink immediately and ( I used hydroflask) one to keep cold till mid afternoon.
The recipe can be modified to be used as what ingredients are available or desired.
Plant based milk can be substituted easily. Patient loved the taste of the freshness and taste of the peaches like a Orange Julius except this is like Peach Julius
Makes drink 465 calories
This recipe from a patient, Joy, that had obstruction of the esophagus and in chronic pain and was suffering from failure to thrive. She could drink this drink daily and thrive. And this encouraged her to eat other foods. She gave us hope.
Could you share recipe for smooth. My husband is getting tired of ensure.