Myofascial Release Therapy (MFR) for treating compression and pain

What is Myofascial Release (MFR therapy)? How can it relieve pain? Let's discuss how MFR has improved our health and reduced pain and share articles about how MFR works. MFR helps so many different conditions that have compressed tissues, and entrapped blood vessels and nerves. The time to avoid MFR treatment would be if a person has cancer, because in releasing tight tissues, cancer cells could be released and able to migrate through the body.

Myofascial release is a way to stretch the fascial layers that holds our body together. The fascia is connective tissue that forms a web matrix that interconnects everything in the body. It has recently been described as the "Interstitium" or a new organ in the body.

Fascia can be too tight from injuries or surgical scar tissue, and hold the body in poor ergonomics which can lead to nerve compression. Fascia can be stretched or "released" and it will remodel itself by changing from a semi solid to liquid form which brings circulation to an area of compressed tissue which then expands the tissue and circulation, and it enables removal of metabolic waste products. Using their hands, the trained therapist will find the path of fascial restriction in the patient's body and push against it gently in a shearing motion, and wait for the tissue to start to slide. The patient can feel the movement and become body aware. This path of fascial movement can reach the full length of the body and cross over between sides. This path changes as it unravels, and often there is a vasomotor response that can be seen on the skin temporarily as a reddish area where circulation has been restored which is shown on the photo below near the therapist's hands. Treatment must be slow and gentle to prevent the body from guarding in a protective response. This is why aggressive methods to stretch fascia often fail and can cause injuries by tearing the fascia and forming scar tissue that just adds to the problem of fascial tightness.

Fascia also holds tissue memory, and in releasing it, sometimes there is a release of emotions tied to an injury that was a cause of the problem. Stress and injury can cause guarding behavior and tissue tightness that become permanent over time, and MFR and working on emotional health helps a person recover from the physical and emotional effects of stress and trauma on the body.

MFR is helpful to so many conditions that have an underlying physical cause. The physical therapist who developed this treatment method forty years ago is John Barnes. He has developed courses and MFR certifications for physical therapists. There is a lot of information about MFR at as well as directory of therapists treating with MFR. A person may also contact Therapy on the Rocks in Sedona, AZ, and ask for recommendations of therapists who have been trained in the John Barnes Methods. MFR therapy is becoming better known and accepted healing therapy, although there are some doctors who are unaware of the benefits.

I wanted to create this discussion to help organize this information and I thought the Neuropathy group would be a good place to start because someone in pain might look here, but we could have this discussion in many discussion groups. Animals such as dogs, cats and horses have also benefited from this therapy. Hopefully as we collect information here, this discussion can be referenced and shared in the many other discussions on Mayo Clinic Connect.

Here is an incomplete list of conditions that can be helped with MFR treatment.

You may find this list and further information at

Back pain
Bladder Problems (Urgency, Frequency, Incontinence, Overactive Bladder, leakage
Birth Injuries
Bulging Disc
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Cerebral Palsy
Cervical and Lumbar spine injuries
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Chronic Pain
Degenerative Disc Disease
Emotional Trauma
Frozen Shoulder (Adhesive Capsulitis)
Herniated Disc
Headaches or Migraines
Interstitial Cystitis
Menstrual Problems
Myofascial Pain Syndrome
Neck Pain
Pelvic Pain
Plantar Fascitis
Pudental Nerve Entrapment
Scars (hypertrophic, hypersensitive, painful, burn scars, mastectomy scars)
Shin Splints
Tennis Elbow
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
TMJ syndrome
Trigeminal Neuralgia

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Neuropathy Support Group.

I told the group that I was going to try MFR with my PT. We usually do Watsu therapy in the warm pool. I can report that the MFR was not really successful. The muscles in my glutes, hips and thighs are very tight. I feel like a plastic Barbie! My poor PT worked for an hour trying to get that fascia to release. I do a lot of (involuntary) guarding because of constant widespread pain. She and I were both frustrated and tired. Fortunately we have a great relationship. We agreed to get back in the pool this week!


I found some very interesting articles that describe the role of Hyaluronic Acid in how fascia works and slides with body movement. HA is a common supplement for the skin and is a component of joint lubrication because it retains water.

Here is a wonderful explanation of how myofascial release works that explains the science behind it. It turns out this is also part of how fascia works that creates the layers that slide. I find this fascinating!

Here is a scientific article about hyaluronic acid and how important this is to the body. Cells have receptors that bind to hylaurinic acid which makes sense to describe how the fascia attaches and weaves between the cells of muscles and organs.

This may be more than you ever wanted to know about fascia. I love knowing how the body works, but you may have already guessed that!


I'm not certain where to post this so it might be a bit off topic here but, hopefully, of interest.
At Last! An Effective New Treatment for Chronic Back Pain

"Sensorimotor retraining alters how people think about their body in pain, how they process sensory information from their back, and how they move their back during activities, according to Professor James McAuley from UNSW’s School of Health Sciences, and NeuRA. What we observed in our trial was a clinically meaningful effect on pain intensity and a clinically meaningful effect on disability."

“People with back pain are often told their back is vulnerable and needs protecting. This changes how we filter and interpret information from our back and how we move our back. Over time, the back becomes less fit, and the way the back and brain communicate is disrupted in ways that seem to reinforce the notion that the back is vulnerable and needs protecting. The treatment we devised aims to break this self-sustaining cycle,” he said."

I'm getting this treatment now for my fibromyalgia and TMJ/neck/shoulder pain, in addition to dry needling. When I first started. I would start crying out of the blue - the physical therapist said it was common. My sleep is finally improving. Grateful. My therapist is in West Salem, WI if anyone wants their information.


I have my treatments 3 x a week and it has helped me tremendously!!

Prayers for relief!!

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Hi Dawn, I'm happy to hear your getting relief. Where was or is your pain located? Marty


Problems that MFR helps

Benefits of Massage-Myofascial Release Therapy on Pain, Anxiety, Quality of Sleep, Depression, and Quality of Life in Patients with Fibromyalgia

Therapeutic Insight: The Myofascial Release Perspective—Depression John Barnes

Use Fascia as a Lever John Barnes

Therapeutic Insight: The Myofascial Release Perspective—Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Shock

Therapeutic Insight: The John F. Barnes' Myofascial Release Perspective—Rufus, the Cat

There's the Rub

Therapeutic Insight: The Myofascial Release Perspective—Myofascial/Osseous Release

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thanks for sharing this information was enlightening


My physio uses this treatment when I visit. I suffer from PN and recently had a full knee replacement. It is amazing and provides such great relief


My PT uses this on my legs too and it it very beneficial, but not long lasting.


I just had my first session of MFR last Tuesday and have been in constant pain since. Nonetheless, I do have a greater range of motion since. The therapist seemed reluctant to do this although it was in the doctor referral. I'm guessing that I'm either going to have to request a different therapist and/or do a lengthy lesson on what cervical stenosis and that it was untreated for over ten years. Therefore, the five other times I spent in physical therapy were unsuccessful. Wish me luck as I get mt second treatment tomorrow.


I'm not certain where to post this so it might be a bit off topic here but, hopefully, of interest.
At Last! An Effective New Treatment for Chronic Back Pain

"Sensorimotor retraining alters how people think about their body in pain, how they process sensory information from their back, and how they move their back during activities, according to Professor James McAuley from UNSW’s School of Health Sciences, and NeuRA. What we observed in our trial was a clinically meaningful effect on pain intensity and a clinically meaningful effect on disability."

“People with back pain are often told their back is vulnerable and needs protecting. This changes how we filter and interpret information from our back and how we move our back. Over time, the back becomes less fit, and the way the back and brain communicate is disrupted in ways that seem to reinforce the notion that the back is vulnerable and needs protecting. The treatment we devised aims to break this self-sustaining cycle,” he said."

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Hi @callalloo - this sure is a helpful post. Treatment that actually promotes body movement and rebuilding neuroplasticity. This is right along the lines of how the Mayo Clinic's Pain Rehabilitation Center treats a multitude of chronic pain conditions including chronic back pain.

Here's more on PRC for those who may be interested-


@callalloo, how are you doing these days? Have you implemented any of the sensorimotor ideas presented in the link you posted last summer?

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