Oxaliplatin is no walk in the park, advice for CAPOX regimen?

Posted by chinoomee @chinoomee, Mar 7 10:49pm

Just had first infusion today.
Felt fine and now hours later everything hurts ( numbness, tingling, muscle aches, muscle spasms upon sneezing in my jaw, muscle spasms across my eyes/temple upon tear production and of course upon water being just slightly cooler than room temp) how did you guys manage?

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I did ice packs and drank ice water during my infusions. It helped with that jaw tightening when drinking. My oncologist also added Emend to my premeds to help with the horrible nausea


Not during infusion. The way it works is when the cold packs are applied it shrinks the capillary vessels in your fingertips and toes and reduces the concentration of oxaloplatin in those areas that is the cause of cold sensitivity and neuropathy after infusion give it a try it really worked for me

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I sure wish I would have known that 10 years ago after infusions with Oxaliplatin. The nerve damage seems to be from the weakness in the hip, knee buckling, foot drop and now hammertoes on my right side. It's hard to believe that the drugs we have to take to save our lives
can do such damage.


Hi - My husband is really affected by the cold sensitivity. Just wanted more on the cold packs... you applied them to your fingertips and toes after the infusion? For how long and for how many days? Appreciate the tip. Thanks!

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Welcome, @jd1010. Your questions about the cold packs are good ones. I'm tagging @roywalton to make sure he sees your questions.

JD, the cooling mitts and socks are worn during chemotherapy infusion. You might find this article helpful:
- Can Cooling Gloves and Socks Relieve Chemotherapy Neuropathy? https://www.healthline.com/health/cancer/can-cooling-gloves-and-socks-relieve-chemotherapy-neuropathy

Here's a related discussion:
- Chemo cold cap, socks and mitts: Share your experiences

How is your husband doing?


Welcome, @jd1010. Your questions about the cold packs are good ones. I'm tagging @roywalton to make sure he sees your questions.

JD, the cooling mitts and socks are worn during chemotherapy infusion. You might find this article helpful:
- Can Cooling Gloves and Socks Relieve Chemotherapy Neuropathy? https://www.healthline.com/health/cancer/can-cooling-gloves-and-socks-relieve-chemotherapy-neuropathy

Here's a related discussion:
- Chemo cold cap, socks and mitts: Share your experiences

How is your husband doing?

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Thank you for this and for following up.
He has completed 4 rounds of 5FU and honestly he is doing well. His main side effect is the cold sensitivity. He does wear gloves when he has to go into the refrigerator, but I try and take everything out for him beforehand. Hopefully as the weather gets warmer he will feel better. We go for treatment next week and will share this information with the Oncology team.

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