Mac-Bronchiectasis + Humira?

Posted by lvnl @lvnl, May 12 9:25pm

Hi, new here. Thanks for the help you all give.
Anyone else here on Humira (or any other TNF-blocker) dx with MAC &/or bronchiectasis? Did you have to get off it?
I have had asymptomatic bronchiectasis for 12+ years & then 8 yrs ago was diagnosed with Crohn's and have had almost-remission with Humira all these years. I was recommended by my NYU Medical Center Crohn's dr to see Dr Adrizzo-Harris. They share some patients cuz Crohn's & bronchiectasis can be connected, numbers of people have both. I know there are others here who see her -- one of the world-renowned experts. Finally started coughing up sputum once they had me do lung clearance chest therapy (HIGHLY recommend this if you aren't doing it, & best to learn it from a therapist if you can get to one). So my series of 3 sputum samples has turned up one positive culture for MAI. You all probably know you need 2 samples for definitive dx, so tomorrow I submit another sample. If I do have it, it's mild. But still not good!
Anyone else here with MAC (or MAI) who is/was on Humira? Or another immune suppressant? Did you have to go off it? I read that MAC is showing up more now that more people are on immune modulators.
For all the years I've been on Humira, I never have gotten more infections than most people. Except I have had Covid 3 times -- once before vaccines were available, and 2x since, despite being fully vaxed. Wondering if this jump-started the bronchiectasis & maybe-MAI getting more active.
Thanks again everyone.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the MAC & Bronchiectasis Support Group.

I was on Humira for rheumatoid arthritis and had to stop it when I began treatment for MAC. Since Humira suppresses your immune system you must stop it in order for your immune system to fight the disease.


Thank you Mary Jane! This is what I'm afraid of. We'll see whether I get a second positive result for MAC & then go from there. If you don't mind me asking, did you find any other effective treatment that you could be on while treating the MAC? I know bronchiectasis has some association with Crohn's & RA, so there must be more experience out there.


Thank you Mary Jane! This is what I'm afraid of. We'll see whether I get a second positive result for MAC & then go from there. If you don't mind me asking, did you find any other effective treatment that you could be on while treating the MAC? I know bronchiectasis has some association with Crohn's & RA, so there must be more experience out there.

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I have been taking Low Dose Naltrexone. I’m not sure how much it is helping since I am just getting over a bad flair but I would suggest you look it up and read about it.


This is very interesting, thanks. I hope you can get through treating the MAC without the RA roughing you up any worse.

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