Newly developed allergies, excema in ears

Posted by dlwallace @dlwallace, Oct 4, 2023

I got Covid/pneumonia in September of 2021. Since I have developed numerous allergies; tree nuts, several grasses, poison ivy, wine, blue cheese, laundry detergent, and severe allergic reaction to alcohol. I now also have excema in both ears, which is worse in the left, and develop rashes in random places, most recently my lower leg several hours after leaving a park (heavy wooded area, tall grasses feet off of a paved path), and a rash on my upper torso x2 weeks. Anyone know of anyone or heard of these developing symptoms?

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Yes, covid has attacked my right foot and ankle. First felt like fire. Then numb,them pain ... difficult to walk ..


I thank God for this group. The covid problems are so weird, painful and personal..covid isolates us . Now approaching year three. Sick of being sick ....Dear Lord please bring healing for us . We are suffering...


So sorry for what is happening to you. Covid effects are unpredictable and strange. I have been in health care since 1974. Write health education books... my body used to function like a trusty Toyota. Now a yugo lemon thick hair falling out . Eye sight changed ..ringing and pounding in the ears .. esophagus spasms ....gut issues, right ankle and foot pain . Skin weird a worm is wiggling under the skin ..or like a wire is scraping my skin, balance, endurance very poor. Then the anxiety, depression and nightmares....hay i wrote a book on Overcoming depression.....but the mental and emotional covid is worse than the physical......lots of prayer. Bible study . . God alone is my healer ...

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Amen to that. I try to live my life happy every day. This demonic long covid can do a lot of physical things to me, but I will always do my best to not let it take my hope or soul. I refuse to own this. I have in the hospital five times due to this unseen monster, but I will keep going and keep praying, believing and have hope that they will find a cure for everyone that deals with this. I know im not alone. When I first knew there was something serious going on with my health after Covid, noone ever spoke of it and there was not a name for it. It was the studies that I researched in UK and Japan that I first started understanding what was (or had happened) to me. Hang in there, I believe they will figure it out.


Since Covid, I have developed an allergy to latex & rubber products. I had surgery for a Hiatal Hernia (Covid/GERD related) and had red and blistered skin when the bandages were removed. I had a very bad reaction to a watch band and had to find one that may not look good, but does not break me out.


I have a history of environmental allergies before covid, some buildings I couldn’t work in because of it. After covid last may I became allergic to wheat and beef. I now have random hives that I haven’t figured out the cause.


I have not been on here for a while. I'm really glad I took a look at what you posted. I have never been allergic to grass or anything of the sort. About a month ago I was pulling out pieces of grass in an area where I have a flower bed. Within seconds my fingernails were inflamed and felt like they were on fire. When I looked at my fingers because of the pain, I was shocked that my fingernails were white with red swirls and my fingers were itching like crazy. A few minutes later a rash went up my arm. I ran inside and washed my hands thoroughly. I thought perhaps one of our aerial planes flew over the evening before, as they often do with chemicals to kill the bugs. I disregarded it. A couple days later I went outside, I had a little area of tall grass that I was pulling out that the mowers missed, again my fingers were itching, my legs brushed against the grass, my legs were itching as well. I told my husband this is crazy I've never been allergic to grass. Now that I'm reading this I realize I'm not the only one. Long covid has changed so much for me but I try not to own it. Ironically also you mentioned eczema in the ears. I am a tennis player, I use sunscreen as I should, my ears especially in my left one we're really red and a little scaly, I thought that I had put too much sunscreen on and somehow it affected my ears. That has never happened in the past. Again reading your post I guess that's just one of the crazy things that people would post covid like myself have to deal with. I try not to think about it because it frightens me as to what it's really doing to my system, things that we don't even know yet. Im so glad you posted this, thank you!

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I fear the things I don't know about as well, but it seems like I have a new allergy every month or so. Thank you for responding to my post, I'm just so happy to know that I am not alone and there are other's out there with similar experiences. It has taken over my life for the past two years, but I have so much more hope that I will be able to find some answers now and see some specialists.


I have developed lichen planus a rare eczema on my but between my cheeks,glossitis on my tonge,thyroiditis, nerological problems diverticulosis, barretts desease, ulcers, gastritis, my syncopy got worse,I have autoimmune problems yea


I have a history of environmental allergies before covid, some buildings I couldn’t work in because of it. After covid last may I became allergic to wheat and beef. I now have random hives that I haven’t figured out the cause.

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What causes allergies, your immune system attacking the allergens,after second bout with covid I have developed autoimmune problems its your immune system my humble opinion.


Since Covid, I have developed an allergy to latex & rubber products. I had surgery for a Hiatal Hernia (Covid/GERD related) and had red and blistered skin when the bandages were removed. I had a very bad reaction to a watch band and had to find one that may not look good, but does not break me out.

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Personally I have developed autoimmune problems after second bout with covid,rashes,stomach problems, thyroid problems, covid has messed my organs up.


What causes allergies, your immune system attacking the allergens,after second bout with covid I have developed autoimmune problems its your immune system my humble opinion.

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So a backstory. I’ve been a nurse for 20 years. I have autoimmune disease. Covid caused additional problems.

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