Mirtazapine is causing me depression

Posted by faithshouse @faithshouse, Nov 9, 2022

My husband has been taking Mirtazapine for about two years, experimenting with different doses, and taking it at different times. It may help a little with sleeping, however he still wakes up very early. The biggest complaint is that he gets depressed frequently and attributes it to the Mirtazapine.
Does any one have any suggestions of sleeping aids that help to sleep, jut don't cause depression? He's tried Melatonin, and that causes brain fog in the morning - no matter the strength.
Any insight is appreciated. Thank you.

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Hello @faithshouse Oh I don't like Mirtazipine. Took it for two weeks and made me feel not only depressed but weird as well... like I looking at my life through a foggy window., did not like that feeling. Anyhow I tried Trazadone did not make me depressed, and although it did help for sleep, it gave me headaches. was on it for about two months. Both meds gave me a good 6-7 hours sleep but side effects aren't worth, so now... I get only five hours of sleep taking ( in no particular order), Passionflower tea, lemon balm and Valerian capsules, magnesium, some nights low dose melatonin together with ltheanine. Quit cold turkey with Mirtazapine, not with Trazadone I weaned on that by cutting in half then cutting again in fourths. Hope your husband finds relief soon.
Best regards,


Thank you, Loren, for your insight. I will suggest your ideas to my husband and see if that works for him. Do appreciate. Hope you continue to get five hours of sleep, but clearer head.
regards to you.

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