Has anyone experienced muscle separation after a liver transplant?

Posted by lsheerin @lsheerin, Dec 29, 2024

Has anyone experienced muscle separation after a liver transplant? My husband had a liver transplant almost a year and a half ago and he developed a bulge in his stomach. We thought it was a hernia, but he had a CAT scan and there is no hernia. The gastro Dr. says it's muscle separation and the only way to correct it, is a very entailed surgery, which is cosmetic, so insurance will not pay for it. It's now a huge ball right in front of him. It looks like he has a basketball under his shirt. Not sure where to go from here????

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@lsheerin, has this been confirmed by your husband's transplant team? Might there be other options?


It was confirmed by the gastroenterologist. I read about electrodes applied at the PT’s office. Going to check into that.


It was confirmed by the gastroenterologist. I read about electrodes applied at the PT’s office. Going to check into that.

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@lsheerin, Is the gastroenterologist connected to/or in communication with the transplant team?
Has his liver transplant surgeon given any input?


The liver surgeon has given no input. The transplant team told him to go to the gastroenterologist. I’m a bit disappointed in them because they have been so good. It’s frustrating because we need to now find a new gastroenterologist. The one we had retired. I’m hoping a found a new one, but I need to get a referral from the primary and that’s taking so long. He has a follow up with the transplant team on Jan 20, so hopefully, we can get some answers.


The liver surgeon has given no input. The transplant team told him to go to the gastroenterologist. I’m a bit disappointed in them because they have been so good. It’s frustrating because we need to now find a new gastroenterologist. The one we had retired. I’m hoping a found a new one, but I need to get a referral from the primary and that’s taking so long. He has a follow up with the transplant team on Jan 20, so hopefully, we can get some answers.

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I hope that the visit provides your husband with the answers that he needs so that he can proceed forward with his life and the new liver.
Will you be going to the appointment with him? Are you and he preparing a list of questions?


I hope that the visit provides your husband with the answers that he needs so that he can proceed forward with his life and the new liver.
Will you be going to the appointment with him? Are you and he preparing a list of questions?

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Oh my gosh! You should see my list of questions!! I go to every appointment. It really takes 2 to remember everything that is discussed. Thank goodness the liver is fine. It’s not affecting that. Hoping we can get some answers how to fix this and put it behind us.


I am just about 3 years post-liver transplant, and I have a similar bulge in my abdomen. I notice that it gets more pronounced after I eat. It almost looks like the bulge is in the shape of a liver - which is what I thought it was. Turns out, the bulge is actually my intestines pushing against the weakened abdominal wall. My posttransplant team explained to me that this was attributable to the surgery, that my abdominal wall was cut, and the muscle and fascia weakened. We are at higher risk of abdominal hernia as a result, and my team described my abdomen as “herniated”. My team is not concerned, as the herniation is not strangling my intestines - although should this happen, then I would need surgical repair. I feel great, exercise most every day, and unfortunately continue to have the bulge. I am careful when lifting or exercising and wear an abdominal binder when doing anything that puts stress on my abdomen. I have learned to live with my bulge, and really don’t want to undergo any additional abdominal surgery to repair it simply to look better. I have several transplant friends who somehow manage to have 6 pack abs after transplant. I never had them and certainly don’t have them post-transplant! I am so grateful to have my good health back and I won’t let the bulge change that.


I am just about 3 years post-liver transplant, and I have a similar bulge in my abdomen. I notice that it gets more pronounced after I eat. It almost looks like the bulge is in the shape of a liver - which is what I thought it was. Turns out, the bulge is actually my intestines pushing against the weakened abdominal wall. My posttransplant team explained to me that this was attributable to the surgery, that my abdominal wall was cut, and the muscle and fascia weakened. We are at higher risk of abdominal hernia as a result, and my team described my abdomen as “herniated”. My team is not concerned, as the herniation is not strangling my intestines - although should this happen, then I would need surgical repair. I feel great, exercise most every day, and unfortunately continue to have the bulge. I am careful when lifting or exercising and wear an abdominal binder when doing anything that puts stress on my abdomen. I have learned to live with my bulge, and really don’t want to undergo any additional abdominal surgery to repair it simply to look better. I have several transplant friends who somehow manage to have 6 pack abs after transplant. I never had them and certainly don’t have them post-transplant! I am so grateful to have my good health back and I won’t let the bulge change that.

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THANK YOU!!!!! This sounds exactly like what we are going thru. Just knowing we are not the only one is so helpful!!


I am just about 3 years post-liver transplant, and I have a similar bulge in my abdomen. I notice that it gets more pronounced after I eat. It almost looks like the bulge is in the shape of a liver - which is what I thought it was. Turns out, the bulge is actually my intestines pushing against the weakened abdominal wall. My posttransplant team explained to me that this was attributable to the surgery, that my abdominal wall was cut, and the muscle and fascia weakened. We are at higher risk of abdominal hernia as a result, and my team described my abdomen as “herniated”. My team is not concerned, as the herniation is not strangling my intestines - although should this happen, then I would need surgical repair. I feel great, exercise most every day, and unfortunately continue to have the bulge. I am careful when lifting or exercising and wear an abdominal binder when doing anything that puts stress on my abdomen. I have learned to live with my bulge, and really don’t want to undergo any additional abdominal surgery to repair it simply to look better. I have several transplant friends who somehow manage to have 6 pack abs after transplant. I never had them and certainly don’t have them post-transplant! I am so grateful to have my good health back and I won’t let the bulge change that.

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Wow that is what I have.my surgeon said core exercises if that doesn't wk tummy tuck like u I don't really want to see. A surgical room in this lifetime! I too wear a tight girdle belt around abdomen if it gets uncomfortable .surgery this past October was 4 years.my
Budge is either in center or to the left.oh well,I don't feel so bad now that I know someone out there is like me!!!!


Good Morning!
Finally got the referral to go to the new gastrologist. We have an appointment Tuesday at 1:30. I'm hopeful she will be able to give some kind of help for the muscle separation. His blood work has been perfect. Still gets it checked every other week. He also has an appointment with the transplant team on the 20th. It's a virtual visit. I'm hoping virtual is enough as we live over 2 and a half hours away. I will post what they say. Maybe it will be able to help someone else.

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