Does medical marijuana work for chronic pain?

Posted by mmoss @mmoss, Mar 27, 2021

Does Medical marijuana work for chronic pain. Looking for alternatives to Vicodin.

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Has anyone had Image Guided Injection Procedure to relieve sciatic pain?


I have watched the most recent video lecture and learned much! I admired the dr doctor’s determination to explain this awful disease syndrome of the Central Nervous System. In addition to neck surgery nerve damage, I have angry/painful nerves in my brain, neck, upper back, feet and T5 area. In summer, my pain level falls to about 5 but I still so easily flare. And in winter it’s torture bc I stay in a flare. Im awfully grateful that in my state Medical Cannabis is legal.
Chris do you know if medical cannabis (1:1) one third of a gummy would mix well with 1.5 mgs of sublingual Melatonin?

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Hi there @irrjet, I am glad you have gained some knowledge from the video. Knowledge gives you power. And I have never heard that winter creates a lasting flare. That's discouraging.

I am sorry that I am unable to help you with the medical cannabis and Melatonin question. I have no experience with Melatonin. Have you used it before? I don't mix anything with my nighttime dosage. I do take Myterbriq for bladder control. That's it.

There may be a medical cannabis pharmacist in the dispensary who would have that information.

Sorry.....maybe another member will read this and Connect with you.

May you have comfort and joy.


MMJ (cannabis) didn’t work for me. Made my thinking slow and did diddly squat for my pain. Since I don’t smoke, I had to use edibles, and nausea also became an issue. Alas. It would have been so much simpler than using opiates/opioids because of all the current hysteria. I’ve used the fruit of the poppy for years, successfully and with minimal side effects, by carefully following the directions on the prescription label. I’m unable to use NSAIDs in sufficient dose to be helpful. I take APAP <2g/day to supplement. My issues are caused by my spine, and invasive procedures are not an option for me.

In any event, prescription pain meds are NOT the primary OD problem. If they were, the drastic cutback in the number of opiate/opioid prescriptions would have caused a significant concurrent drop in the number of overdoses; unfortunately, the number of overdoses increased dramatically in spite of a large reduction in the number of prescriptions.

It’s the iron law of prohibition: the stricter the prohibition, the more expensive, dangerous and concentrated the prohibited substances become. The more concentrated the substance, the more likely an overdose becomes. Illicit fentanyl is a good contemporary example, as bathtub gin was in the past.

Fortunately, for all practical purposes it is impossible to overdose on cannabis in terms of causing breathing problems. Overdoses of MMJ (cannabis) can however cause befuddlement, anxiety and panic, so as with all potentially hazardous substances, one is well advised to start with the lowest possible dose and increase very slowly until the lowest effective dose is achieved.

If cannabis works for you, splendid! But for some folks, opiates/opioids are safer and more effective. Do not accept the stigma if this is the case for you.


Hi there @irrjet, I am glad you have gained some knowledge from the video. Knowledge gives you power. And I have never heard that winter creates a lasting flare. That's discouraging.

I am sorry that I am unable to help you with the medical cannabis and Melatonin question. I have no experience with Melatonin. Have you used it before? I don't mix anything with my nighttime dosage. I do take Myterbriq for bladder control. That's it.

There may be a medical cannabis pharmacist in the dispensary who would have that information.

Sorry.....maybe another member will read this and Connect with you.

May you have comfort and joy.

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Some people report that a combination of cannabinoids and melatonin is more effective than either one alone. No significant side effects reported. It is an axiom, though, to avoid polypharmacy wherever possible. The fewer substances needed, the better.


Oi, prick: Peddle your adulterated chemicals elsewhere! It’s people like you who prey on suffering patients and make already onerous conditions worse for people in pain.

Moderators: I hope there’s some way to consign posts of this sort to the incinerator?


Supposedly it helps some people. I’ve tried all kinds of marijuana, all forms, all dosages. It never helped me.


Oi, prick: Peddle your adulterated chemicals elsewhere! It’s people like you who prey on suffering patients and make already onerous conditions worse for people in pain.

Moderators: I hope there’s some way to consign posts of this sort to the incinerator?

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Hello Emil - Isn't that annoying? When you see a post like this, you can "Report" it to the Moderators for removal. See the 3 dots below each post on the right? Click there, cursor down to "Report this post" and a box pop-up. Tell the Moderator why you are reporting, and in a few hours it will be gone. The poster will probably also be counseled about following Mayo Connect guidelines.
Thanks for asking how to do this. The Mentors and Moderators try to stay on top of these rogue posts, but a few extra eyes is always helpful.


Some people report that a combination of cannabinoids and melatonin is more effective than either one alone. No significant side effects reported. It is an axiom, though, to avoid polypharmacy wherever possible. The fewer substances needed, the better.

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I can't take melatonin. I started noticing I would get really depressed and when I played the elimination game and removed melatonin from my cycle the depression went away.


I can't take melatonin. I started noticing I would get really depressed and when I played the elimination game and removed melatonin from my cycle the depression went away.

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It’s good to learn if you have an idiosyncratic reaction to any substance.

I’ve never found melatonin to do much for me, so...

And there are others who swear by it.

Darkness causes the body to release its own melatonin, so the physiology makes a bit of sense, I guess. But a boring novel works better for me.


It’s good to learn if you have an idiosyncratic reaction to any substance.

I’ve never found melatonin to do much for me, so...

And there are others who swear by it.

Darkness causes the body to release its own melatonin, so the physiology makes a bit of sense, I guess. But a boring novel works better for me.

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Interesting. I blacked out my windows in my bedroom years ago when I worked night shift and still to this day can only sleep with ear plugs.

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