My biopsy is scheduled soon on my upper right thigh (sarcoma)

Posted by rond306 @rond306, May 2, 2023

Since cancers have been in my family and the look on the doctors face , says it all .. I am already assuming a sarcoma in my upper thigh . Of course I do not like what I read and have been emotional since my evaluation yesterday .. Has anyone had a sarcoma removed in upper thigh ? I like to know what I am in for moving forward . Please respond .. I can deal with a lot being a NYC kid at heart , my 10 year old boy is my biggest concern . This part of life is difficult . My father passed away when I was 27 of prostrate . I am now , Same age group as him and now it’s my turn .. A different event yet in the same ball park .. . Can people survive a long time getting these sarcomas removed ? I never thought I would be reaching out …. I just know something is not right …. I know my body . God Bless everyone here .. I get it …

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Yes. Chondrosarcoma in right femur and knee that entered soft tissue. Femur jingle and tibia head replaced with titanium. I also lost 3 quadriceps. I managed to walk unassisted after 3 months. Unsteady. The cancer metastasised and I now have multiple Cs tumours. This is rare. Key issue is if it is dediferenciated. .


Surgery is the first urgent treatment. It can literally save your life if early enough.


Yes, I had a sarcoma in my upper thigh removed. I first noticed a lump in my thigh in November of last year. I had an ultrasound, MRI and a biopsy that confirmed myxosarcoma. I had a CT scan and a PET scan as part of the staging in December. For me, this diagnostic phase was very trying. I met my sarcoma team in late December and I started 5 weeks of radiation in January and had surgery in March (clear margins) and again in April because of dehiscence. I am seeing my surgeon today to finally have the drain removed after 70 days. I will have my first quarterly scans in June. So I cannot speak to long term survival but having trusted doctors and a treatment plan is essential. Good luck to you and please stay in touch!


I had a Sarcoma growth removed from my left thigh in 2021. It had previously seemed to have been caused by a bad dog bite in the same area. It was quite large by the time they removed it. A wound vac was used to close it up. I still have quite a large scar from it and I still need physical therapy for the muscle below it that turned flabby afterwards. My relatives who one is a nurse told me to drink lots of water as that is how all the nerves and blood vessels heal. God bless you.

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