Grid/Net shaped rash

Posted by karenamara @karenamara, Sep 19, 2020

My boyfriend gets these net-shaped patches on his back once in a while, according to his mom it's been happening since he was a teen. What is it? It doesn't hurt or itch. He takes a medication called Modecate.

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This is very weird and not hardly anything on the web about it 🙄


I have the same thing that happens June 10th at 440 am 2020 and 2021 same time 1 year apart help me figure out what is going on please

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I never remember my dreams but that same night I had such vivid dreams and it felt so real and I have found most ppl who gets these red grid marks. Also have vivid dreams the same night that the marks appear


I woke up with the same rash I’m not quite sure what it means it doesn’t itch and I wasn’t leaning on anything with that print. It’s a weird experience


@karenamara - The grid pattern is almost the same as mine - my wife noticed it in 2019 - I live on the east coast of Australia. There is a very distinct pattern and sequence to the markings.

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I live in California and I have the same marks


Hi Everyone, I'm so glad to see my fiance isn't the only one dealing with this. Like all of you, he doesn't even know it's on his back. It lasts a few days and then goes away. I noticed it on him a few times over the past years (in the past it looked more like scratch marks but recently has turned into this grid shape) but I never really thought anything of it.
I noticed it Sunday June 13th and then it went away and then I noticed it again today.

I was wondering the location of everyone' fiance's is always on his middle left side of his back, always in the
same spot.

Looking forward to what the dermatologist says @paulinaelizabeth

Thanks Everyone,


This is very weird and not hardly anything on the web about it 🙄

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Maybe expand your search. The most common realistic theory is the puss caterpillar's.


Wow! I’m happy to find this… my boys are 14 and 12 get these each year. They either have it on their chest or back. When I catch it I take a picture since they don’t come with any symptoms, I’m not sure how often they get them. Here is one from June 27th. Their pediatrician thought they were laying on something to get the marks, but we knew they did not. We live in Boston. I hope we can figure this out!


Hi! Well, I too seem to be experiencing the grid phenomenon. it started a year ago and it happens frequently. Unlike a surface rash it does seem to have something to do with blood cells, pigment in the skin because it eventually fades away like a bruise. the pattern is unusual but that seems to connect us all. no, i don't think people are leaning too hard into something and omg, no aliens. There was a baseball player on another medical site that was diagnosed with rolling a baseball too hard on his back. lol I don't think they've nailed down the culprit yet.

I'm confused if its something toxic from within or out. It's very frustrating because none seem to know.

Since textiles are including all sorts of different man made and natural products, like Modal fabric for instance I wonder if it could be some sort of allergy to fabric since most seem to get the marks on their back or top shoulder? I'm sorry I too have more questions than answers, just happy to find others.


This appeared on my back tonight, it's most intriguing to me that it appears on the back areas of the body.

IMO it seems like it could be an auto immune response to something, but it's hard to say what that is.

My mother has lupus, but I don't that I know of. I have been spending more time near the cancer research center, my mother in law is undergoing chemo. I was also curious about a different form of herpes, sort of like shingles because of all the repetition in the reports online.

Another theory I want to throw out here, bed bugs. I have been trying to get rid of the little monsters but they are really persistent. Either from contact with them or with diatomaceous or other control products.

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