Adrenaline spikes: Med detective needed, award given

Posted by sierrawoods @sierrawoods, Feb 20, 2018

I'm desperate for help. If I was rich, I'd pay a million $ to get answers. It's hard to summarize: I am a 59 yr old woman. 8 yrs ago I started having what feels like strong adrenaline rushes during the night and especially in the early morning. They disrupt my sleep making me severely sleep deprived. It used to happen a few times a month but in the last year, has been happening daily. This is not as simple as anxiety. My life is not particularly stressful compared to years ago and I've always handled stress well. Physical symptoms come first, then anxiety from adrenaline comes after. On rare days, If I sleep through the night, I wake with excess adrenaline and will be hyper the whole day and evening. Sometimes, I will have a severe "crash" in the afternoon with all kinds of symptoms that have me couch-bound. I take a tiny dose of Amitriptyline (10 mg) before bed to help with sleep, but it's obviously not working well enough. I am on Synthroid for non-Hashimoto's Hypothyroidism since 1996. Despite being 59 yrs old, I am not yet officially in menopause (last period was May 2017). TSH, fT4, fT3 are normal. Urine catecholamines (epinephrine & norepinephrine) are normal (although that does not necessarily reflect what is in the brain). Plasma ACTH is normal. I've tested negative for autoimmune disorders. Cortisol was high a few years ago (34.3 mcg/dL) but it's currently high-normal. DHEAS normal. Accompanying the start of this was phantosmia and occasional RLS. My diet is excellent, including a few good supplements. Until last yr when it started happening daily, I was exercising 6 days/wk. I cannot tolerate it any more - any exercise beyond mild cardio/aerobic causes an increase in symptoms. I meditate and have tried all kinds of herbal teas. I've experimented with different possible solutions, to no avail. I'm a voracious researcher (only legit sites) and still cannot figure this out. I'm normally a positive, active, happy person who loves to help others but this is ruining my life. I cannot make any plans, cannot get my work done, cannot even visit friends. I had to stop my volunteer work with children. 🙁 I'm starting to become depressed and hopeless. I've been to a total of about 9 doctors about this problem and they just shrug their shoulders and send me hope with more disappointment. The only help offered was an addictive prescription for benzos but I refuse to be treated for something without knowing the cause. Ideas: an atypical tumor on my pituitary or adrenal glands? Maybe, but I can't get a doctor to order the necessary MRIs. Perhaps not endocrine but a sleep disorder? High A.M. adrenaline is typical for sleep apnea but it should not cause these severe symptoms, and I really do not think I have sleep apnea (I don't have other symptoms). A neurological disorder? Maybe, but I can't get a doctor to order an MRI of my brain to make sure my pituitary gland is okay. If you've gotten through this far and you have any thoughts, please chime in. If your idea leads to a proper diagnosis and I get well (or treated properly) I will be your slave for life 😉 Okay, seriously. I'm not in a good place right now.

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Hi. I know this is an old thread, and i hope by now you have some idea of what is going on. I have had similar symptoms of adrenaline surges, along with other symptoms. I also have orthostatic hypertension and tachycardia. only when standing. I was finally diagnosed after 2 years with hyperadrenergic subtype of POTS. That diagnosis makes the most sense right now.. but something still doesnt feel complete about that. I would seek out an endocrinologist. Thats who oversees most of my issues, along with a neurologist. They need to rule out pheochromocytoma/paraganglioma before anything else.

I am traveling from New England to Mayo Clinic-Florida in just a few weeks now. Hoping for answers!

Best of luck.


What about Thiamine deficiency.


There is So Much in your post that I can identify with.
Part 1: This is my Long adrenaline horror story...split into 2-3 parts?
I apologize for any repetition, over sharing, or over explaining:
I was first given propranolol 20mg prn by a psych doctor off label for adrenaline rushes experienced while in a deep sleep which were causing palpitations and a burning flushing feeling very similar to a niacin flush or even like a sunburn and mostly felt initially in my arms and legs but eventually progressed into my torso, face and head with a bad headache as well as numbness. The mysterious, troubling part of this is that this would happen at almost the exact same time of 3-4am. At first the episodes were only occasional or just a few days in a row and the propranolol seemed to help, sometimes eliminating the rush/palpitations completely, other times I could feel them trying to engage or surge but the propranolol kept them to a minute bearable level. However after a year or two of these episodes, they became more frequent to the point of about 4 months ago to occurring most every night along with angina and now with daytime episodes of palpitations and angina. After a long period of trying to convince my primary and urgent care doctors and cardiologists that I was having severe adrenaline rushes which they then dismissed as only anxiety and most still do, I was finally given a cardiac ct where it was found that I had a 50+% Blockage-LAD, 25-50% OF R.C.A, DIFFUSE L.C.X.. I had also found from previous ct's and a p.e.t for other issues that I had moderate carotid blockage but had not been specifically quantified. I had always had very good b/p's (110/70-60) and pulses (60). My calcium score from the cardiac ct was 1268. I exercised regularly, ate a very healthy 80-90 percent vegetarian diet and never smoked, didn't drink and never done drugs. No interventions or medications were done following the fairly concerning cardiac ct findings. Only after my complaints of worsening palpitations and angina was an angiogram ordered and on a copy of it which I have in my possession was ordered as "ASAP". I was lead to believe by this cardiologist that it would be scheduled within the week and most likely would have a couple of stents placed and should feel "wonderful" after. A week went by, nothing scheduled, the cardiologist went on vacation with no notice and no one covered for him. I found another cardiologist and during my visit and a few times prior and after my b/p was elevated to about 160/100 even though my pulses were now in the 50's. This cardiologist also expressed supposed concern and originally tried to schedule me for an emergency angiogram the next day, but his staff and the hospital couldn't accommodate and again all of a sudden I was left without any soon scheduled angiogram. After questioning and some complaining I was finally scheduled for one within a couple of weeks. After progressing from years of occasional palpitations and angina and now to multiple severe episodes daily it's puzzling why I was never prescribed so much as a daily aspirin, any statins or any cardiac medications of any kind. It was at this point only by my own repeated begging that I was finally given some prn nitro for the angina and nothing else was ordered or offered. After the angiogram I was not scheduled for any followup, given any meds nor were any stents inserted. I had to make contact and ask for a followup visit on my own. After asking if they were going to do anything about my angina, palpitations and blockage, a couple of weeks later I was put on metoprolol and ranexa? I had severe side effects from both as well as wild fluctuations in my b/p and still having break through angina and palpitations although sometimes it would provide some relief. I couldn't get access to the cardiologist through his staff to adjust or change my medications and found a 3rd cardiologist who was an interventionist? and supposed to be better and again expressed concern and interest. He switched the metoprolol to extended release as I was not having 24 hour coverage from the palpitations and angina and changed the ranexa dosage as well. I was still having serious side effects such as extreme lethargy and significant cognitive, vision and dizziness issues. This cardiologist like the others would give an appointment then not want to follow up for a month or more not knowing if the medications or my symptoms were improving or worsening. After many E.R. visits which always ended in being written off as anxiety attacks because my EKG's never showed anything during my visits and despite my pleas to all of my doctors for a holter or event monitor to try and capture especially my night time episodes, still nothing was done. Note: any anxiety I do have or felt is because of the palpitations/angina I was having instead of anxiety causing it. Who wouldn't be anxious with chest pain? and how am I anxious in the middle of a deep sleep with pleasant dreams? and just to placate everyone and cover my bases I even started buspar a month ago. It should also be noted that my pulses were always in the low 50's and even low 40's while on the beta blockers and though I expressed concern with taking them at that rate they never commented whether to stop taking them or not dependent on my low pulses. Shortly thereafter I suffered a fall in my kitchen from the medications and fractured and bruised a few ribs...continued


…continued Part 2:
Whether I should have ever been put on beta blockers as I had no apparent irregular heart beat, any obvious signs of chf and no tachycardia instead the exact opposite bradycardia. I did get the doctor to switch to propranolol 20mg twice a day and while having some but not complete relief from the palpitations and angina have also been having even worse high and low fluctuations in my b/p from 176/116 to 88/42 yet my pulses still remaining 90 percent of the time in the low 50's and 40's. Since I was still having the horrible night palpitations and angina as well as now Very disabling cognition, lethargy, vision issues and dizziness throughout almost the entire day, I decided that I wanted to get off of the propranolol and noticed that when I purposely extended the time between doses and/or skipped a dose some of my symptoms seemd to slightly improve.. However, after missing more than 2 doses the symptoms became unbearable and I had to restart the propranolol. I've tried to cut down to one dose and/or take a half dose and extend the time in between doses. I've been having angina and palpitations but have been determined not to overreact and suffer through them and have been taking the prn nitro a little more frequently and taking additional magnesium and some hawthorn which is supposed to be more natural and less potent version of propranolol. Even though I'm in some distress and having some chest pain my b/p has been mostly normal but have had a few spikes back to the 170/100 area but has come down on it's own or with the help of the prn nitro and some 1mg prazosin which I also had from and old off label prescription for nightmares/night terrors I thought might be causing the sleep adrenaline rushes but it turned out I was having them even with happy dreams and no night time stressors. I have also had some episodes of tremors, shaking, shivering both while on the beta blockers as well as when trying to stop and have also had splitting headaches and head/facial numbness and had a ct scan or two recently with worries of a clot or a bleed but they state that there are no issues?
Wondering if I ween off the propranolol is there any real danger from the chest pain/palpitations of a real heart attack/m.i./stroke or permanent heart damage as my cardiologist tried to frighten me with, since my b/p's and pulses are almost always well within limits? I'm concerned both if I continue the propranolol or discontinue it that I may cause chf but as well can no longer deal with the very disabling side effects I'm having which I'm sure have been worse while on the beta blockers. I've only been taking the beta blockers daily for a little over 2 months tops and prior only prn for a few days at a time or a regular for only a week or so, and never seemed to have any withdrawal when it was prn but am having the issues now I've described. Again, I was concerned about continuing the beta blockers with such already low pulses and on a few recent trips to the E.R. and a primary, both advised me to stop with such low pulses (contrary to cardiologist's advice) and/or get the meds changed or adjusted but I can't get this new cardiologist or his staff to reply or schedule me prior to a an extended wait for a followup visit. I'm also wondering if any of this is indicative of adrenal fatigue as these adrenaline issues have been occurring more frequently and stronger as time goes on and considering the symptoms of now wildly fluctuating b/p's when never having high b/p previously. I've also had insomnia for years, G.I. issues such as diverticulitis/constipation, brain fog/cognition/vision issues and immune issues, bloating and Sibo I believe, and excessive stomach acid which ppi's only partially help with. I have also been taking 300mcg of K2 MK7 with D3 5000 units for the plaque/calcium buildup and plant sterols/stanols 3000mg in stead of statins due to the side effects. I'm also taking a nattokinase and serrapeptase supplement for potential clots/inflammation and 200mg of quinol. Any suggestions or comments or advice on my symptoms, stopping propranolol and my supplements, or alternative less risky medications?


Part 3 Latest update:
As of today, I'm almost off the propranolol, just a few very minute spaced out doses for a couple of days till I'm off completely and I'm now feeling less severe palpitations and angina and b/p's are more stable but occasionally just slightly in the high 140's/higher 80's when my previous baselines were 110-100/60-70 and pulses remain very good in the 50s and 60's. I"m still having my middle of the night deep sleep adrenaline rushes, though last night's was lighter with less flushing and minimal chest pain. Note, that different than many of you, when I have my adrenaline rushes they don't usually involve my pulses going tachycardic just Very Strong palpitations and the recently moderate to severe angina. Last night's episode was actually while having a very pleasant dream. I believe I'm in the midst of some long term adrenal fatigue to the point where any stimulus good or bad seems to possibly send me into an adrenaline rush. I do remember even as a child having severe adrenaline rushes particularly if getting into a scuffle as young men do from time to time or facing a stressful situation. Even more troubling than my cardiac issues if that's possible, are the disabling cognition, visual, dizziness and nausea issues I've had for the past few months coinciding with the rise in cardiac events, which I originally attributed to decreased cerebral blood flow from both coronary and carotid narrowing. To save the references to vertigo, I've had BPPV for years and know when and how it feels and this is not it. I am even very well versed in performing an Epley Maneuver on myself to correct for positional or displaced crystals/ololiths of the ear. What I believe is going on is that the severe adrenaline over production through the years has finally significantly upset my neurotransmitters/catecholamines/hormones and that this is causing my cognitive/brain communication issues. The trouble is that despite all my efforts and pleas I can't get one medical professional to do any sincere investigation or intervention. Only one very preliminary blood test was included in a general cbc for adrenaline issues and supposedly showed nothing. In the mean time if anyone has any good suggestions as to any supplements that may help I'm all ears, if that is allowed. Just know that I've already tried and still take some gaba, ginkgo, vinpocetine, dmae, theanine, holy basil, cdp choline and probably a couple of others. I'm not taking mega doses of any of those and haven't been taking them forever, starting most of them after the brain issues started.


I came looking for the same info. Only because I worry it’s something serious. I get them every night too. I take estrogen and it pretty much stops them but occasionally. If I am off estrogen, I get about 3 a night. I started getting them after a hysterectomy, uterus removed. Anyway hope that helps.


Part 3 Latest update:
As of today, I'm almost off the propranolol, just a few very minute spaced out doses for a couple of days till I'm off completely and I'm now feeling less severe palpitations and angina and b/p's are more stable but occasionally just slightly in the high 140's/higher 80's when my previous baselines were 110-100/60-70 and pulses remain very good in the 50s and 60's. I"m still having my middle of the night deep sleep adrenaline rushes, though last night's was lighter with less flushing and minimal chest pain. Note, that different than many of you, when I have my adrenaline rushes they don't usually involve my pulses going tachycardic just Very Strong palpitations and the recently moderate to severe angina. Last night's episode was actually while having a very pleasant dream. I believe I'm in the midst of some long term adrenal fatigue to the point where any stimulus good or bad seems to possibly send me into an adrenaline rush. I do remember even as a child having severe adrenaline rushes particularly if getting into a scuffle as young men do from time to time or facing a stressful situation. Even more troubling than my cardiac issues if that's possible, are the disabling cognition, visual, dizziness and nausea issues I've had for the past few months coinciding with the rise in cardiac events, which I originally attributed to decreased cerebral blood flow from both coronary and carotid narrowing. To save the references to vertigo, I've had BPPV for years and know when and how it feels and this is not it. I am even very well versed in performing an Epley Maneuver on myself to correct for positional or displaced crystals/ololiths of the ear. What I believe is going on is that the severe adrenaline over production through the years has finally significantly upset my neurotransmitters/catecholamines/hormones and that this is causing my cognitive/brain communication issues. The trouble is that despite all my efforts and pleas I can't get one medical professional to do any sincere investigation or intervention. Only one very preliminary blood test was included in a general cbc for adrenaline issues and supposedly showed nothing. In the mean time if anyone has any good suggestions as to any supplements that may help I'm all ears, if that is allowed. Just know that I've already tried and still take some gaba, ginkgo, vinpocetine, dmae, theanine, holy basil, cdp choline and probably a couple of others. I'm not taking mega doses of any of those and haven't been taking them forever, starting most of them after the brain issues started.

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Hi, I have inner shakiness and dizziness, nausea very bad and they don't know what it is. It's very depressing because don't let me sleep, my BP sometimes goes up or down, I have Hadhimoto's but don't take any thyroid meds yet.Have you check your thyroid ft3, ft4, TSH to rule this out? Nobody knows what I have and I cry and worry, my thyroid hurts sometimes but my labs are ok just the ft3 that is always below range. If you find what it is let me know, I also had an adrenaline test and came a little high, also a 4 times saliva test for cortisol. Ok bye



Thank you so much @sierrawoods for starting this thread and sharing experiences. Sierra's account of what she endured was almost exactly what I've been experiencing for almost 8 years, especially the adrenaline surges almost every night. I also began symptoms at the same age, 33, and am now 40. All seemed to begin after Epstein Barr, Dr.s were perplexed for a few years, then I "cured" and reversed everything for a couple years--unclear if all resolved due to higher Synthroid dose, sauna, or another unknown factors. All symptoms returned for the past almost 3 years after I had exposure to Aspergillus mold for 1.5 years. However, I have been away from it for another 1.5 years with no improvements in symptoms. I'm female, hypothyroid, redhead, lactose intolerant, healthy diet, no current lactose, gluten, or caffeine. Since the start of this all, I've developed chronic autoimmune hives, mast cell activation, heightened allergic responses, heart palps, unexplained significant weight gain, low A1C, etc.

In any case, I wanted to focus on what seems to be emerging as one of the core issues and see if this resonates with most people writing in now....

While Epstein Barr seemed to have preceded all, the ADRENALINE rushes / surges, mainly all night (sometimes seeping into daytime), seem to be due to REACTIVE HYPOGLYCEMIA. This seems to be affected by Synthroid (levothyroxine) dosing. Also, increased exercise at any time during the day worsens adrenaline at night. While my TSH numbers have often been in near ideal range, tweaks to Synthroid dosing have lessened adrenaline at many points in time, even when they made TSH #s too low (implying too much Synthroid).

My theory is that I have inability to detox due to blockages mold created and/or due to something virus/Epstein Barr-related, so that Synthroid doesn't get to all the sources that need it, even if TSH registers on labs as "normal." (I realize the general TSH range is wide, so by normal I mean very ideal, close to 1.0, with T3, T4 also at good points.) I worry that to have enough Synthroid absorbed to lessen hypoglycemic episodes and resulting adrenaline surges to raise blood sugar, I'd have to take too much Synthroid for my body as a whole, since my TSH has been well under 1.0 when Synthroid worked to lower adrenaline last time. If my theory is correct, then if there is a way to get Synthroid to where it needs to be (e.g., by detoxification from mold) *without overmedicating,* it seems that would be helpful.

I hope those who wrote in have found helpful fixes and are feeling much better. If anyone has confirmed that hypoglycemia was at the core of their adrenaline and, better yet, discovered what the root cause was, that would be very interesting.

@sierrawoods @cehunt57 @lisalucier @kdubois @jigglejaws94 @camik @chocolate5lover @veeravee @libjen @jenniferg27 @astaingegerdm @realanswers @aclmalibu @b808 @adrianyepez



Thank you so much @sierrawoods for starting this thread and sharing experiences. Sierra's account of what she endured was almost exactly what I've been experiencing for almost 8 years, especially the adrenaline surges almost every night. I also began symptoms at the same age, 33, and am now 40. All seemed to begin after Epstein Barr, Dr.s were perplexed for a few years, then I "cured" and reversed everything for a couple years--unclear if all resolved due to higher Synthroid dose, sauna, or another unknown factors. All symptoms returned for the past almost 3 years after I had exposure to Aspergillus mold for 1.5 years. However, I have been away from it for another 1.5 years with no improvements in symptoms. I'm female, hypothyroid, redhead, lactose intolerant, healthy diet, no current lactose, gluten, or caffeine. Since the start of this all, I've developed chronic autoimmune hives, mast cell activation, heightened allergic responses, heart palps, unexplained significant weight gain, low A1C, etc.

In any case, I wanted to focus on what seems to be emerging as one of the core issues and see if this resonates with most people writing in now....

While Epstein Barr seemed to have preceded all, the ADRENALINE rushes / surges, mainly all night (sometimes seeping into daytime), seem to be due to REACTIVE HYPOGLYCEMIA. This seems to be affected by Synthroid (levothyroxine) dosing. Also, increased exercise at any time during the day worsens adrenaline at night. While my TSH numbers have often been in near ideal range, tweaks to Synthroid dosing have lessened adrenaline at many points in time, even when they made TSH #s too low (implying too much Synthroid).

My theory is that I have inability to detox due to blockages mold created and/or due to something virus/Epstein Barr-related, so that Synthroid doesn't get to all the sources that need it, even if TSH registers on labs as "normal." (I realize the general TSH range is wide, so by normal I mean very ideal, close to 1.0, with T3, T4 also at good points.) I worry that to have enough Synthroid absorbed to lessen hypoglycemic episodes and resulting adrenaline surges to raise blood sugar, I'd have to take too much Synthroid for my body as a whole, since my TSH has been well under 1.0 when Synthroid worked to lower adrenaline last time. If my theory is correct, then if there is a way to get Synthroid to where it needs to be (e.g., by detoxification from mold) *without overmedicating,* it seems that would be helpful.

I hope those who wrote in have found helpful fixes and are feeling much better. If anyone has confirmed that hypoglycemia was at the core of their adrenaline and, better yet, discovered what the root cause was, that would be very interesting.

@sierrawoods @cehunt57 @lisalucier @kdubois @jigglejaws94 @camik @chocolate5lover @veeravee @libjen @jenniferg27 @astaingegerdm @realanswers @aclmalibu @b808 @adrianyepez

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P.S. Don't know if this factors into issues with blood sugar, but I was also diagnosed "fructose intolerant," after formal testing (multiple-hour breath testing after ingesting fructose).


@j40 - What other types of hormone testing have you been through?
Adrenaline, cortisol?

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