mercury poisoning from amalgam mercury fillings

Posted by 1710dave @1710dave, Jul 22, 2023

There is a dr.haley from europe that came out with a pill that will pull heavy metals out of your body in 2018 and no side effects but the fda will not approve it.If you can get your doctor to send for it you can get it.He has to show his license to get it.i beleive it will get the mercury out of your brain from amalgam fillings and hopefully stop the seizures.Has anyone tried getting the medication,the name is emeramide

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Hi @1710dave
Last September I participated in Alzheimer's summit so as to help my mother (she has Alzheimer's), learning that mercury present in amalgam fillings is highly toxic to the brain. I have also learned that fluoride, though good for our teeth, can cause calcification in parts of our brain. So, I and my mother went to the dentist to substitute our amalgam fillings and are now using a toothpaste without fluoride (I use one from the Weleda brand).
In case you are interested, here is an interview with the dentist who gave the presentation on those issues at this Alzheimer's World Summit. Her name is Dr. Michelle Jorgensen.
There are many others on YouTube in case you are interested.
Have a good day!
Chris (or Santosha)

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