Night sweats after COVID

Posted by andscala @andscala, Dec 31, 2023

Hello everyone,
A few weeks ago I got COVID for the first time (as far as I know). It was mild and I have fully recovered.

However, I am recently experiencing some dry cough and night sweats (for the last 4-5 days). I have never had those before (only cough during Covid), and they both appeared at the same time.

I have had no fever except for one of the first night where I felt dizzy and tired and also got a very mild fever for a few hours. That night is when it started, i had very intense night sweats and now seems like they're getting less and less.

I am wondering if this could be a post COVID symptoms. I have some blood exams scheduled because I am terrified about other possible diseases like Lymphoma. Has anyone had similar symptoms within a month of COVID exposure?

Thank you in advance

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Following. I am on day four of isolation and had horrible night sweats last night. Earlier during day zero to three I was experiencing a mild fever and chills. Those symptoms have subsided and in replacement I have night sweats. It was intense last night. On six different occasions I would wake up soaked, have to dry off, rehydrate, and move to the other side of the bed where it was dry. Sweat and repeat until morning. I’ve also developed more of a dry cough that wasn’t present for the first few days.


Night sweats and random day sweats for that matter are all part of long Covid. It’s part of the fight or flight response that’s triggered so it very much could be tied to your Covid. I still get them three years later so I hope yours slow down like might have.


I sweat day or night. I have LC. I also could be in menopause. I could have sweating from both, who knows. Be aware of your body and symptoms. If you do have LC, you are now starting down the road of the non-stop medical testing. It took me almost 3 years to be diagnosed with LC. It is great to have lots of negative tests for terrifying diseases/conditions. However, it did become frustrating to not know what was wrong and feel like I was crazy. Keep reading posts on here of what symptoms people are experiencing.

I really hope you are not starting down this road. If you are, read these posts, articles about LC, and be a self advocate. I am so thankful for the Long Covid (LC) clinic where I am a patient. If you find you have lots of symptoms developing that are similar to those posted on here try to get one of your doctors to refer you to a Long Covid clinic sooner than later. Good luck!


I had 3 long bouts of Covid, eating up a lot of this year, and then I got RSV. I don't particularly have night sweats. I just have "hot flashes" constantly. I am 77 and if there was any possibility that you could go through menoopause twice, then that's what my diagnosis would be for myself! This was frustrating enough when I was actually in menopause, but to experience it for a second time is absurd. I was wrapping a few gifts before Xmas [not particularly physically exerting!] and my hair was dripping, my clothes were wet and I was miserable! I went to check and see what the temp was on the thermostat and it was 62 degrees!! 😁😆😅🤣


Among other symptoms, yes night sweats are definitely part of my nightly routine after Covid, but I experience chills too. They just keep alternating all night long


Following. I am on day four of isolation and had horrible night sweats last night. Earlier during day zero to three I was experiencing a mild fever and chills. Those symptoms have subsided and in replacement I have night sweats. It was intense last night. On six different occasions I would wake up soaked, have to dry off, rehydrate, and move to the other side of the bed where it was dry. Sweat and repeat until morning. I’ve also developed more of a dry cough that wasn’t present for the first few days.

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I tested positive yesterday for Covid and for three days I had a mild fever also 100.6. My fever has been normal for the last two days but I started having night sweats. And when I check my temperature it’s usually 97.7 at night and 98.4 to 98.7 during the day. so I hope these sweats subside. I have been so careful and wear my mask everywhere. I had some dental work done last week (tooth extracted for an eventual implant) and I’m wondering if I picked up Covid at the dental office. Talk about bad timing when I’m dealing with dental issues. Nice to have this forum to check in on one another with regard to these symptoms, so that we all realize that we’re not the only ones having a particular symptom. Thank you so much.


Members in this discussion may also be interested in this one:
- Post Covid sweating: Is this common for others too?


I’ve had LC about 3 years. Before COVID I never sweated- used to joke something was wrong with me.
I have been reading journal articles about the viral impact on the vagus nerve that controls the parasympathetic system that is supposed to balance the sympathies nervous system. I have intermittent tachycardia, daily fever, etc etc. I did buy a book on stimulating the vagus nerve but I’m not trying to give medical device, it’s just something I did bc I’m so desperate from this thing. But I’m at the point where I just want it to go away.


I feel your pain. Happened to me after the second time of getting COVID. I drop sweat and my hair gets wet. I hate it


Covid gave me Epilepsy. The first time I woke up after a sleep seizure, the bed was soaking wet from sweat. I’ve learned to recognize a soaking wet bed as a sign that I’ve had a sleep seizure. Now when it happens and I wake up to a soaking wet bed, I don’t bother to get in a wet bed anymore - I finish my nights sleep in the guest room. If this is a recurring issue get a mattress protector.

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