Knee Replacement Post-op Pain -Nerve block experience

Posted by healthtalk @healthtalk, Apr 1 9:49am

I had knee replacement done about 15 months back.
I have sharp pain in the knee. Range of motion is limited. Actually I am worse situation than before my surgery. I have been directed to pain management dr and nerve block is recommended
Has anyone had this done
Thanks for your help

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I would go to different ortho surgeon to have replacement evaluated


Nerve block is done by pain management dr not Ortho surgeon
Still checking if that is right procedure for me.


Have you had post surgical imaging?


Have you had post surgical imaging?

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Yes X-ray and MRI


Ascertain that you are not experiencing incorrect positioning of of the replacement joint. Since you have an MRI you might want to send it to a different institution for a second opinion. A nerve block in the interum might be helpful and wouldn't hinder your broader search. It is the restrictive movement that would make me want additional information.


Consulted few surgens
Xray MRI HAD BEEN DONE they all feel replacement is fine. I personally feel insert size is not correct. Dr dont think that. After more than 2 years , 2 surgeries and about no of therapist i am in lot of pain
I am in More pain and less range of motion than before two surgeries


I had surgery more than year ago
Still I am in lot of pain esp stairs coming down
Dr is suggesting nerve block
Has anyone had similar problem and tried nerve block
Thanks for your help


Hello @healthtalk, I combined your new nerve block discussion with your old one so that members would see your update.

You had written on April 9th that a nerve block was suggested for you, has that been scheduled or are you still mulling over whether or not you want to try this course of treatment?

I'd also like to invite @pat1015kristy and @kneesstillswell who each had different experiences with a nerve block after TKR in regards to their pain management.


I had surgery more than year ago
Still I am in lot of pain esp stairs coming down
Dr is suggesting nerve block
Has anyone had similar problem and tried nerve block
Thanks for your help

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They wanted me to do a nerve block....I did go to pain management to rule it out. They did a genicular nerve block that lasted about 3 hours or so however it did not help me. I was told if it did not relieve the issues within that time by at least 50% then it's not a nerve issue. I was not going to have my nerves ablated not knowing if it would work. CT showed no infection, proper placement etc... Bone Scan showed same and no infection or swelling in the joint. However my issue is all muscular 18 months out. MY ROM is 120 or thereabouts but my muscles get so sore and stiff no matter how much I exercise and stretch. I'd like to know why my muscles are not getting stronger (I'm 63)

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