OP & ACL surgery

Posted by debkincaid @debkincaid, Jan 9 11:31pm

Just dx’ed w/OP. I had ACL surgery in the 80s & have always been very happy with the results until this past summer. It’s suddenly catching or getting stuck usually in bed at night. It is very painful. I wonder if it is caused by changes in my bone. My doctor wiggled it around & said it felt good. Anyone else have OP & ACL surgery? Any problems w/the ACL?

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Ask your doctor for an MRI of the knee to rule out other changes to the knee structure. The surgery seems too long ago to suddenly have produced new scar tissue. It could be muscular, but you could be over extending the joint in sleep positioning. It felt good to the doctor because he didn't challenge the positioning that is making your night painful.
Whenever the physician can't explain you have an invitation to ask for a referral or imaging studies. There could be changes to bones in the knee.
There are two OP medication that increase the chondrocytes in knee cartilage: tymlos and forteo.


Thank you for this; I will request an MRI!


Hello @debkincaid. You may also find the following discussions relevant to surgeries while on osteoporosis:

- Surgery while on eventing: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/surgery-while-on-evenity/
- Anyone had surgery with osteoporosis diagnosis? https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/surgery-even-with-an-osteoporosis-diagnosis/

@mspatart, @dappy, and @susanfalcon52 all discussed surgeries while being diagnosis with OP. @debkincaid, how are you doing with your knee? Was there a triggering event brought it on, or did it seem to come of nowhere?


Hello @debkincaid. You may also find the following discussions relevant to surgeries while on osteoporosis:

- Surgery while on eventing: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/surgery-while-on-evenity/
- Anyone had surgery with osteoporosis diagnosis? https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/surgery-even-with-an-osteoporosis-diagnosis/

@mspatart, @dappy, and @susanfalcon52 all discussed surgeries while being diagnosis with OP. @debkincaid, how are you doing with your knee? Was there a triggering event brought it on, or did it seem to come of nowhere?

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Yes it came out of no where. Sleeping peacefully then I tried to flip sides but my ACL knee was just locked & screaming painful. I went to try to pick it up but it released & the pain went away. The next day the knee feels fine. This has happened 4 times since JUL 23. I’ve been trying to keep that knee bent while I sleep since reading the comment above about over extending; no recent locking.

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