NAFLD (nonalcoholic fatty liver disease): Want to connect with others

Posted by mydogsbestfriend @mydogsbestfriend, Dec 11, 2023

I’m looking for anyone dealing with fatty liver

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@susanjane77, in addition to the support you are getting from members living with NAFLD like @cpd54 @irr4et @rozy288 @alfresco @beracha, I'd like to also additional helpful members into this discussion like @paigeb @gema98 @maw90455 @hopefaith23 @rosemarya @arqui02000 and @mydogsbestfriend

You might also be interested in these related discussions:
- Been diagnosed with Fatty Liver: What can I do about it?
- What do you take for Cholesterol Control? (NAFLD)

Susanjane, are you working with a GI specialist? Is a dietitician part of your team?

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My latest health checkup, my primary stated I have “steatoses of liver”. Apparently my liver enzymes have gotten into a better range. I am about 10 lbs overweight, do not take Tylenol or other otc meds. Currently trying to seriously cut back on refined carbs of all types including sweets. It’s hard when the doctor gives not many guidelines but ‘cut back on sweets’ and my insurance doesn’t cover nutritional counseling.


what is " stable liver with cirrhotic morphology


My response to Debra 54,
To help with our response to MRNA Covid vaccines:
According to new information coming out according to the National Institutes of Health, it has now been confirmed that many of the deaths of patients hospitalized for Covid during the 1st and 2nd waves of infection, not only did patients die from complications of their lungs, there has now been documentation of pancreatic and liver complications. Additional reports by the NIH now are stating that liver and pancreatic injuries are occurring from patients getting MRNA vaccines.
I am one of those patients, I received my 4th Moderna MRNA vaccine in October of 2022, in November was prescribed Atorvastatin for high cholesterol and developed extreme cramping, upper right quandrant and also in the right upper back. It took a year and another ER visit for physicians to then start checking my pancreas and liver function. I now have been diagnosed with Stage 3 NAFLD (Non alcoholic Fatty liver disease).
My pancreatic and liver enzymes are normal. In my 67 years of life, never had a liver problem. My new Gastroenterologist says it is reversible, with proper diet, loss of weight, taking a very low dose statin, Rosuvastatin 5 mg. 3 x's a week and blood pressure meds I can reverse this illness. I am definitely feeling better and I believe this is a liver injury from multiple MRNA Covid Vaccines and using Acetominophen and multiple antibiotics. More studies will come out in the future and we as guinea pigs for experimental vaccines will be the victims in all of this. Take care, stay strong, Don't be Bullied for speaking up.
Colleen P


My response to Debra 54,
To help with our response to MRNA Covid vaccines:
According to new information coming out according to the National Institutes of Health, it has now been confirmed that many of the deaths of patients hospitalized for Covid during the 1st and 2nd waves of infection, not only did patients die from complications of their lungs, there has now been documentation of pancreatic and liver complications. Additional reports by the NIH now are stating that liver and pancreatic injuries are occurring from patients getting MRNA vaccines.
I am one of those patients, I received my 4th Moderna MRNA vaccine in October of 2022, in November was prescribed Atorvastatin for high cholesterol and developed extreme cramping, upper right quandrant and also in the right upper back. It took a year and another ER visit for physicians to then start checking my pancreas and liver function. I now have been diagnosed with Stage 3 NAFLD (Non alcoholic Fatty liver disease).
My pancreatic and liver enzymes are normal. In my 67 years of life, never had a liver problem. My new Gastroenterologist says it is reversible, with proper diet, loss of weight, taking a very low dose statin, Rosuvastatin 5 mg. 3 x's a week and blood pressure meds I can reverse this illness. I am definitely feeling better and I believe this is a liver injury from multiple MRNA Covid Vaccines and using Acetominophen and multiple antibiotics. More studies will come out in the future and we as guinea pigs for experimental vaccines will be the victims in all of this. Take care, stay strong, Don't be Bullied for speaking up.
Colleen P

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Could you send a link to the articles? I recently was diagnosed with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (insufficient enzymes to break down and absorb fats) and got terrible chronic hives from my second Moderna shot. Thank you.


The inter-relationship of Covid vaccines and liver issues is very interesting to me as I have just begun researching chronic autoimmune hepatitis and GERD. Thank you for your post; it is a boost to online investigation and drilling down deeper!
Yesterday's online research revelation was that there is a connection between GERD and NAFLD in that blocking stomach acid with PPIs may promote chronic liver disease. (NIH Research Matters, article by Tianna Hicklin, PhD, Oct. 24, 2017). Another article, a meta-analysis by Karn Wijarnpreccha et al in the Saudi Journal of Gastroenterology published in the Nov/Dec 2017 issue, p 311-317, notes that patients with GERD have two times the risk of NAFLD compared to those without GERD. Their analysis also showed that central obesity and metabolic syndrome are linked to NAFLD and GERD and that visceral fat plays a role in insulin resistance.
My recent Rheumatoid Arthritis Factor test resulted in a 90.2 and subsequent antibody tests suggest lupus, chronic autoimmune hepatitis, scleroderma, myositis overlap syndrome, and/or undifferentiated connective tissue disease. I am waiting to learn what steps will be taken next - and while I wait, will be searching online for more data. ;->


To Kg24,
I responded earlier today and lost all of the information that I sent you.
So I will attempt to send the information again.
Also if you google your diagnosis then put National Institutes of Health, or World Journal of Gastroenterology, or CDC, there is so much new information coming out.
Here are a few of the articles which I have read:
SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination and the Multi-Hit Hypothesis Oncogenesis
National Institutes of Health, World Journal of Gastroenterology, COVID-19 vaccination and liver disease
Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: Review of Management for Primary Care Providers,
NLM, Reversal of Nonalcoholic Hepatic Steatosis, Hepatic Insulin Resistance, and Hyperglycemia by Moderate Weight Reduction in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes
NLM,Przeglad Gastroenterologiczny, Dietary recommendations for patients with nonalcoholic fatty lliver disease.
Lymphadenopathy Following COVID-19 Vaccination: Imaging Findings Review, Original Investigation
NLM, World Journal of Gastroenterology, Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease - A multisystem disease?
NCBI Bookshelf, A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, 11 Dietary modification and supplements.
It takes time to do searches but I am sure there are some good physicians out there who are joining the bandwagon and questioning the use of medications and vaccines. So many illnesses are arising quickly and affecting the general population that something needs to be done to protect the public.
But sadly the harm has been done to me so all I can do is watch my diet, take my statin and blood pressure medication, go for my checkups with all of my physicians and get my bloodwork done and pray that this illness will improve and I will regain my health.
Take care everyone,
Keep searching for answers.


I recently have a CT for my IBS. I was told that I have nonalcoholic fatty liver. Has anyone been diagnosed with such? I am not obese, diabetic but do have hypothyroid and high cholesterol. Seems they are somewhat of a cause. Yet, my blood work states my liver is just fine.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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My husband had it & he is diabetic… I am not, but it helped me also…He was maxed out on his diabetic meds including insulin & thought his diabetes was controlled by meds, but his diet was anything, but good….his blood sugars were decent & that’s why he thought he was ok…. He carried most of his weight in his belly….and told everyone it was all muscle….lol…. He was insulin resistant…… We both went on a high protein & fat, low carb way to eat….no processed foods (got them out of the pantry) no sugar, no breads, pastas, or cereal…. Ate lowest carb veggies & fruit. No bananas or no potatoes….. we replace the sugar with fat for the energy that our body needs…. ( It didn’t happen overnight, but eventually got easier & helped tremendously…..He lowered his diabetic meds & off his insulin now…. We both lost our spare tire & weight, even though we didn’t need to lose that much. We lost excess fat…. We both dropped our pant sizes…. It’s not that we never spurge, but go right at it again, because sugar is very very addicting. Once my husband went off his insulin he had to continue eating low carb because of no help that insulin was doing even though it was a false help. Go on YouTube & check out carnivore/ keto eating…. Dr Ken Berry & Dr Chaffee, Dr Shawn Baker, Dr Jason Fung… They all talk about how meds are over prescribed & diet is the better way to help the body produce a healthier way of life…. Good Luck….


My husband had it & he is diabetic… I am not, but it helped me also…He was maxed out on his diabetic meds including insulin & thought his diabetes was controlled by meds, but his diet was anything, but good….his blood sugars were decent & that’s why he thought he was ok…. He carried most of his weight in his belly….and told everyone it was all muscle….lol…. He was insulin resistant…… We both went on a high protein & fat, low carb way to eat….no processed foods (got them out of the pantry) no sugar, no breads, pastas, or cereal…. Ate lowest carb veggies & fruit. No bananas or no potatoes….. we replace the sugar with fat for the energy that our body needs…. ( It didn’t happen overnight, but eventually got easier & helped tremendously…..He lowered his diabetic meds & off his insulin now…. We both lost our spare tire & weight, even though we didn’t need to lose that much. We lost excess fat…. We both dropped our pant sizes…. It’s not that we never spurge, but go right at it again, because sugar is very very addicting. Once my husband went off his insulin he had to continue eating low carb because of no help that insulin was doing even though it was a false help. Go on YouTube & check out carnivore/ keto eating…. Dr Ken Berry & Dr Chaffee, Dr Shawn Baker, Dr Jason Fung… They all talk about how meds are over prescribed & diet is the better way to help the body produce a healthier way of life…. Good Luck….

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Thank you for your story and reply. I am not diabetic nor overweight. I do have high cholesterol (genetic) and hypothyroidism. These 2 conditions can lead to NAFLD I read.

I will go on to YouTube and watch what you recommended.
As much as I think I eat a healthy diet, there is always something to can lead to NAFLD (which my doctor states is a mild case but still alarming to me).

Thank you again and best of health to you and your husband.


Thank you for your story and reply. I am not diabetic nor overweight. I do have high cholesterol (genetic) and hypothyroidism. These 2 conditions can lead to NAFLD I read.

I will go on to YouTube and watch what you recommended.
As much as I think I eat a healthy diet, there is always something to can lead to NAFLD (which my doctor states is a mild case but still alarming to me).

Thank you again and best of health to you and your husband.

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I also have hypothyroidism & have gastroparesis & post stem cell transplant Mayo. Clinic 17yrs. So my eating is somewhat different than my Hubby….I can’t eat anything fresh or uncooked so we adapt to each other’s eating & it works for us. Good Luck!🎊


My response to Debra 54,
To help with our response to MRNA Covid vaccines:
According to new information coming out according to the National Institutes of Health, it has now been confirmed that many of the deaths of patients hospitalized for Covid during the 1st and 2nd waves of infection, not only did patients die from complications of their lungs, there has now been documentation of pancreatic and liver complications. Additional reports by the NIH now are stating that liver and pancreatic injuries are occurring from patients getting MRNA vaccines.
I am one of those patients, I received my 4th Moderna MRNA vaccine in October of 2022, in November was prescribed Atorvastatin for high cholesterol and developed extreme cramping, upper right quandrant and also in the right upper back. It took a year and another ER visit for physicians to then start checking my pancreas and liver function. I now have been diagnosed with Stage 3 NAFLD (Non alcoholic Fatty liver disease).
My pancreatic and liver enzymes are normal. In my 67 years of life, never had a liver problem. My new Gastroenterologist says it is reversible, with proper diet, loss of weight, taking a very low dose statin, Rosuvastatin 5 mg. 3 x's a week and blood pressure meds I can reverse this illness. I am definitely feeling better and I believe this is a liver injury from multiple MRNA Covid Vaccines and using Acetominophen and multiple antibiotics. More studies will come out in the future and we as guinea pigs for experimental vaccines will be the victims in all of this. Take care, stay strong, Don't be Bullied for speaking up.
Colleen P

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I came across some additional articles online. Interesting reading:
NLM National Library of Medicine, 2020 Aug 26,
COVID-19 and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: Two intersecting pandemics.
Another article:
NLM CUREUS, Drug-Induced Liver Injury After Covid-19 Vaccine,
2021 Jul 19
Keep searching, It would be helpful if the Mayo Connect modetators could provide published information by Mayo Clinic regarding these similar topics.
Take care everyone,

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