Nocturnal Leg Cramps - Help!

Posted by ashby1947 @ashby1947, Oct 20, 2019

Does anyone have a suggestion to help deal with foot/ankle/leg cramps in the middle of the night? I take plenty of calcium and magnesium and am thinking that I need to increase my potassium intake. Topical lotions (Theraworx, Tiger Balm, etc.) have not helped. I hope this is a good day for whoever is reading this! Sue

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Hi, Sue! I hope your leg cramps have improved with some of the suggestions offered by others thus far. Have you gotten your potassium and magnesium levels checked by your doctor? That may be a worthwhile starting point.

Also, how you take/receive your supplements (in what form and how/when you choose to consume them) has a huge impact on their ability to be utilized by your body. Magnesium, in particular, isn't very bio-available in many of the forms that it comes in in OTC supplements. After doing research on magnesium supplements a few years ago, I found a supplement that offers it in a form that the body can actually use it and have been taking it nightly since, tapering it to the dose that my body likes most. It's called Natural Vitality CALM. For me personally, about a teaspoon dissolved in a few ounces of hot water right before bed does the trick perfectly!

I've also found I need to avoid eating certain things within a few hours of bedtime, as those can still trigger awful cramps, but for the most part I remain leg-cramp-free these days and am able to get a much more steady and worthwhile night's sleep.

Good luck and many blessings to you!


Hi, Sue! I hope your leg cramps have improved with some of the suggestions offered by others thus far. Have you gotten your potassium and magnesium levels checked by your doctor? That may be a worthwhile starting point.

Also, how you take/receive your supplements (in what form and how/when you choose to consume them) has a huge impact on their ability to be utilized by your body. Magnesium, in particular, isn't very bio-available in many of the forms that it comes in in OTC supplements. After doing research on magnesium supplements a few years ago, I found a supplement that offers it in a form that the body can actually use it and have been taking it nightly since, tapering it to the dose that my body likes most. It's called Natural Vitality CALM. For me personally, about a teaspoon dissolved in a few ounces of hot water right before bed does the trick perfectly!

I've also found I need to avoid eating certain things within a few hours of bedtime, as those can still trigger awful cramps, but for the most part I remain leg-cramp-free these days and am able to get a much more steady and worthwhile night's sleep.

Good luck and many blessings to you!

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What foods do you find that can trigger cramps? My issue is more restless legs. I do think Ca and Mg does help.


What foods do you find that can trigger cramps? My issue is more restless legs. I do think Ca and Mg does help.

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I believe some forms of gluten do, but not all. Also, licorice, oddly enough. Even in smaller amounts.


I have experiencing some severe leg cramps at night. They are so painful they bring me to tears. I can't even get out of bed because I cannot put any weight on my cramped legs. I have been trying to hydrate better. Any suggestions?


I have experiencing some severe leg cramps at night. They are so painful they bring me to tears. I can't even get out of bed because I cannot put any weight on my cramped legs. I have been trying to hydrate better. Any suggestions?

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@linda125 Hello & Welcome to Mayo Connect. If you are suffering the agony of leg cramps, you might find some answers in this discussion: "Nocturnal Leg Cramps: Help!" Just click the link:

Just a hint about finding answers in Connect - there is a search box at the top of the screen, and if you put your concern there, you will get a list of discussions that contain your issue.



I have experiencing some severe leg cramps at night. They are so painful they bring me to tears. I can't even get out of bed because I cannot put any weight on my cramped legs. I have been trying to hydrate better. Any suggestions?

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I had stunningly painful leg cramps (more like leg jackknifings) when I tried various statins to lower cholesterol. If you're on any medications, check the side effects. A good, experienced pharmacist can review your prescription record to see if you've filled prescriptions for drugs known to trigger leg cramps. There are various forms of magnesium that prevent leg cramps for a lot of people. Also prescription drugs that can help. The best advice is to ask your doctor of course bur leg cramps can usually be alleviated.


Mine stopped after I started drinking low sodium V-8 every morning. It has a high level of potassium. I also take Magnesium but it was the potassium that helped my leg cramps. Everyone is different so that was just my experience!


I had stunningly painful leg cramps (more like leg jackknifings) when I tried various statins to lower cholesterol. If you're on any medications, check the side effects. A good, experienced pharmacist can review your prescription record to see if you've filled prescriptions for drugs known to trigger leg cramps. There are various forms of magnesium that prevent leg cramps for a lot of people. Also prescription drugs that can help. The best advice is to ask your doctor of course bur leg cramps can usually be alleviated.

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@callalloo @linda125 Good point. I was having terrible leg pains, so bad it was difficult to get from my bed to the bathroom in the morning and that's not further than 12'. I mentioned it to a friend and she immediately asked if I was on a statin. I was so I called my doctor and he tried taking me off of it and the pains went away. I am not now on a statin but fortunately my cholesterol is borderline so not too bad without medication.


I had stunningly painful leg cramps (more like leg jackknifings) when I tried various statins to lower cholesterol. If you're on any medications, check the side effects. A good, experienced pharmacist can review your prescription record to see if you've filled prescriptions for drugs known to trigger leg cramps. There are various forms of magnesium that prevent leg cramps for a lot of people. Also prescription drugs that can help. The best advice is to ask your doctor of course bur leg cramps can usually be alleviated.

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I have had those painful leg and foot cramps and my dr. gave me a prescription for quinine
sulfate 324mg. it's inexpensive and works. I've been on it 10 years with one pill at night and
no side effects.


I have experiencing some severe leg cramps at night. They are so painful they bring me to tears. I can't even get out of bed because I cannot put any weight on my cramped legs. I have been trying to hydrate better. Any suggestions?

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I once experienced the same. What I do: get up and take several supplements (calcium, magnesium, and potassium). Then, rub my calf. Now, I’m taking quite a few supplements and rarely feel a twinge. Good luck in your quest for help.

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