Medical Care

Posted by heisenberg34 @heisenberg34, Jun 22 9:13am

I am in a quandry. I have had severe, chronic pain for eight years. I had it under decent control until 2021 when it all came roaring back with a vengeance. We mocved to a new state almost a year ago. In the past two or three month my pain has ramped up to the point where it is difficult to sit, walk, or stand. My new pain management doc takes care of my pain pump, but he has done nothing to address the new pain dspite my begging him to investigate new avenues of pain mitigation. I was supposed to have an MRI this Monday, but it was canceled yesterday due to my pain pump. I have tried to get an appointment with a neurologist, but it would have been almost two months. So, here's the big question: how do I get medical care for this serious problem? Do I have to wait until I have to be taken to the ER? Seems like cruel and unusual punishment.
I will await any insights or help. Thank you all.

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Well good news then you had your MRI! I would definitely consider having the pump removed. Our bodies don't necessarily need or want foreign objects in them if it can be avoided, especially if the pump brings you no value. And let's face it nobody wants to feel like they have a dried out bagel in their gut . You gave me a chuckle with that.

Good luck on the MRI results. I will be curious what it shows. Do you mind getting back to me with the findings?

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So, I just received the MRI Images and interpretation. Not sure what it all means, but I am hoping that my pain doc looks at it prior to my visit today. Not very hopeful, though. In nine months he has done very little to mitigate my pain. Just keepd adjusting the pump. Maybe the MRI will ring a bell.


So, I just received the MRI Images and interpretation. Not sure what it all means, but I am hoping that my pain doc looks at it prior to my visit today. Not very hopeful, though. In nine months he has done very little to mitigate my pain. Just keepd adjusting the pump. Maybe the MRI will ring a bell.

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Oh, I sure hope so. Keep me posted.


Oh, I sure hope so. Keep me posted.

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Met with pain doc. He looked at mri interpretation and some images. Didn’t really seem to know what he was looking at. I said that I seen a condition called CIDP, a nerve condition for which I ticked off a lot of the symptoms. He said to see a neurologist. I said that I have one lined up in a couple of weeks. I had to suggest that he renew my rX for Tramadol and diclofenac K as they take the edge off pain.
On my way to a different pain doc today in hopes of finding someone who will actually look deeper into my case.


Met with pain doc. He looked at mri interpretation and some images. Didn’t really seem to know what he was looking at. I said that I seen a condition called CIDP, a nerve condition for which I ticked off a lot of the symptoms. He said to see a neurologist. I said that I have one lined up in a couple of weeks. I had to suggest that he renew my rX for Tramadol and diclofenac K as they take the edge off pain.
On my way to a different pain doc today in hopes of finding someone who will actually look deeper into my case.

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Perhaps a neurologist should weigh in first based on your described symptoms before seeking out a different pain doctor. Have you been tested for autoimmune disorders?


Perhaps a neurologist should weigh in first based on your described symptoms before seeking out a different pain doctor. Have you been tested for autoimmune disorders?

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I was tested for RA two years ago. Negative. I finally went to a different pain doc yessterday. I became quite tired of my current pain doc NOT managing my pain. I won't go into details, but the way I was directed to this new practice was nothing short of a "God Moment". The new doc gave me more helpful and practical information in 20 minutes than I received in nine months with present doc. I actually have a glimmer of hope. I am already being lined up for an EMG. All I can say is Praise God. Thanks for keeping up with me.


I was tested for RA two years ago. Negative. I finally went to a different pain doc yessterday. I became quite tired of my current pain doc NOT managing my pain. I won't go into details, but the way I was directed to this new practice was nothing short of a "God Moment". The new doc gave me more helpful and practical information in 20 minutes than I received in nine months with present doc. I actually have a glimmer of hope. I am already being lined up for an EMG. All I can say is Praise God. Thanks for keeping up with me.

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Praise the Lord heisenberg34. So glad God answered this prayer for you. Keep me posted. Praying for you and I care.


Praise the Lord heisenberg34. So glad God answered this prayer for you. Keep me posted. Praying for you and I care.

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Thanks. As I often advise people here on the blog, don't take "no" for ananswer. Keep searching. There is likely an answer out ther. Don't give up until you have exhausted every possible avenue.

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