Nerve impingement & deterioration of lumbar vertebrae

Posted by cynthiag @cynthiag, Sep 3, 2016

I have had two surgeries for this problem. The first one was performed by an orthopedic surgeon specializing in back surgery and it was quite successful. After about 25 years (yikes...has it really been that long!) I started having episodes of back pain again, radiating down my right leg. So I went to a different physician because my former surgeon no longer practiced in my area. Once again I had surgery, this time with very limited success. I am done with having any more procedures...I'm just not willing to do it a third time. I've had MRI's, acupuncture and physical therapy until I'm blue in the face. Enough is enough. My problem now is that I have limitations to how active I want to be which is depressing. I have been to the E.R. a few times and the physicians there said the reason I have trouble urinating is very possibly related with the deterioration of that area in my back and related nerve involvement. My primary care doc does give me a prescription for an analgesic (not a huge amount by any means) but he is so paranoid about the DEA and heavens knows what else that I always feel defective or like I'm asking for gold out of vault or something. Sheesh. It's embarrassing sometimes. I had to wear a horrible catheter with a bag that hung off my leg last disgusting. That went on for two weeks during my last episode. Is there anything, any procedures or other mainstream medical treatment besides going under the knife again that has worked long term for anyone?

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Hi @sandytoes14, we haven't heard from you for a little bit. How are you?


Hi @sandytoes14, we haven't heard from you for a little bit. How are you?

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@colleenyoung I've been running ragged going to physical therapy and accupuncture while fighting a Fibro flare. I've also gone back to a psychologist for a tune up 😉 Thanks for asking!


Hi @sandytoes14, we haven't heard from you for a little bit. How are you?

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Welcome back Sandy. I'm sorry to hear that you've been dealing with flare-up health issues, but glad to know you're taking care of yourself.

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