Many medical issues: How do you manage multiple chronic conditions?

Posted by datta6 @datta6, Nov 16, 2022

I honestly don’t know where to start but just going to go with general info. I have MULTIPLE medical issues, all of which are hereditary so far. I also have 2 grown kids and 3 grandkids. I have very much interested in having myself followed by whomever very, very closely to see how to improve these diagnoses. They run from HBP, CHF, type 2 diabetes, EPI, positive alpha 1 anti trypsin phenotype, undiagnosed autoimmune diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, ankylosing spondylitis, cervical disc disease, mixed hyperlipidemia, HLAB27 positive, obstructive sleep apnea, transient confusion with transient global amnesia, for which I’m having an EEG tomorrow.

I honestly don’t know what I’m looking for, maybe a study that you have which follows people such as myself? I feel like I have SO many diagnoses that I’m losing my mind and, well, honestly at this point I feel like at times I could swap all of my diagnoses cancer and I would at least be better off. I know that’s a lousy attitude.

I do look forward to your response and greatly appreciate your patience.

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I am 76 years and very interested. I too have multiple chronic conditions, diabetes, hypertension, 6 autoimmune diseases (too rare) and many more!

Just read the above responses, adding that I have smoldering nyeloma, peripheral neuropathy including numb feet, sjogrens, RA, OA, have been loosing my teeth. I even had one specialist say that doctors could take a course on you. All of my doctors say that I have a lot going on. I have a question for all of you, do all of you have high inflammation markers?

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same as you waiting to seewhat they say


LOL I am reading your reply right now I cannot drink our tap water without getting diarrhea. I finally chased it down to parasite in our city water. I went through all the reports on the City Water sites, they lowered the amount of parasite which causes diarrhea to a level for normal people not to get diarrhea. I am immune challenged, I have Igm deficiency far below nornal levels. I started to drink only microwaved water (3 minutes) and bottled water and the diarrhea from that cause stopped!

My potassium is regularly tested by my hemo/onc. I was sent years ago to see a diabetes nutritionist. After an hour of discussing what I can eat and cannot eat, her eyes started to get big! Anyway, I had been eating one banana a day because I felt better. But after eating 1/2 a day, I did not have enough potassium. My hemo/onc told me I had to one whole banana ever since and I have been sticking to that!

I wonder if we are two peas in a pod! LOL

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.... bit low on potassium and nurse told me to eat one banana a day... i checked internet site and it said have to eat 7 bananas a day to get required potassium... apart from laundry list of other illnesses... am one point lower than the low end of potassium after blood test and nurse said not to worry about it.. I don't know any more if I trust her advice... J.

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