No one can tell me what is wrong with me… last resort posting here

Posted by captainhowdy @captainhowdy, Sep 18, 2023

This has recurred 4 times since May when I was on holiday in Italy and it’s been unbearable. I’m curious to know, has anyone experienced these exact symptoms?

A tight aching neck and kind of fizzy sunburn feeling at the base of the skull, like you’ve brushed your hair too hard. This can creep up the back of the scalp, over the top & into the temples but mainly stays at the base of the skull. It gets steadily worse and starts to throb & turn into pressure. Migraine tablets don’t help.

After 3 days of this, I get the most severe nausea that can last up to 2 weeks. I’m also fatigued, weak, loose bowels and can’t stomach food. The extreme nausea is the worst part of it for me because no anti-emetics touch it.

My neck is so tight feeling and my head feels light and heavy at the same time. I’m spaced out. Can’t concentrate or think straight.

I’ve had all the usual blood tests (full blood count etc) which was clear, endoscopy to check for stomach issues (clear), and have just paid £650 that I had to borrow for a MRI to check for neck spine issues. I just want to find out what’s wrong with me but docs aren’t interested, they blame anxiety. It’s not anxiety!

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Occipital tightness as the base of skull. Radiates the nerves up the scalp. This can be from neck/shoulder tightness that you are unaware of that is referred upward, as well as looking down, screen time and overall poor posture.

And yes can also be stress/anxiety tension into the neck.

Myofascial release. Strengthening muscles and over all head posture improvement .

However don’t underestimate what anxiety can do to the body once in a chronically tightened state.


What did the MRI show?

Have you seen a neurologist?

I have had similar symptoms. I do tai chi, and use Ben Gay or BioFreeze. I also get PT massages (no exercises). Baclofen can help some.

Have you had any whiplash injuries?


Live had this happen a lot until I started stretching in the mornings and at night before I go to bed find a good stretch regiment and if your on a cell phone a lot looking down or a computer limit your time or it at least pay attention to it since your experiences our challenged without answers .., I know with age and I’m not that old our body starts to change just pay attention and see if anything changes if test rule no culprit could very well be stress and looking down a lot I had to change things up as a result to the same situation and I’m 52 but stretching has helped tremendously and I’m able to accomplish more by these small feats you’ll be surprised how much better you will feel . Just remember if it was easy everyone would be doing it .., take that step and see for yourself time heals if your willing to put the work in 🙏🏻


I am sooo sorry for what you are going through. I hope you can find answers quickly.


I had this kind of sensations when I ran out of antidepressants. The brain felt like an ice cream freeze headache, and the hair felt like each individual hair was standing on end. Could it be an endorphin or serotonin imbalance?


Since you were out of the country, I would be checked for parasite. If I were you sometimes you can see them in a scan or x-ray.


Maybe getting MRI OR MRA of your brain would be a good idea. Just a thought.


You could get an upright MRI or digital motion xray to Look for cranial instability or other issues.
Look it up online They now have doctors Who can read them?
Be prepared to pay We had to pay for both of my tests.


You could get an upright MRI or digital motion xray to Look for cranial instability or other issues.
Look it up online They now have doctors Who can read them?
Be prepared to pay We had to pay for both of my tests.

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I can’t afford an upright one now. The flat one wiped all my savings x


Maybe getting MRI OR MRA of your brain would be a good idea. Just a thought.

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I had one, all clear :/

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