Detecting cancer in women with dense breasts: MRI?

Posted by jaynep @jaynep, Feb 8, 2023

I had my one year mammogram today on my left breast and saw the nurse practitioner at my surgeon’s office. She told me it looked great! I asked about a MRI in six months when I am scheduled for my next appt with her and she agreed. However, when I got home I received the mammo report in their my chart app and it stated that the left breast is heterogenously dense which may prevent them from seeing a mass in some cases. So, this concerns me. Does anyone has any experience with this?

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I had a unilateral mastectomy February 2022, a year ago next week. I had a “ normal “ mammo and ultrasound in October ‘21 but due to an undiagnosed persistent symptom I requested an MRI 2 mos later vs. 6 mos later… TWO, not ONE intermediate size tumors were found. Two biopsies later I was scheduled for surgery.

October ‘22 I had another “ normal” mammo and ultrasound of intact healthy breast. And today I had an MRI ( which I will have annually ).

Just as it was near finished the tech paused and said she had to redo last part.. I hope this is a fairly common thing.. where they need to recalibrate or something . I’m definitely on edge here until I get results. This is a very challenging anniversary week!

Dense breasts?! REQUEST THE MRI!

Mammos miss 10% of breast cancers… it should be a standard add on for women with dense breasts.

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I forgot to say I am thinking of you and hope you get great results ❤️


Hi Jaynep. I had a breast MRI once. I have a history of FNAs both sides. And the density you mention. I’ a sea of cysts on both sides. Fibroadenoma. I get the 3D mammograms. They from what I learned are preferred over the regular mammograms for dense breasts. My MRI lit up white all over. The reports was medical speak so I didn’t get it. I just knew I waited until I didn’t have cycle within so much time or it could render it inconclusive due to xyz. I never requested another MRI. I have a breast surgeon watching me. If she wants it she can request it. Everyone is individual though. What works for one may not for another, but if I were you I’d at least have the 3D mammograms. I think they can detect around 45% more then traditional mammo’s. Good luck and much health to you!

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My 3D mammo did not pick up 2 tumors on me … but the MRI did.


I forgot to say I am thinking of you and hope you get great results ❤️

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Thank you 💗💗


@anajalima i had the same thing happen-the second position she had me in and hold my breath she said something to herself and then told me she needed to redo it. I didn’t think anything of it the last time but now I wonder. I feel so frustrated with all of this.

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When was your procedure? Did you get your results or awaiting… that long torture of W A I T I N G …?


When was your procedure? Did you get your results or awaiting… that long torture of W A I T I N G …?

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I was once told that picking up a tumor in dense breasts is like trying to find a snowball in a blizzard. Fat is clear but dense tissue is white … and tumors present as white on mammos.


Thank you @nemo1. I did have a 3D mammo-I didn’t have to ask for it-the surgeon’s office scheduled it. I feel so frustrated because it seems you have to stay on everyone. I saw my onco in Jan and I go every three months. I just realized today that although I was told they would schedule my next appt they have not done so. So more having to call back.

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I understand your frustration @jaynep. I have found over the years we are our best advocates. It would be comforting if the medical machine was more efficient at times. Especially when its so very important! I have discovered when trying to schedule an exam, that instead of a direct number to the doctor I had to go through the “board” which, if and when I called back there was no way to get to the prior person I was speaking to. You would not, or maybe you would believe the incredible aggravation this caused. I never did get that appointment and had to go to the surgeon when I wanted to go to the hospital. There was a person who said I would need my records to schedule appt. another said that was not true. I ended up getting so confused and frustrated when I could not access that data, I had to go back and have it done at a place I didn’t want to go to. Now if I want to have my Mammo at the hospital, I would have to tell them a lie to get the appt to see me and get additional views which is not uncommon. Because it isn’t easy for me to access my records at the other place. One person said that was not the case. But when they put me to the appt desk, you got it - fiasco. So I know what I have to do this year sadly. I hope you get your appointment time with little effort. Good luck! Best of health to you.


My 3D mammo did not pick up 2 tumors on me … but the MRI did.

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Were both exams done one after the other?
I’m sorry for what you have gone through.


Were both exams done one after the other?
I’m sorry for what you have gone through.

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Were both exams done one after the other?
I’m sorry for what you have gone through.

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Nope… I was dismissed .. as normal… with a symptom so I insisted on MRI two months later.


Nope… I was dismissed .. as normal… with a symptom so I insisted on MRI two months later.

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Oh No! Thank God you persisted. Thank Heavens they granted you the MRI! Wishing you wellness.

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