Oxalates in food

Posted by rabbitmommy @rabbitmommy, Jan 22, 2019

For several months I have had kidney stone symptoms. I am waiting on a test to be authorized. In the meantime I have been researching low oxalate foods. All of my favorite foods appear to be loaded with oxalates: beets and beet greens, spinich, sweet potatoes, nuts, sesame seeds, garbonzo beans.....what is really confusing me is all the conflicting information. On some lists sunflower seeds are low others very high....I bought a bulk supply of mung beans and split peas because a list said the are low in oxalates, but now I am finding other lists that say they are high. Pumpkin also has conflicting results.....at this point I am afraid to eat anything!

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Kidney & Bladder Support Group.

I know how you feel. Couple weeks ago during my meeting with my PCP, I told her that I nearly cut all alcohol out of my diet. I used to drink wine with dinner. She said, "Oh that's good, a recent study showed alcohol causes cancer." I answered that EVERYTHING causes cancer. She laughed and agreed.

I started taking MoonStone pills that alkalinize your urine, decreasing the possibility of stone formation.

My point in my response to you is that you shouldn't worry about it. Keep eating what you have been. We love Mung beans too. There's a downside to almost everything, and as long as you don't overdo it, you'll be okay.


I was diagnosed with stage 4 renal failure in January of 2023. I did not believe it (I mean I was still peeing), but it was true. I had a kidney biopsy, the cause was enteric hyperaluxoria, which is oxalate poisoning hastened by my RnY bypass surgery. I have spent the last 2 years learning about oxalate poisoning and oxalate levels in food. I believe of slate poisoning is very common, but it is not widely discusses and there are is a lot of information and misinformation regarding oxalates. I recommend googling Sally Norton and reading her book, toxic superfoods.

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