Painful/Burning Shin with no known cause: Ideas?

Posted by clcole @clcole, Jun 8, 2022

Started in January I began to have pain in my right shin when driving. It has progressively gotten worse over the last six months. I cry when I drive. The pain is also keeping me up at night and I can’t stand for longer then ten minutes and walking hurts. No one can figure it out. I had a knee MRI that showed a little damage, a back MRI that said mild bulging of disks. I have tried acupuncture, massage, PT and a chiropractor. Nothing has helped. I can’t do anything and I’m so frustrated and depressed.

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@clcole, you sound like you're at the end of your rope. What did the physio therapist offer as possible exercises? It can take a long time to see results, but consistency and regularity are key.


I have burning shin pain as well as the medial side of the knee. That’s nerve pain. It’s apparently coming from my back (as most does). So I have a plan in place with a chiropractor. Hopefully he helps. He explained that’s where the sciatica branches off. And I am told that mri does not always show small nerves.


I have the same problem with both legs. My physiotherapist noted that my quads are weak and has started me on very gentle exercises to strengthen them.


Hi @clcole. I feel for you, having had similar experiences. Have you spoke with a neurologist or had nerve testing?


Hi Clcole:
Oh my gosh! I have the same shin pain while driving with my right leg. I’ve had bi-lateral chronic shin pain since 2007. Went to Mayo in JAX, Florida. Had a muscle biopsy which showed “abnormal”. Sadly, no doctor called me to let me know the results of the biopsy (Yes-I called to follow-up). I also had a consult with a sports medicine physician at Mayo. He looked at how I walked and referred me to another doctor to deal with long-term chronic pain.

I finally found a PT that actually cares and is trying to help me minimize my pain. My feet supenate (roll outwards). I now only wear low-heeled wooden Mary Jane shoes (Lotta from Sweden) or sneakers with orthotics. When driving, my seat is very close to the steering wheel and I ensure my full foot is on the pedal. I am also doing PT daily. I have little big toe flexibility, so this is a big part of my daily PT regimen. My PT said I have the biggest tendon he has ever seen from my toes. My PT has 30 years experience and he said he had never seen anyone else with this problem. I was thrilled when I saw your post because I am not alone, but sad for you as chronic pain is the worst.
I will have an MRI done on both shins in a few weeks. I went to an orthopedic practice so I am 100% certain that a muscle skeletal radiologist will read the MRI images. The orthopedic Dr also started me on Meloxicam and I am icing my shins 3x/day.

My left shin is better, but I still have horrible pain in my right shin when driving. I am a pharmaceutical sales rep, so I spend all day driving. I am close to asking my HR dept to install hand controls for my company car.

I’ve spent the last 15 years modifying my activities. I stand for an hour and then I take a break. I do no real walking or hiking and I hate to stand in lines because of the pain. I’m 5 ft, 5 inches and 125 lbs, so I am not overweight. I’m also a bit bow-legged.

I would give anything for an answer and am hoping the MRI will explain “why”.

Please keep this blog updated.


I have the same problem with both legs. My physiotherapist noted that my quads are weak and has started me on very gentle exercises to strengthen them.

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Has strengthening your quads helped?


Has strengthening your quads helped?

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Unfortunately, my insurance company dropped the PT group I had been going to. I tried to keep up on my own, but I was inconsistent and sometimes it made the pain worse. My primary care doctor suggested gabapentin, which I was willing to try. An orthopedist suggested a spinal injection, which I also tried. I had a ultrasound that revealed venous reflux on my left leg, but that didn't explain the pain on the right leg.

I still haven't found the answer to the cause -- or cure for -- my pain. I am now on 300 mg of gabapentin 3x per day, 500 mg of Tylenol (acetaminophen) 2x day, and a prescription 5% lidocaine patch once a day. That keeps me mobile, but I still am very stiff in the morning and will have both legs lock up if I either walk too fast or too long. I do have arthritic knees, but that doesn't explain why they lock up only when I walk too fast. I think that's back-related because I'm taking longer strides.

I would like to go to physical therapy again, but I've moved, and I'll also be changing insurance companies early next year, so for now I'm trying walking at a slow to normal pace and taking the medications. I don't like taking medications, but right now that's the only thing that keeps me mobile.


Unfortunately, my insurance company dropped the PT group I had been going to. I tried to keep up on my own, but I was inconsistent and sometimes it made the pain worse. My primary care doctor suggested gabapentin, which I was willing to try. An orthopedist suggested a spinal injection, which I also tried. I had a ultrasound that revealed venous reflux on my left leg, but that didn't explain the pain on the right leg.

I still haven't found the answer to the cause -- or cure for -- my pain. I am now on 300 mg of gabapentin 3x per day, 500 mg of Tylenol (acetaminophen) 2x day, and a prescription 5% lidocaine patch once a day. That keeps me mobile, but I still am very stiff in the morning and will have both legs lock up if I either walk too fast or too long. I do have arthritic knees, but that doesn't explain why they lock up only when I walk too fast. I think that's back-related because I'm taking longer strides.

I would like to go to physical therapy again, but I've moved, and I'll also be changing insurance companies early next year, so for now I'm trying walking at a slow to normal pace and taking the medications. I don't like taking medications, but right now that's the only thing that keeps me mobile.

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Careful with gaba, weight gain due to overwhelming feeling of huner that is actually pain.
Also my cholesterol, triglycerides went from low low normal oit of range low! - to out of range high. HDLs dropped significantly, LDLs increased significantly. Drs don't tell you about this. If you already have lipid issues, get the tested often. As soon as I came iff of it, my lipids returned to normal but still higher than previous. Friends have hotten very confused and one suicidal where she had never before felt this way. Weight gain is neatly guaranteed.

I take Lamictal (unichem manu only). Same class of drugs. I take it for CRPS pain which helps some, also for seizures and modtly mood regulation for bipolar.

The only thing that comes to mind are the shin splints runners can get? As a nurse, tibial pain, without a spontaneous microfracture esp with Osteoporosis. Some fracture don't show up right away. Or hidden.

Symptoms are a lot like CRPS bit tjere is always a trauma that causes CRPS and usually starrs in hands or feet tho can d
Spread. Don't disregard back disks as cause.


I have burning shin pain as well as the medial side of the knee. That’s nerve pain. It’s apparently coming from my back (as most does). So I have a plan in place with a chiropractor. Hopefully he helps. He explained that’s where the sciatica branches off. And I am told that mri does not always show small nerves.

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I’ve had ankle and shin pain in both legs for three years. Burns at night. I only wear NewBalance shoes. Anything else will cause horrible nighttime pain. I been to 4 podiatrists, 2 sports med specialists, 3 orthopedists…. I found a podiatrist who finally listened…. He said my pain seems to be caused by the inflamed band that goes across the upper ankle and holds the shin ligaments in place.
He taped one foot for a week to see if I noticed a difference. Wow, yes. Next week I will return, and he will give me an injection, and we’ll go from there.
I’m also on 300 mg of gabapentin per night, that seems to temper the RLS somewhat. Definitely a work in progress.


I have that shin tingling and pain with driving. I also feel a band across the front of my ankle making driving very uncomfortable. I use my cruise control as often as possible.
Have you had an EMG? That could tell your doc if it is limited to one nerve root. I have had 5 spine surgeries so far and still have sciatica so my pain starts in my glute and follows the nerve root down for L4/5.
I am wondering, if on an MRI, they could see an impingement of the nerve?

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