No one can tell me what is wrong with me… last resort posting here

Posted by captainhowdy @captainhowdy, Sep 18, 2023

This has recurred 4 times since May when I was on holiday in Italy and it’s been unbearable. I’m curious to know, has anyone experienced these exact symptoms?

A tight aching neck and kind of fizzy sunburn feeling at the base of the skull, like you’ve brushed your hair too hard. This can creep up the back of the scalp, over the top & into the temples but mainly stays at the base of the skull. It gets steadily worse and starts to throb & turn into pressure. Migraine tablets don’t help.

After 3 days of this, I get the most severe nausea that can last up to 2 weeks. I’m also fatigued, weak, loose bowels and can’t stomach food. The extreme nausea is the worst part of it for me because no anti-emetics touch it.

My neck is so tight feeling and my head feels light and heavy at the same time. I’m spaced out. Can’t concentrate or think straight.

I’ve had all the usual blood tests (full blood count etc) which was clear, endoscopy to check for stomach issues (clear), and have just paid £650 that I had to borrow for a MRI to check for neck spine issues. I just want to find out what’s wrong with me but docs aren’t interested, they blame anxiety. It’s not anxiety!

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I hope you find a doctor that can figure it out for you!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 hang in there!


Maybe mine is the most irrelevant post...but I am also a strong believer that a lot of our problems stem from (to various degree of severity) just because the Rest Of Our Lives are not in optimal order...from food intake (what when how much, how fast), to all range of mental and physical health problems from keeping our bodies in reasonably fit, flexible, nimble form, to how well we mange stress, often compromising sleep quality. No less important is stimulating social connection that comes with having a bunch of friends who you can trust enough, and they trust you, to pour out your concerns and issues.

In other words: Doing all what might be in Your Control, before looking for some external expert advice. It certainly seems to have worked for me for eight decades. Wish you good luck, my fellow human.


Unfortunately that’s the diagnosis when they don’t know what it is. Frankly I am quite sick if it. It’s happened to several times. What they miss is living like this would give anyone anxiety.
They should know better.


Unfortunately that’s the diagnosis when they don’t know what it is. Frankly I am quite sick if it. It’s happened to several times. What they miss is living like this would give anyone anxiety.
They should know better.

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Yes they should. Thank you for your compassion, it’s sorely lacking in the medical field I’ve found x


I’m sorry you are feeling ill. Have you been checked for shingles or other nerve related issues?


Nutcracker syndrome


As a fellow sufferer of other weird symptoms no one can diagnose (I fall down for no diagnosable reason), I wish I could tell you what you have, but have general advice. If you cannot work and have not applied already, apply for disability right away. (it takes awhile to get, and a lawyer will take the case on a percentage basis). At least on disability, you qualify for medicare, which will help pay for doctors--Western and alternative--to find out what is wrong. You will eventually have to see a neurologist, and alternative medical experts (naturopaths, etc.) which may or may not be helpful. Also, keep doing your own research--get a copy of Prescription for Nutritional Healing, a huge book that suggests foods, herbs, and supplements to treat hundreds of symptoms of known and unknown symptoms. If you find some supplements you want to try, get them in powder form (if it can be reduced to a powder) at bulk, where they are much less expensive to try than supplements already in pill form. Continue to do your own research. Eventually you will stumble onto information that helps. I've found things that help mine, but no diagnosis or cure yet. Don't give up.


Nutcracker syndrome

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Wrong part of the body effected for nutcracker syndrome. Although have you considered back tracking on what you’ve done differently in the ensuing period(s) prior to the symptom’s that may be a culprit? Maybe an environmental thing that you encountered in passing? I’d look to a large teaching institution for answers too. Good luck!

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