One month on prednisone. Bloodwork showed neutrophil high/lymphocytes

Posted by lindapayton @lindapayton, Nov 28, 2023

One month with prednisone. Is it common for neutrophil to be high and lymphocytes low? My monocytes are low. My wbc is high. Mt CRP is back to normal. Send rate was always normal.

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Just checked my bloods. Results for just under 2 months on prednisone were:
Neutrophils were more than double pre-PMR levels but still in normal range.
Lymphocytes were a little lower than pre-PMR but still normal range.
Monocytes were almost unchanged.
White cells were 50% higher than before PMR but still normal range.
ESR (similar to CRP) was back to normal from high before prednisolone.

My recent bloods after 6 months on prednisolone show all three of those have returned to levels more like they were before PMR, so they do seem to change a bit. Maybe ask your doctor to explain your results?


Hi @lindapayton, I would like to add my welcome to Connect along with @megz and others. I agree with @megz that it might be best to ask your doctor to explain the test results. There is another related discussion on the topic that might be helpful:
--- Steroids/PMR and Low Absolute Lymphocytes:

I did find a reference article that provides more information on the topic:
--- How Glucocorticoids Affect the Neutrophil Life:

Are you able to discuss the test results with your doctor and give us an update?


After I got on prednisone a number of my blood tests were abnormal or borderline high or low. Every time I researched a particular test I found out that an abnormal reading could mean that I have cancer or other diseases but it also could be caused by prednisone. At my first blood test after starting the pred I had high white blood cells, high neutrophils, low lymphocytes and normal monocytes. My rheumatologist was not concerned and all those tests normalized as I tapered and are normal after 2+ years on prednisone.


I experienced the same.


Good Morning everyone. My bloodwork has been pretty stable since starting prednisone in May, 2023 with one exception. My blood glucose levels started to get out of control after a few months on prednisone. The range is 70mg/-99, in Oct my reading was 164mg/dl (high) and in Nov the reading was 102mg/dl. I couldn’t understand these results as I was really cutting out sugar in my diet but I did read that prednisone can cause this glucose rise. Needless to say I did not want to add more medications to my mix to control glucose. Dr. didn’t seem particularly concerned so I have continued to limit my sugar intake (not easy during this time of year)! I guess what I am trying to say is that prednisone can cause wacky blood test results. If your Dr. not concerned I would follow her lead. Happy Holidays everyone. My wish is that we all stay healthy and active in the New Year!


I just got an update on my bloodwork and doctor said that is because of the prednisone.


I used to look at my bloodwork before seeing the doctor. The results looked really not so good to me!!! I had no idea what it was all about!!! now I let the doctor go over everything with me that concerns her. Well the things I thought were really bad my rheumatologist had absolutely no problem with them!!! I really learned my lesson now when I go in if the doctor has any problems with my blood work she will discuss it with me. Good luck to you!!!


After I got on prednisone a number of my blood tests were abnormal or borderline high or low. Every time I researched a particular test I found out that an abnormal reading could mean that I have cancer or other diseases but it also could be caused by prednisone. At my first blood test after starting the pred I had high white blood cells, high neutrophils, low lymphocytes and normal monocytes. My rheumatologist was not concerned and all those tests normalized as I tapered and are normal after 2+ years on prednisone.

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I know that feeling, too. It's scary when you think you may have some horrible other disease; then you discover that the variation in results is likely due to prednisone. Such a relief.
I am being tapered from 20 mg, then 15 mg, now at 10 mg. I see that my ESR is creeping up again, after it and the CRP were back to normal. Being on prednisone is like being on a roller coaster- so many ups and downs.
Don't like the weight gain, either. Can't wear any lace-up sneakers because of puffy feet.
I hope I'll be able to wear them again once I'm off the prednisone ( I hope I'll be off it at some point).

Good luck to all fellow sufferers and hang in there!


Good Morning everyone. My bloodwork has been pretty stable since starting prednisone in May, 2023 with one exception. My blood glucose levels started to get out of control after a few months on prednisone. The range is 70mg/-99, in Oct my reading was 164mg/dl (high) and in Nov the reading was 102mg/dl. I couldn’t understand these results as I was really cutting out sugar in my diet but I did read that prednisone can cause this glucose rise. Needless to say I did not want to add more medications to my mix to control glucose. Dr. didn’t seem particularly concerned so I have continued to limit my sugar intake (not easy during this time of year)! I guess what I am trying to say is that prednisone can cause wacky blood test results. If your Dr. not concerned I would follow her lead. Happy Holidays everyone. My wish is that we all stay healthy and active in the New Year!

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CMP glucose results can jump all over the place. A better measure is the A1C test, which gives your average over a 3-month period. I too had elevated glucose at 10 mgs of prednisone. Four months later, at P6, my A1C has declined to 5.8 from 6.3, which seems to confirm that the elevation is/was directly related to prednisone.

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