My Gleason score is 7 - 3+4. How long can I live without treatment?
My Gleason score is 7 - 3+4,. How long can I live without treatment? Since I decided not to get any treatment, because of horrible side effects, I was wondering, if someone who experienced the same condition, will share his experience with me.
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There's lots of info and discussion on this on the internet.
Depending on how low the % of 4, you may be invited to consider a watch and wait approach.
I came within 10% on my 4s to qualify for the wait and watch.
Internet the subject and you'll see lots of info.
At your low numbers of very very favorable intermediate pc, lots of of very good options available-including possibly just watching and waiting ad infinitum.
One thought-get the views of both a radio oncologist ( a zapper) and a urologist (a surgeon).
Good luck!!
Have you spoken with a Radiation Oncologist? My Gleason was 3+4. Had 5 sessions of SBRT. It also depends on whether or not the cancer is contained only in the prostate. It doesn't sound like there is any rush. You may want to do genomic testing as well, if you haven't.