Masturbation at late age

Posted by newrochelle1131 @newrochelle1131, 6 days ago

Is it normal for men over 70 (without medical prob;ems) to masturbate? How often? Any adverse effects? Are there natural ways to increase the production of seminal fluid?

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Why not. According to everything that I have read there is no maximum or minimum amount and it is not harmful, at least physically speaking.


I'm in my 60s and recovering from prostate cancer. I was told to masturbate as much as possible to get blood flowing which is the first medical instruction I've ever gotten that I've been more than happy to comply with 😃. Go for it!


There is some evidence that more frequent ejaculation might lower
the risk of prostate cancer. Many functions of healthy aging are affected
by use it or lose it.


Congratulations that you’re still able! I hope you’re able to use it with the opposite sex too.

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