MACrO2 Treatment-Refractory MAC Trial Now Enrolling

Posted by an2 @an2, Sep 10, 2022

A new oral antibiotic (epetraborole) is being studied in patients with treatment-refractory MAC lung disease. More information available at the macro2study website or ClinicalTrials.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the MAC & Bronchiectasis Support Group.

@an2 Good Morning and welcome to Mayo Connect. To protect our site from spammers and advertisers, new members are not able to post links and urls for a time after joining. But I looked this trial up and thought it might be of interest to some of our members whose MAC does not respond to the usual treatment with 3-4 antibiotics, or who are unable to take them.
- Here is the link to the information page:

MAC patients who are interested - the good news is that there a several centers across the country involved in the trial, making it accessible to many of us.

an2, can you tell us about your knowledge of/involvement in the study?


I'm an infectious diseases physician.

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