Detecting cancer in women with dense breasts: MRI?

Posted by jaynep @jaynep, Feb 8, 2023

I had my one year mammogram today on my left breast and saw the nurse practitioner at my surgeon’s office. She told me it looked great! I asked about a MRI in six months when I am scheduled for my next appt with her and she agreed. However, when I got home I received the mammo report in their my chart app and it stated that the left breast is heterogenously dense which may prevent them from seeing a mass in some cases. So, this concerns me. Does anyone has any experience with this?

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I’m am so happy and relieved I found 👍 This site touches on all my interests and information that hasn’t been available to me. I visit breast cancer sites( most importantly to me) but just Women’s health in general. It raises my hopes and spirits up knowing others have gone through what I have and their roads they’ve taken. 👍🙏 Rosy54 🌹


I have dense breasts, until I got breast cancer (1) breast I started making myself more aware of others experiencing same as I.
I’ve always had yearly mammograms but never been suggested to me MRI too. It upsets me I was ver asked so bet on my next appointment I will 👍💕

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Same for me. My density was a C AND I had a direct line family history if breast cancer in my medical chart. I had gotten annual mammograms thinking that was good enough until a year ago when I was diagnosed with metastatic lobular breast cancer. Now, no breasts, 6 of 8 chemo treatments under my belt and 6 weeks of radiation in the horizon. IT WAS AVOIDABLE! Nothing showed on my mammograms and even the ultrasound was too hazy to read. Because there was a physical change in my left breast, the radiologist sent me for a MRI. That breast was so full of cancer they could get clear margins to remove it. If you have a C or D density rating, do not rely on mammograms! Oddly enough, the radiologist told me he recommends an MRI only about once a year! How many women have undetected cancer because they didn’t get a MRI? We are grossly overlooked by the medical community and it’s criminal, in my opinion. The insurance companies don’t want to pay for MRIs so docs don’t often enough recommend them. Is this about our health or lining the pockets of insurance companies? It’s certainly the latter.


Same for me. My density was a C AND I had a direct line family history if breast cancer in my medical chart. I had gotten annual mammograms thinking that was good enough until a year ago when I was diagnosed with metastatic lobular breast cancer. Now, no breasts, 6 of 8 chemo treatments under my belt and 6 weeks of radiation in the horizon. IT WAS AVOIDABLE! Nothing showed on my mammograms and even the ultrasound was too hazy to read. Because there was a physical change in my left breast, the radiologist sent me for a MRI. That breast was so full of cancer they could get clear margins to remove it. If you have a C or D density rating, do not rely on mammograms! Oddly enough, the radiologist told me he recommends an MRI only about once a year! How many women have undetected cancer because they didn’t get a MRI? We are grossly overlooked by the medical community and it’s criminal, in my opinion. The insurance companies don’t want to pay for MRIs so docs don’t often enough recommend them. Is this about our health or lining the pockets of insurance companies? It’s certainly the latter.

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I’m so glad I found this Breast Cancer site It reassures me I’m not alone on my feelings and able to relate to our feelings and knowledge. Little comments can have so much meaning.
Right now my breasts are sore and my Dr not seeing me to July(😬) bit nervous but soonest I can get appt


July is too long to wait. Are you in a waitlist?


Same for me. My density was a C AND I had a direct line family history if breast cancer in my medical chart. I had gotten annual mammograms thinking that was good enough until a year ago when I was diagnosed with metastatic lobular breast cancer. Now, no breasts, 6 of 8 chemo treatments under my belt and 6 weeks of radiation in the horizon. IT WAS AVOIDABLE! Nothing showed on my mammograms and even the ultrasound was too hazy to read. Because there was a physical change in my left breast, the radiologist sent me for a MRI. That breast was so full of cancer they could get clear margins to remove it. If you have a C or D density rating, do not rely on mammograms! Oddly enough, the radiologist told me he recommends an MRI only about once a year! How many women have undetected cancer because they didn’t get a MRI? We are grossly overlooked by the medical community and it’s criminal, in my opinion. The insurance companies don’t want to pay for MRIs so docs don’t often enough recommend them. Is this about our health or lining the pockets of insurance companies? It’s certainly the latter.

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I have ( had) “moderately” dense breast(s) and a symptom ( thank goddess) and STILL a mammo and ultrasound were normal and I was sent on my way. Still with a symptom 2 months later, I insisted on Alan MRI … boom! Not 1 but 2 tumors 3 and 4 cm, at 6 and 9 ‘click. One at 6 o’clock was occluding a blood vessel when I raised my arm ( putting on deodorant) and causing nipple/areola to lose color until I lowered my arm.

Unilateral mastectomy for IDC, ER/PR + HER 2 - stage 2, grade 2. Beneficial ONCOTYPE . On AI for one year now with tolerable and able to mitigate joint discomfort.

Now MAMMO annually and MRI annually alternating at 6 mos.

It is my opinion that once the word DENSE is in the picture ( any so called level) get an MRI!

Also, anyone with a mastectomy should IMO get MRI as it’s the ONLY way to monitor the immediate environment of the mastectomy . Also MRI picks up on nodes on both sides.

My daughters will now get the same as me .

Mammo s miss 10% of BC ‘s ! WHY are we relying on this outdated technology which IS RADIATION ☢️. MRI is not introducing radiation to the breast.

Self advocating for an MRI likely SAVED MY LIFE!


Thank you so much anjalima for sharing! I wish I knew your experience before, very helpful. Daisy


July is too long to wait. Are you in a waitlist?

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Call very politely EVERY DAY for a cancellation… they will get you in ( if only to stop your calls) .

July is too long for pain in breast.


July is too long to wait. Are you in a waitlist?

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No wait list! I was told by a grumpy nurse I had to wait. I’m going to mention this nurse comment. She should have more feelings toward the patient’s feelings of what they’ve been thru Telling me to wait is not option! My Dr is leaving I haven’t found a new oncologist yet


Yes! My lobular cancer didn’t show up at all on my mammograms. I, too, am categorized as a C density which is homogeneous. The radiologist couldn’t read the ultrasound either because of my density. Only the MRI showed it. We are being treated like sheep. Just follow the norm and do what our docs say but it isn’t good enough- not by a long shot!

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