New/worsened symptoms over time?

Posted by jeindc @jeindc, 14 hours ago

Symptoms list and timing:
April 2023 (after COVID positive for 10 days; not hospitalized)
-rash on right inside of mouth.
-rash on right ankle and right inner thigh near knee.
-right leg & foot extreme swelling
-peeling bottoms of heels both feet

March 2024
-2 hour ultrasound - was told lymphedema and to get wraps
-extreme mucus production after eating

August 2024
-saw COVID specialist - told I had lipedema and there was nothing they could do. (Longer frustrating story but not worth telling.)

September 2024
-tinnitus and musical tinnitus 24/7 - in essence: never quiet
-slight hearing loss but could still hear spouse 3' away and TV.

Early Nov. 2024
-extreme hearing loss - could only watch TV w/ captions, couldn't hear spouse same distance or closer.
-saw ENT. Diagnosed with sinus issues but meds did nothing to change.
-audiometry test showed moderate hearing loss; considerations of hearing aids recommended

January 2025
-another audiometry test (different place) and greater hearing loss; testing hearing aids - helps with lost hearing not, as expected, with tinnitus
-what appears to be "brain fog" - one of the issues I most feared bec at almost 78 and self-employed, I had hoped to keep working. My spouse noticed the 'fog' first when I truly spaced out too many times and now I find I can't remember names of people, books, things that I knew well.
-extreme exhaustion - I, who used to get up before 6 am and be fine now can't wake up and can only work 5 hours/day at most.
-feeling cold all the time.(It's winter but I've never been like this.)

I realize I am now older and have not seen a cardiologist since this began - will in March. My most recent bloodwork showed nothing odd tho' when I had cancer, only a PET scan showed glowing; no blood tests ever showed signs so I'm skeptical.

New ID doc confirmed long COVID even tho' previous "specialist" said lipedema only.

Trying to understand from what I've read (Google alerts and medical and scientific papers) that symptoms can appear 2-3 years after testing positive w/ even mild symptoms. Is this others have experienced/are experiencing if COVID+? It is daunting to have new things happen and no other reasons that one can discern. (No one thinks brain tumor.)

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Though I don't have a blow by blow summary like you do @jeindc , I tested positive for COVID for the first time on 8/25/2020 after extreme fatigue and fever started on 8/24/20. I was ill for three weeks (fortunately at that time my company was paying my full salary as I contracted it from a patient even with social distancing and each of us wearing a mask). I felt close to 100% by December 2020, had my first Moderna on 2/1/2021 and the second on 3/1/21. Had side effects from the second shot, took a couple of days off to recover also on full pay. Two weeks later I tested positive again for COVID though much milder a case, was only out a week that time. That's when the LC symptoms began. I strongly believe my LC is from the vaccine, and there is more and more coming out about what Moderna and Pfizer kept from the public/lied to the public about the safety of the vaxes. My symptoms (brain fog--enough to diagnose me with mild cognitive impairment at 49 y/o (my IQ dropped 15 points, from 140 to 125 due to processing issues)--PEM, extreme fatigue, hypersomnia, joint and muscle pain, I still cannot taste or smell things since the initial infection 8/2020. I have been using intermittent FMLA at work and am now on Short term Disability until the end of this month when I will begin my return very slowly and only for a couple of hours a couple of days each week. I am lucky to work for a very understanding boss and company; honestly they should have fired me by now due to attendance policies, but they have been good to me after 5 years of employment. So, to answer your question, yes, my symptoms have gradually worsened since their initiation in March 2021.

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