Ocular edema, iridocyclitis, anterior uveitis, ocular herpes

Posted by sb4ca @sb4ca, Jul 20, 2023

I have had a collection of unusual eye disease that I can't find an answer for. This started 6 years ago and was initially diagnosed with ocular herpes causing uveitis. It would go from one eye to the other while I was on anti-virals. I went to a teaching University dedicated eye clinic. I completely stumped the doctor. I just received my records from there and see he first diagnosed me with iridocyclitis. Over a period of 3 months, I was getting ocular edema without sign of infection again passing from eye to eye. He ran blood tests thinking it could be systemic but all test were normal. He finally biopsied the fluid and I swear he told me it was herpes but the biopsy didn't find any viral antibodies (though that could be expected). All these conditions affected my eyesight and caused pain and halos. On June 28th it started again. First in the left and then the right. Eye dr said it was Zoster infection. You could see ulcerations and tiny blisters and noted previous scarring. I just finished the steroid eye drops and my right eye was very irritated last night. Now I can't see out of that eye again. Has anyone had a non-remitting course like this or any suggestions for me?

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