One Year after TKR

Posted by rickraleigh @rickraleigh, Oct 5, 2021

My surgery was successful. I went through what most folks do along the way to a year. I performed range of motion exercises for the whole year. Now my knee and leg don't feel like my other knee--I have a tight band feeling in the TKR knee but no pain. I don't have the fine motor control in my TKR knee which would help with finer-tuned motion. I have very good range of motion. I've started playing doubles tennis, I walk the golf course most times when I play, and I use the elliptical often and do weights, including strength building on my legs. I am happy with the surgery, but wish I never had to have it because the TKR knee will never be a good as my other knee. I think the worse your knee is before surgery, the happier you will be with a TKR. My knee wasn't that bad, but I went ahead with the surgery and I'm OK with the outcome. I'm hoping the knee continues to improve over time. Anybody know if improvement continues? I'm 73 years old.

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Actually, Sally, the Conformis knees have been around for over 10 years. However, they require special surgical equipment and special training for the orthopedic surgeon and his staff, so the use is just beginning to become common outside of major orthopedic medical centers.

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Thank you sue
I just found out thats what my husband is getting I did a lot of research yesterday and I am so glad he has a great surgeon Unfortunately can't say the same for my dear brother


I am 14 months post-bilateral knee replacement. I, too, had an excellent recovery with excellent range of motion. Doc said I could return to my regular activities and I did, although my regular activities probably aren't the typical activities for a 74 year-old woman. I mountain bike, hike, and workout, albeit avoiding high impact moves. About a month ago I probably overdid my physical activities and developed a stinging sensation in the lower outer quadrant primarily of my left knee, less so in the right, along with the band of tightness you discussed. X-rays showed no damage to the hardware, so I am treating it as tendonitis with rest and ice, which have helped.
I have a follow up with my ortho surgeon next month and if he says I can resume my activities, I will, since there is no real pain. Both of my knee joints had been "completely obliterated"...surgeon's arthritis and I am overjoyed to have my new knees. I know they are not the same as "real knees" and never will be and that was an adjustment in my thinking initially, but being free to be mobile and athletic again is totally worth the minor inconveniences I may experience.


Agree totally...I used to do Aquafit in the water and loved it and was told even in the pool no jumping or running in place because although the impact isn't like not being in water you still impact the knee. We did lots of jumping exercises and running in place etc.... we just have to find different ways to exercise.

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My PT and ortho surgeon have been very supportive of my doing aquatic fitness. I find it has improved/lessened the tightness I felt around my knees (both TKRs) at about 9 months post op. Although I must admit I have not tried the water trampoline, LOL. I hope you continue to improve.


My PT and ortho surgeon have been very supportive of my doing aquatic fitness. I find it has improved/lessened the tightness I felt around my knees (both TKRs) at about 9 months post op. Although I must admit I have not tried the water trampoline, LOL. I hope you continue to improve.

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We do lots of running in place and jumping and I was told not do to this even in water because of the impact on my knees. The one time I did go and do the things that I could do without the jumping and running in 20 minutes I was so sore and hurting. Supposedly my surgeon said it will get better over time (I'm at 1 year). Yet PT says to keep exercising but after one session I'm sore for days on end. ROM is really good, extension good just so sore and stiff at times. I'm really confused with all the different answers.

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