Neuropathy post-Covid infection: Is there treatment that helps?

Posted by erice10 @erice10, Nov 11, 2021

Since having Covid in Jan. of 2021, I have had constant numbness and joint stiffness in my feet. Is there a treatment or therapy to help with this? Is there a study researching this kind of problem in Covid long haulers? I had an ultrasound checking the blood circulation in my legs and everything was fine.

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I had COVID in March 2022I have continual burning and tingling of my skin on my arms legs and feet unbearable at first a year later it is a little better not as painful Doctor put me on Lyrica it helps a little but side affects from medication Blurred vision and brain fog praying will go away in time


I had COVID in March 2022I have continual burning and tingling of my skin on my arms legs and feet unbearable at first a year later it is a little better not as painful Doctor put me on Lyrica it helps a little but side affects from medication Blurred vision and brain fog praying will go away in time

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Welcome @justified1, Sorry to hear you developed neuropathy symptoms after having COVID. You might find some other helpful information for your neuropathy symptoms at the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy's site here --

Have you discussed the brain fog and blurry vision side effects with your doctor to see if they may have some alternative suggestions?


I had COVID in March 2022I have continual burning and tingling of my skin on my arms legs and feet unbearable at first a year later it is a little better not as painful Doctor put me on Lyrica it helps a little but side affects from medication Blurred vision and brain fog praying will go away in time

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I’ve had a lot of weakness, balance, dizziness and problems with something similar to neuropathy. Not sure that I have an actual neuropathy diagnosis but taking Neurontin, doing PT and ST and seeing slow but steady improvements. I have mostly no extremity pain but have vibratory and strange feelings in my extremities. Cognitive issues make it hard to think and walk at the same time with my mind not easy to focus and balance requires me to focus or fall. I have no ankle reflexes but otherwise reflexes are normal. MRI and EMG show old problems with nerve root damage and spinal stenosis but I knew about that stuff before COVID and I was on top of it. Now, I’m sort of feeling like COVID has kicked my butt and somehow all these other things are more of a problem too now. I had COVID 6 months ago. Good luck to you with the neuropathy. Neurontin helps me some but high level PT helps me more.


Greetings, my sister also has long covid and neuropathy. She has started using red light and NIR on her feet. No word yet on success. I have heard from friends after chemo using this for neuropathy, also. Be well!


I realise this is an older discussion. Having noticed a tingling on the top of my feets and the lower bit of my calves 5 months post covid I am trying to find out what it could be. How exactly would you describe the pain in your feet with neuropathy. Where would you locate the pain?


I got COVID in October 2020 when there were no vaccines and had extreme peripheral neuropathy afterwords when it really wasn’t studied very well. I then went on to have long COVID which stripped me of my 30 year nursing career. Prior to COVID I was healthy no smoking drinking or diabetes about 20lbs overweight with medication managed hereditary hypertension. I got COVID through work. I had every symptom with COVID. Fevers at night of 103. Nausea vomiting no smell constant coughing diarrhea pulse ox would drop into 80s for no reason. No beds open in local hospital. I was fortunate enough to have a husband of my friend that is a doctor and he gave me dexmethasone and azithromycin which I feel I would not have made it without those medicines. 2 weeks into covid I began to have severe pain in my shins to my feet no one could even touch my legs. It felt as though someone was skinning them alive. I went to the hospital then as I was scared even being a nurse I was scared as I just didn’t know what this could be as I was healthy and not diabetic. Prior to the COVID i put in many 12 hour days and exercised even after work. The Er provider said nerve inflammation from Covid. At that point I started taking gabapentin which does help but I also got Covid again in 2022 and have continued to have peripheral neuropathy and also post exertional malaise and brain fog so that any job I try when I even try to push through one 8 hour day my body revolts and I am set back for a week or longer. I wish there were some answers as this disease has made my life so very different. I glad to be alive but would like to live better after helping others for 30 years. Now no one wants to even hear the word covid or that you have any lasting effects from it. If you are unlucky enough to have not made a complete recovery you are forgotten about or not believed.
For me the only help for my peripheral neuropathy has been 300 mg of gabapentin at night and if I need to I can take 300 mg two more times a day which sometimes happens. I also use lidocaine roll on topically and icy hot with lidocaine and Tylenol. Otherwise I try to not push myself too hard as that sets me back and try to stay calm as stress also exacerbates things. Best to you and my hopes are for more help and research for people like us and for healthcare workers who now after caring for others are unable to work


I know this message is nearly one year old and I hope your problems have now resolved.

In the responses no one seems to have mentioned the possibility of you having developed Plantar Fasciitis which would likely have developed coincidentally to any vaccines.

Oral corticosteroids can relieve PF but certainly doesn’t resolve it until generic or customised shoe supports are implemented.

Aside from severe bilateral Plantar Fasciitis I have Peripheral Neuropathy in both feet and now severe osteoarthritis in the feet and elsewhere… I do understand foot pain.

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You might want to try a salve . It is put out by Mary Janes Medicinals . It is 4000 mg of cbd . I put in on my feet every night . It really helps me sleep . I also buy thc/cbd gummies from Swanson Health . You can buy them online . I take them before bed time . Good luck . Never Quit . Never give up or give in .


I got COVID in October 2020 when there were no vaccines and had extreme peripheral neuropathy afterwords when it really wasn’t studied very well. I then went on to have long COVID which stripped me of my 30 year nursing career. Prior to COVID I was healthy no smoking drinking or diabetes about 20lbs overweight with medication managed hereditary hypertension. I got COVID through work. I had every symptom with COVID. Fevers at night of 103. Nausea vomiting no smell constant coughing diarrhea pulse ox would drop into 80s for no reason. No beds open in local hospital. I was fortunate enough to have a husband of my friend that is a doctor and he gave me dexmethasone and azithromycin which I feel I would not have made it without those medicines. 2 weeks into covid I began to have severe pain in my shins to my feet no one could even touch my legs. It felt as though someone was skinning them alive. I went to the hospital then as I was scared even being a nurse I was scared as I just didn’t know what this could be as I was healthy and not diabetic. Prior to the COVID i put in many 12 hour days and exercised even after work. The Er provider said nerve inflammation from Covid. At that point I started taking gabapentin which does help but I also got Covid again in 2022 and have continued to have peripheral neuropathy and also post exertional malaise and brain fog so that any job I try when I even try to push through one 8 hour day my body revolts and I am set back for a week or longer. I wish there were some answers as this disease has made my life so very different. I glad to be alive but would like to live better after helping others for 30 years. Now no one wants to even hear the word covid or that you have any lasting effects from it. If you are unlucky enough to have not made a complete recovery you are forgotten about or not believed.
For me the only help for my peripheral neuropathy has been 300 mg of gabapentin at night and if I need to I can take 300 mg two more times a day which sometimes happens. I also use lidocaine roll on topically and icy hot with lidocaine and Tylenol. Otherwise I try to not push myself too hard as that sets me back and try to stay calm as stress also exacerbates things. Best to you and my hopes are for more help and research for people like us and for healthcare workers who now after caring for others are unable to work

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I have long covid and now can barely walk with the aid of a walker. I also had neuropathy in my left foot. While that wasn’t too much of a problem relative the other things, I was prescribed infusions of gamma globulin (I think it has another name now) and after 4 days in a row of infusions, my neuropathy has been greatly reduced based on the fact that my foot never gets cold at night now as opposed to requiring wool socks and a heating pad before.


I have long covid and now can barely walk with the aid of a walker. I also had neuropathy in my left foot. While that wasn’t too much of a problem relative the other things, I was prescribed infusions of gamma globulin (I think it has another name now) and after 4 days in a row of infusions, my neuropathy has been greatly reduced based on the fact that my foot never gets cold at night now as opposed to requiring wool socks and a heating pad before.

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I am sorry you have had such a rough time with your long COVID. I am looking now to determine what other treatments may assist me with my neuropathy and post exertional malaise as I have tried all I can on my own and have tried working nursing jobs and even non patient care jobs in education but am unable to keep up
With the demands. I hope I can find ways to improve and not decline but I have definitely found as recent research shows pushing yourself too hard doesn’t work it only sets you back. I hope you continue to heal

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