Misdiagnosed with asthma
I was misdiagnosed by multiple doctors where I live. Been going to Mayo in Jacksonville for chronic cough. Finally the correct diagnosis is Inducible Larngeal Obstruction, a form of vocal cord dysfunction. Starting intensive speech therapy next week. I love Mayo.
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Wow, I remember from your previous posts the industrial environment but not the fact that the snow became gray! Now that you say that I remember the snow in the streets becoming gray, understandable, but not the snow on the grass/yard etc.
For me it wasn't factory environment, it was school building environment. The old buildings and then the remodeling of the building and the after affects of the outgassing of all the new materials. And, like you, my involvement with my rental properties (50+ years) and my own home with remodeling etc. etc. And let me not forget the gardening from childhood into my adult years of using things such as peat moss.
Yes you are right about your statements related to " cause and effect/ spend zero time wondering where I got it". As I have said to myself it has to do with just living life and how ones' life unfolded through the years. However most of my life I have always looked for answers in everything, which as we know we can't always get and it can drive us crazy. Don't know if I can change that habit at my age, 🙄 I need to try, I need to, for many reasons.
I hope I am not incorrectly clearing my throat. I do the huff coughing with the air way clearance methods. I will again review what I do with the new pulmonologist I now must decide upon due to Dr. McShane's moving onto the NIH. Back to the big city for her vs. Tyler.
Thanks for sharing and your response, I understand.