MRI Brain Scan-40 year old Female

Posted by elishara23 @elishara23, Jul 27, 2023

I have been having memory loss, balance has been off, moderate pain in my right eye socket with blurred vision and pain in the right side of head, vertigo, and right hand tremors for several months now, I had a mri on my brain, it showed "a few scattered foci of FLAIR hyperintensity in the periventricular and subcortical white matter of the bilateral frontal lobes. My dr. says there is nothing wrong with me, i just cant accept this answer, there is obviously something going on, has anyone had anything like this? Im not sure what to do now, it is really upsetting that noone will believe me.

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Hello, @elishara23, welcome. I understand you being concerned and feeling upset over not being believed. Symptoms can certainly be present and felt without being detected on a test or scan. It can take a while to rule out possible causes. Can you pinpoint any lifestyle changes or medications that you may be taking that would present side effects? Are you working with your PCP? Have you seen an optometrist or neurologist?


Hello, @elishara23, welcome. I understand you being concerned and feeling upset over not being believed. Symptoms can certainly be present and felt without being detected on a test or scan. It can take a while to rule out possible causes. Can you pinpoint any lifestyle changes or medications that you may be taking that would present side effects? Are you working with your PCP? Have you seen an optometrist or neurologist?

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A neurologist sent me for the scans, I see my pcp regularly and a arthritis specialist. I haven't started any new medications and the ones I take I have been on for years. I haven't changed my lifestyle, I'm pretty routine honestly.


A neurologist sent me for the scans, I see my pcp regularly and a arthritis specialist. I haven't started any new medications and the ones I take I have been on for years. I haven't changed my lifestyle, I'm pretty routine honestly.

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How about any recent traumatic events or stressors? Have you had a full blood work-up?


How about any recent traumatic events or stressors? Have you had a full blood work-up?

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Bloodwork was fine, I did get dx with psoriatic arthritis this year, but my arthritis specialist doesn't think it's related to my other symptoms, so I'm at a loss right now


Bloodwork was fine, I did get dx with psoriatic arthritis this year, but my arthritis specialist doesn't think it's related to my other symptoms, so I'm at a loss right now

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The reason I ask is that sometimes a new or a major life event such as surgery or some sort of stressful situation can cause undue neurological symptoms. It may present in the form of central sensitization, but isn't typically ruled as such until all other potential diagnoes have been ruled out or are proven inconclusive. Here's information from Cleveland Clinic on Central Sensitization Syndrome:


I have CSS and went through quite a bit of Hell getting to the point of correct diagnosis. I bring it up as a consideration to those who may be just as confused and frustrated as I was because many doctors are unaware or uneducated on this condition. Anyway, some food for thought as you continue to navigate your symptoms. Hopefully other members jump in with their thoughts or experiences. Do you plan on seeking a 2nd neurological opinion or having further tests?


The reason I ask is that sometimes a new or a major life event such as surgery or some sort of stressful situation can cause undue neurological symptoms. It may present in the form of central sensitization, but isn't typically ruled as such until all other potential diagnoes have been ruled out or are proven inconclusive. Here's information from Cleveland Clinic on Central Sensitization Syndrome:


I have CSS and went through quite a bit of Hell getting to the point of correct diagnosis. I bring it up as a consideration to those who may be just as confused and frustrated as I was because many doctors are unaware or uneducated on this condition. Anyway, some food for thought as you continue to navigate your symptoms. Hopefully other members jump in with their thoughts or experiences. Do you plan on seeking a 2nd neurological opinion or having further tests?

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Thank you so much! I may look into traveling to the Phoenix mayo center, I don't have alot of money, but the flights are pretty cheap from oklahoma


@elishara23 You're welcome! If you would like to get a second opinion from Mayo Clinic, you can find the contact information for the Minnesota, Arizona and Florida campuses here


Hey @elishara23 🤗
Thanks for posting! First, this all stinks and I’m sorry this path has found you! It’s always something right?! I’m female and just turned 39. I have all your symptoms and more! I’m sure you have way more symptoms than you mentioned too! I attached two pics of my most recent MRI. I see a Neurovascular doc Tuesday. I’ve been seeing an MS doc since May. I have no diagnoses yet, but MS, CADASIL, and microangiopathy are the current top suspects. I also had an LP yesterday, tons of blood work… EEG… I even broke my ankle in October, and I barely did anything to cause the break! I’ve been going downhill since at least last October. I’ve also lost 80lbs and counting this year for no reason. I am seeing a GI doc too. No Celiac but tons of significant food sensitivities. Low Vitamin D and all Vitamin B levels. I am supplementing these. I switched to methylated B-complex because I wasn’t having benefit with standard B vitamins. May have to switch to shots or something… I’d love to keep in touch with you through your journey! I hope I can be helpful somehow! I have been trying to fill out my Mayo application for weeks now and I am just having the hardest time getting it done because of my memory, brain fog, confusion, and on and on… Brain’s kinda clearer today! Ebbs and flows every day. We’re in Colorado and I have been scheduled with UCHealth for September, since February. They even called recently and had to move me back a week. I looked into the CADASIL study at CU and reached out to them; that is how I got into the Neurovascular department so fast-that doc doesn’t want me to keep waiting. UCHealth and Mayo is where my current Neurologist says I should be. Maybe you could look into research studies too and it might help some with the burden of costs? And help others! We may just pack up and head to Phoenix too! I just had to resign because of my condition-nurse at Children’s Hospital Colorado for 14 years 😓 It hurts. We also stopped our adoption process. I’m behind in everything. Our house is a disaster! I have to have babysitters when my husband travels for work 🤦🏼‍♀️ I also just finished my master’s degree, so gotta pay that loan somehow. I give myself no choice but to stay positive like all the kiddos do that I’ve taken care of. Humor is a great great great drug too! Embrace others. Let others help. Don’t do this alone. I tried, I failed. And I don’t do failing… Very stubborn and independent over here. It’s my survival mechanism. I have definitely had to learn how to ask for help and be ok with not having my crap together… That is how I’ve gotten to where I am with docs and tests, family and friends making the appts and taking me 😊 I missed 6 appts this Spring in like 2 months because I was so sick, and so I admitted I needed help. I use a walker these days. I have fallen 4 times in the last month. Massive bruises 🤦🏼‍♀️ My hearing and vision are declining too. I have an Audiology and ENT appt scheduled for October. I have a sleep disorder, PLMD. I choke and cough on my own spit, can’t speak sometimes… I attached also a pic of my most impressive bruise this far! Being an open book has given me love, community, and opportunity. And your loved ones wanna help! Let ‘em! I say this because I needed to hear this; you may not need to 😉 And so it goes… 😊 Always fight for yourself! You’ve got this! And you’re still and always will be, You! Just be you! You do you boo boo! It’s your life. And you decide where your head and heart are at! I have to constantly remind myself to be graceful to myself and others. We’re all just doing our best. And that’s all we should expect. Forgive yourself, forgive others. Health starts with love. Live and love your life girl! No matter the scenario. Fight for your physical health, but don’t let it consume you.
Mental health needs to stay in balance too, or what’s the point? Talk soon I hope! 🤠🦖🥹 My deepest, sincerest regards.


The reason I ask is that sometimes a new or a major life event such as surgery or some sort of stressful situation can cause undue neurological symptoms. It may present in the form of central sensitization, but isn't typically ruled as such until all other potential diagnoes have been ruled out or are proven inconclusive. Here's information from Cleveland Clinic on Central Sensitization Syndrome:


I have CSS and went through quite a bit of Hell getting to the point of correct diagnosis. I bring it up as a consideration to those who may be just as confused and frustrated as I was because many doctors are unaware or uneducated on this condition. Anyway, some food for thought as you continue to navigate your symptoms. Hopefully other members jump in with their thoughts or experiences. Do you plan on seeking a 2nd neurological opinion or having further tests?

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Definitely get second, third, fourth opinions!!!


@elishara23 You're welcome! If you would like to get a second opinion from Mayo Clinic, you can find the contact information for the Minnesota, Arizona and Florida campuses here

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And you can request to schedule an appointment and someone will give you a call!

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