Numbness in feet: Any suggestions for relief?

Posted by missbutterfly2be @missbutterfly2be, Sep 2, 2023

I have numbness in my feet after exercise or when I lie or sit down. No pain but my legs feel weak. Any suggestions for relief?

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Hello @gba, I have moved your discussion to an existing discussion titled NUMBNESS IN FEET, I did this so you could read other members' experiences with similar experiences like @missbutterfly2be, @paktoledo, and @pacer3702.

@gba, you mentioned neuropathy as the cause, what sort of things have you tried to this point? You mentioned scrambler therapy helping.


This is a long shot but believe it helped me: I put on weight and continued to wear my same clothes. I think the elastic bands in these clothes, around my waist was acting like a tourniquet of sorts. They became too snug and decreased circulation to my lower extremities. Is it time for some better fitting clothes?

A friend had discomfort in the toes and found rubbing Cocoa Butter on them helpful (A doctor had recommend this).


Too much vitamin B6 can cause peripheral neuropathy. Warnings on vitamin and mineral supplements that contain over 10mg of vitamin B6 have recently been made mandatory in Australia because it can cause PN. Some multi-vitamins and particularly magnesium supplements have very high doses of B6, well in excess of the 1-3mg recommended daily intake which can easily be got from the diet.

Check all your supplements for B6 (pyridoxine) as an ingredient. The magnesium tablets I'd been taking for years contained 60mg of B6 and my blood tests for B6 levels came back with a warning about high peripheral neuropathy risk. Ironically, the blood test was done to see if I was deficient in B6.


My neurologist thinks its from my PD but I don't have any pain and my neurologist doesn't know why I have it just when I exercise. She said to try B12 but I have been doing that for six months and there isn't any difference. My chiropractor told me to try frankincense and myrrh so that is my next try. I get no relief from massage..

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Hi, I take Alpha Lipoic Acid and Acetyl L Carnitine supplements and they help with the burning, pins and needles and numbness in my feet since my small fiber neuropathy diagnosis. I now get new numbness in my feet when I walk too much or too long/far but believe it is tied to my lumbar spinal stenosis (not sure if peripheral nerves are being irritated or vascular impingement). Good luck! I know how uncomfortable this can be!


This is a long shot but believe it helped me: I put on weight and continued to wear my same clothes. I think the elastic bands in these clothes, around my waist was acting like a tourniquet of sorts. They became too snug and decreased circulation to my lower extremities. Is it time for some better fitting clothes?

A friend had discomfort in the toes and found rubbing Cocoa Butter on them helpful (A doctor had recommend this).

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I found that by using salon pas pain patches help a lot!


Sorry, what is salon....? thanks

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@jojo. Salon Pas is a pain patch with lidocaine that you can buy at a drug store. It usually works for mild pain. Didn’t work for me at all, but does work for some people.
Do you have pain somewhere?


@jojo. Salon Pas is a pain patch with lidocaine that you can buy at a drug store. It usually works for mild pain. Didn’t work for me at all, but does work for some people.
Do you have pain somewhere?

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ni, just was not clear. But, I thought lidocaine was taken out of market as had some kind of a chemical. But, not sure. Please research.


@jojo. Lidocaine is still being used. Some, in vials and ampules, was on back order , but still available. Salon Pas was never out of lidocaine.


@jojo. Salon Pas is a pain patch with lidocaine that you can buy at a drug store. It usually works for mild pain. Didn’t work for me at all, but does work for some people.
Do you have pain somewhere?

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No pain anymore, Scrambler was successful for me. Now the numbness remains.

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