Does medical marijuana work for chronic pain?

Posted by mmoss @mmoss, Mar 27, 2021

Does Medical marijuana work for chronic pain. Looking for alternatives to Vicodin.

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I find it very helpful. It doesn't so much relieve the pain as it shifts my focus from the pain, so I guess that's important to throw out there. When I was prescribed vicoden as well, I found I was able to take less vicoden when I paired it with the medical marijuana. I find, for pain management (I also use it recreationally) I need to use the edible forms, and I can't use edibles every day or they loose efficacy for me, but, everyone is different. The medical marijuana also helps me control my depression and anxiety. Edibles can be very strong, even for experienced users, so always start with a LOW DOSE. You can always take more...the people working in the dispensaries are usually pretty knowledgeable about starting dosages and products, so use them as a resource. Cannabis use dates back 2500 years without a single recorded overdose, so while you may not necessarily enjoy the dose, you will most definitely live another day either way... Definitely worth a shot. I personally believe melatonin supplements to be quite dangerous. It's a hormone that your body makes naturally to help you sleep. When you take melatonin, your body, which is very efficient by nature, says "Making hormones is hard. Since you're taking extra, I'll just stop making them" and then the brain's sleep wake hormone production is all out of whack for however long, so you take MORE melatonin because you can't sleep, which causes your brain to stop making melatonin... it's a vicious cycle and probably closer to "addictive" than most other drugs that word is applied to. Just my 2 cents...


MMJ (cannabis) didn’t work for me. Made my thinking slow and did diddly squat for my pain. Since I don’t smoke, I had to use edibles, and nausea also became an issue. Alas. It would have been so much simpler than using opiates/opioids because of all the current hysteria. I’ve used the fruit of the poppy for years, successfully and with minimal side effects, by carefully following the directions on the prescription label. I’m unable to use NSAIDs in sufficient dose to be helpful. I take APAP <2g/day to supplement. My issues are caused by my spine, and invasive procedures are not an option for me.

In any event, prescription pain meds are NOT the primary OD problem. If they were, the drastic cutback in the number of opiate/opioid prescriptions would have caused a significant concurrent drop in the number of overdoses; unfortunately, the number of overdoses increased dramatically in spite of a large reduction in the number of prescriptions.

It’s the iron law of prohibition: the stricter the prohibition, the more expensive, dangerous and concentrated the prohibited substances become. The more concentrated the substance, the more likely an overdose becomes. Illicit fentanyl is a good contemporary example, as bathtub gin was in the past.

Fortunately, for all practical purposes it is impossible to overdose on cannabis in terms of causing breathing problems. Overdoses of MMJ (cannabis) can however cause befuddlement, anxiety and panic, so as with all potentially hazardous substances, one is well advised to start with the lowest possible dose and increase very slowly until the lowest effective dose is achieved.

If cannabis works for you, splendid! But for some folks, opiates/opioids are safer and more effective. Do not accept the stigma if this is the case for you.

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Agree. It’s almost impossible for a pain patient to get help now. Even if you followed your doc’s orders perfectly and always had good drug tests, docs are afraid to prescribe opioids. Or, perhaps it works in their favor. Procedures, surgery, injections, pain pumps, & refills are expensive and they make big $$$. Yes, I’m cynical.

I’m 68. I had to retire in May due to the pain in my feet, knees, hips, etc. I was a teacher. The pain became so extreme, I could not stand more than 2 hrs/day. I have RA , Fibro, numerous spinal issues.

I have an ITC pain pump with Fentenyl that doesn’t work very well for me. OxyContin worked better, was much cheaper, & required less time at the doc. To get the pump, I had to give up all pain meds, then it’s taken 3 years to get pump adjusted to help “some”. I feel like my new doc “pushed” me into it. (My good doc passed away in the midst of this, ~ 4 yrs ago.)

Some pain patients will be pushed to illicit/cheap street drugs if they do not have good health insurance or $$$$$. Pain Mgt. has become very expensive. Opioids are not for everyone. However, for many of us they work, are cheap, and cause few problems.

Who is looking out for us? Very few… our voices must continue to speak out.


Hello Emil - Isn't that annoying? When you see a post like this, you can "Report" it to the Moderators for removal. See the 3 dots below each post on the right? Click there, cursor down to "Report this post" and a box pop-up. Tell the Moderator why you are reporting, and in a few hours it will be gone. The poster will probably also be counseled about following Mayo Connect guidelines.
Thanks for asking how to do this. The Mentors and Moderators try to stay on top of these rogue posts, but a few extra eyes is always helpful.

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I’m all for folks speaking their mind. However, keep it respectful. State the reason for your views.


Agree. It’s almost impossible for a pain patient to get help now. Even if you followed your doc’s orders perfectly and always had good drug tests, docs are afraid to prescribe opioids. Or, perhaps it works in their favor. Procedures, surgery, injections, pain pumps, & refills are expensive and they make big $$$. Yes, I’m cynical.

I’m 68. I had to retire in May due to the pain in my feet, knees, hips, etc. I was a teacher. The pain became so extreme, I could not stand more than 2 hrs/day. I have RA , Fibro, numerous spinal issues.

I have an ITC pain pump with Fentenyl that doesn’t work very well for me. OxyContin worked better, was much cheaper, & required less time at the doc. To get the pump, I had to give up all pain meds, then it’s taken 3 years to get pump adjusted to help “some”. I feel like my new doc “pushed” me into it. (My good doc passed away in the midst of this, ~ 4 yrs ago.)

Some pain patients will be pushed to illicit/cheap street drugs if they do not have good health insurance or $$$$$. Pain Mgt. has become very expensive. Opioids are not for everyone. However, for many of us they work, are cheap, and cause few problems.

Who is looking out for us? Very few… our voices must continue to speak out.

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Hello @isaratex. It seems you've tried it all for pain relief/management. So many folks struggle and feel the same way as you state, "it's almost impossible to get help now". The only way I found help was to rearrange my perspective on what help really means. Might you give consideration to a comprehensive holistic approach such as a pain rehabilitation center where control gets placed back in your hands?

Here is an example of one of the best out there -


It may not be for everyone, but sure has helped thousands of people like yourself with chronic conditions who are tired of drugs, implants, doctor hopping and want to take their life back. What do you think? Any chance this may work better for you?


Hello @isaratex. It seems you've tried it all for pain relief/management. So many folks struggle and feel the same way as you state, "it's almost impossible to get help now". The only way I found help was to rearrange my perspective on what help really means. Might you give consideration to a comprehensive holistic approach such as a pain rehabilitation center where control gets placed back in your hands?

Here is an example of one of the best out there -


It may not be for everyone, but sure has helped thousands of people like yourself with chronic conditions who are tired of drugs, implants, doctor hopping and want to take their life back. What do you think? Any chance this may work better for you?

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I doubt it will help. I’ve been through tons of physical therapy, recently, & a pain therapy program, last summer. Zero help. I took it very seriously.

I’ve had RA, probably since my teens, that’s when the pain became severe. Docs always suspected RA, but I never had a positive Rheumatoid Factor test. I went from 18 yrs old to 50, when a new test became available, before I got a positive and access to RA meds. That’s a lot of damage.

Thank you for your suggestion, I will explore further. I live in Texas, but the med center in Houston is close.


I have had severe inflamatory chronic pain since 2016, and diagnosed with neuro-endocrine cancer April of 2016. I have not used medical marijuana as smoking or vaping...because i have lung net's and asthma related....but o have used an edible protocol...and full spectrum cbd oil...with chaga Reishi Usnea immune support tincture in the morning, and a night time full spectrum 1000mg deep rest full spectrum at night that contains ashwaganha, chamomile, ginger, and lemon balm...The immune support tincture i use has wild crafted chaga mushrooms, organic reishi mushrooms, and usnea, i also use cannabis rubs for local pain and inflamation. I have had great pain management results with this regimine along with an anti-inflamatory diet, eliminating processed foods and sugar. I think it would be worth a try along with a physician who is understanding of the different types and strains of cannibas. For instance my daughter is on a protocol for anxiety....there are some that can reduce anxiety....but their are strains that can cause irritability and anxiety. So if you want to give it a whirl i suggest connecting yourself with someone knowlegable in medical marijuana use. I am not sure where you are located, i just got done with my first cancer work up at the Mayo in Rochester, i was given a resource to the integrative Oncology Clinic for integrative health care. Maybe you can see if you can get a referral from your doctor for a simular program. Here is what their program includes....


I’m all for folks speaking their mind. However, keep it respectful. State the reason for your views.

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Hello, I'm sorry this offended you - let me give you a little background. Emil & I both read a post by a new member that was inappropriate and not allowed by Mayo Connect guidelines. It happened over a weekend and escaped the notice of our extremely diligent Moderators, so it wasn't removed as quickly as usual. I just sympathized & explained to Emil how we can report these matters and get them removed.
You can't see what bothered us because as soon as it was reported, it was removed. I'm sorry that our remarks look harsh when taken out of context. I will keep in mind that perhaps people reading the remarks later may misunderstand what was happening. I'm sorry it bothered you, but thanks for bringing it up - I'll try to be more respectful in my remarks.



Hello, I'm sorry this offended you - let me give you a little background. Emil & I both read a post by a new member that was inappropriate and not allowed by Mayo Connect guidelines. It happened over a weekend and escaped the notice of our extremely diligent Moderators, so it wasn't removed as quickly as usual. I just sympathized & explained to Emil how we can report these matters and get them removed.
You can't see what bothered us because as soon as it was reported, it was removed. I'm sorry that our remarks look harsh when taken out of context. I will keep in mind that perhaps people reading the remarks later may misunderstand what was happening. I'm sorry it bothered you, but thanks for bringing it up - I'll try to be more respectful in my remarks.


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If you're talking about the online pharmacy that was offering illicit drugs in the mix too that also seemed like a scam...glad you removed it! You guys are doing great!


I find it very helpful. It doesn't so much relieve the pain as it shifts my focus from the pain, so I guess that's important to throw out there. When I was prescribed vicoden as well, I found I was able to take less vicoden when I paired it with the medical marijuana. I find, for pain management (I also use it recreationally) I need to use the edible forms, and I can't use edibles every day or they loose efficacy for me, but, everyone is different. The medical marijuana also helps me control my depression and anxiety. Edibles can be very strong, even for experienced users, so always start with a LOW DOSE. You can always take more...the people working in the dispensaries are usually pretty knowledgeable about starting dosages and products, so use them as a resource. Cannabis use dates back 2500 years without a single recorded overdose, so while you may not necessarily enjoy the dose, you will most definitely live another day either way... Definitely worth a shot. I personally believe melatonin supplements to be quite dangerous. It's a hormone that your body makes naturally to help you sleep. When you take melatonin, your body, which is very efficient by nature, says "Making hormones is hard. Since you're taking extra, I'll just stop making them" and then the brain's sleep wake hormone production is all out of whack for however long, so you take MORE melatonin because you can't sleep, which causes your brain to stop making melatonin... it's a vicious cycle and probably closer to "addictive" than most other drugs that word is applied to. Just my 2 cents...

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Interesting take on the melatonin, this i did not know....:)


Hello, I'm sorry this offended you - let me give you a little background. Emil & I both read a post by a new member that was inappropriate and not allowed by Mayo Connect guidelines. It happened over a weekend and escaped the notice of our extremely diligent Moderators, so it wasn't removed as quickly as usual. I just sympathized & explained to Emil how we can report these matters and get them removed.
You can't see what bothered us because as soon as it was reported, it was removed. I'm sorry that our remarks look harsh when taken out of context. I will keep in mind that perhaps people reading the remarks later may misunderstand what was happening. I'm sorry it bothered you, but thanks for bringing it up - I'll try to be more respectful in my remarks.


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Sue, no, no, no… my comments were for the person replying to Emil. I don’t know if some of the comment was scrubbed, but he called Emil a name and accused him of peddling drugs.

I do not like censorship, but he was rude while offering no information. While I don’t want him silenced, I wanted to ask him to be civil. I’m a retired teacher; sometimes you have to teach folks what’s appropriate. His opinion, while rude, should still be valued, IMHO. He probably has a reason for his viewpoint.

CBD did not help me at all, was expensive, and I hate that my pain doc is now pushing it. She wins whether it works or not, with a good profit. Then these docs ignore folks that CBD does not work for. Sounds like a conflict of interest to me.

I’m sorry my reply was apparently written in the wrong place. Your words were fine. Thank you for replying to me.

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