Neuropathy: Anyone have any experience with gabapentin?

Posted by sjhedcon @sjhedcon, Mar 21, 2020

I have loss of feeling in my feet and tingling sensation. My doctor prescribed gabapentin. I read the side effects and decided not to take this med.
Anyone have any experience with gabapentin?

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I asked you about your dose since there are a number of researchers who believe Gabapentin is ineffective because their dose may be too low.
My brother is currently taking 3,600 mg which is effective but at 2,400 mg wasn’t. I took 3,600 mg that didn’t help my seizures or Neuropathy. Someone took over 7,000 mg (7,200 I believe) and was finally helped at that strength. I’m not suggesting you take 7000 mg but just because studies show many people respond at 1800 mg. doesn’t mean everyone responds at that dose.
Beat wishes,

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I take 300 twice daily and 800 at night… fortunately so far at least (2 months) pain and burning 90% under control. But if I drink even small glass of wine… symptoms return with vengeance.


I was up to 600mg 4x per day, with no relief in my symptoms.
That’s when my neurologist said let’s discontinue it and try IVIG infusions every 3 weeks x 2 days per week.
After 8 mos of infusions they also did not do anything for my symptoms.
All they did was make my veins harder to access, the net time I needed an infusion.
I’m glad I didn’t go thru getting a port,before they were discontinued.


Gabapentin at its max dose is the only drug that decreases my neuropathy. If I miss a dose I'm in terrible pain. It's a life saver for me.

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TENS, my friend is how to get immediate and real relief without drugs. They are portable controlled electronic devices with remotes, have two channels (one for two different body treatment locations; both locations can be treated at the same time), can be worn beneath your clothes, slept with, and go about your business with. They also work on a timer, some have selectable timers. The majority are USB rechargeable; no batteries to change. The transducers are reusable if you protect the adhesive surface when not in use. You need to spend (Amazon or eBay) less than $100 to get a good one. It isn't a cure but a sure relief. I suggest you research it on Google. Also Google acupuncture, acupressure, and dermatome charts. A quick tip; get the transducer pads between the spinal nerve root serving the offending nerve ending. Set the current to the point where you are certain you feel it and then back off to one lower-down setting, use it there. A high current setting will cause muscle soreness, due to the pulses that contract the muscles, the higher the current the greater the contraction; you neither want nor need that. I know of no other side effects; Check with your doctor before using if you have a pacemaker or other implanted electronic devices.


I have not had sustainable relief from gabapentin and quickly was taking almost the max dose which would bring the pain from a 10+ to a 7-8 which to me was an unsuccessful pain management regime. I’ve recently started on Lyrica and tapered then stopped the gabapentin. I’m currently up to Lyrica 150mg capsules which I’m taking 2 capsules in the am and bedtime then 1 capsule (150mg) midday. I have to use oxycodone 5 mg 2 tabs in the am and bedtime for breakthrough pain as it seems the Lyrica takes about 2 hours to have any effect.
Currently most days I’m running about 4-5 on the pain scale which has made life so much better. I’d like to find a pain regimen that doesn’t use the oxycodone for the long term but the neuropathy pain is significantly better on Lyrica than the gabapentin for me anyways. Hope this is helpful 🙂

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TENS, my friend is how to get immediate and real relief without drugs. They are portable controlled electronic devices with remotes, have two channels (one for two different body treatment locations; both locations can be treated at the same time), can be worn beneath your clothes, slept with, and go about your business with. They also work on a timer, some have select-able timers. The majority are USB rechargeable; no batteries to change. The transducers are reusable if you protect the adhesive surface when not in use. You need to spend (Amazon or eBay) less than $100 to get a good one. It isn't a cure but a sure relief. I suggest you research it on Google. Also Google acupuncture, acupressure, and dermatome charts. A quick tip; get the transducer pads between the spinal nerve root serving the offending nerve ending. Set the current to the point where you are certain you feel it and then back off to one lower-down setting, use it there. A high current setting will cause muscle soreness, due to the pulses that contract the muscles, the higher the current the greater the contraction; you neither want nor need that.
There is a wealth of info to be found on Google for how to use them. Many nights I would get no sleep if I didn't have mine next to the bed available for use.
I know of no other side effects; Check with your doctor before using if you have a pacemaker or other implanted electronic devices.


I was up to 600mg 4x per day, with no relief in my symptoms.
That’s when my neurologist said let’s discontinue it and try IVIG infusions every 3 weeks x 2 days per week.
After 8 mos of infusions they also did not do anything for my symptoms.
All they did was make my veins harder to access, the net time I needed an infusion.
I’m glad I didn’t go thru getting a port,before they were discontinued.

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Have you ever found any treatment that reduced your pain? I was put on fentanyl eventually for other reasons, back in the day when I had neuropathy pain. It helped quite a bit, although it didn’t totally get rid of it.


I was up to 600mg 4x per day, with no relief in my symptoms.
That’s when my neurologist said let’s discontinue it and try IVIG infusions every 3 weeks x 2 days per week.
After 8 mos of infusions they also did not do anything for my symptoms.
All they did was make my veins harder to access, the net time I needed an infusion.
I’m glad I didn’t go thru getting a port,before they were discontinued.

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Thank you for your reply. I have tried tens without relief. I have my own machine ; didn't help. I had it turned up to max frequency and strength- still didn't touch the pain. Thankyou for the tens rec though


Thank you for your reply. I have tried tens without relief. I have my own machine ; didn't help. I had it turned up to max frequency and strength- still didn't touch the pain. Thankyou for the tens rec though

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You pointed out you had it turned up to max without it helping. I think the problem is that you didn't research the correct use of the device to get a good understanding of how to use it. No offense intended here. I will copy my earlier post here in case you missed it.

TENS, my friend is how to get immediate and real relief without drugs. They are portable controlled electronic devices with remotes, have two channels (one for two different body treatment locations; both locations can be treated at the same time), can be worn beneath your clothes, slept with, and go about your business with. They also work on a timer, some have selectable timers. The majority are USB rechargeable; no batteries to change. The transducers are reusable if you protect the adhesive surface when not in use. You need to spend (Amazon or eBay) less than $100 to get a good one. It isn't a cure but a sure relief. I suggest you research it on Google. Also Google acupuncture, acupressure, and dermatome charts. A quick tip; get the transducer pads between the spinal nerve root serving the offending nerve ending. Set the current to the point where you are certain you feel it and then back off to one lower-down setting, use it there. A high current setting will cause muscle soreness, due to the pulses that contract the muscles, the higher the current the greater the contraction; you neither want nor need that.
There is a wealth of info to be found on Google for how to use them. Many nights I would get no sleep if I didn't have mine next to the bed available for use.
I know of no other side effects; Check with your doctor before using if you have a pacemaker or other implanted electronic devices.


Thank you for your reply. I have tried tens without relief. I have my own machine ; didn't help. I had it turned up to max frequency and strength- still didn't touch the pain. Thankyou for the tens rec though

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I guess we’ll just keep trucking as they say!
Hopefully we’ll find something to help one day!


Have you ever found any treatment that reduced your pain? I was put on fentanyl eventually for other reasons, back in the day when I had neuropathy pain. It helped quite a bit, although it didn’t totally get rid of it.

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Taking Tramadol and using salon pas pain patches and CBD salve make the pain more bearable for me.
Of course I can’t even walk when I’m in pain, and this is an everyday occurrence.
I would just want one day to be pain free for me!


I agree with your decision. I had 2 Drs prescribe Gabapentin and after researching side effects and primary use of this drug, I did not take at all. Every med only treats symptoms. I had some success with TEMS therapy, non- invasive but expensive. My big win is taking Vit B1 Thiamin 2,000% daily as part of Nature Bounty B Complex. More than a year now and sleeping through the night. Occasionally use heat pad on feet at night but rarely now with B1.

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