No longer can safely cook.

Posted by geppetto @geppetto, Jan 10 5:44pm

I'm fortunate compared to others that have much more serious issues. But being the only caregiver for my wife I see things slowly slipping away. She always did most of the cooking, now it falls on me. She no longer responds to emails or text messages and most days does not get out of pajamas. Memory issues are definitely cropping up more and more as does the confusion over dates and appointments. I've learned patience and understanding go a long ways. Early on in joining this group I read about "the cavalry is not coming", it is so true.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Caregivers: Dementia Support Group.

@geppetto I think I met you yesterday in another discussion! I know that you’re at the beginning of a tough journey and you’re facing it with courage. Today there are groups that can help with meals. My husband and I volunteer with Meals on Wheels. This program delivers hot meals M-F to clients who are confined to their home and/or can no longer cook. You can check out your town or community for its existence. I’m sure other members will have more recommendations.

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