Luteal phase intense cramping pain

Posted by W425 @bhoomika, Nov 6, 2022

I have been having debilitating pain around 12-13 days before my periods. It lasts about 8-9 days.. I start having massive digestion issues I feel, like, lots of flatulence, but it feels trapped which causes more pain. Starts with a dull pain mostly on lower right (have got ultrasound done to rule out appendix pain) which turns into major cramping for half and hour or so and then it goes away..sometimes I have to have a medicine or apply heat.
I notice this also happens 45 minutes to an hour or hour and a half after having food or when I’m starting to feel hungry (emptier stomach)…but it happens multiple times during the day and I have woken up several times during the night as well writhing in pain! I have tried birth control pills but each time I stop after the recommended time by doctors, the pain returns.
I have PCOD but no one has been able to confirm anything or give me a proper diagnosis as to why I keep having this painful issue.
It started 6-7 years back and I have gone to several doctors and done alternatives therapies without any relief!
I am not sure how to reduce the pain or what the course of action for something like this should be.
Decided I would try this forum and see if anyone can guide me in the right direction so I could find a solution somehow. Im literally unable to do anything during these painful days.. so I’m basically not functioning for around 100 days in a year!
So Please help!

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So much of what you have experienced resonates! Unfortunately I have a very similar experience to you.

Approximately 1-2 days post ovulation until my period begins I experience lower abdominal cramps, with regular additional lower back pain (both slightly to the left of my midline), and occasional radiating ache through my left thigh. I’ve had it for 5 years now, slowly getting more severe.

I was diagnosed with endometriosis via laparoscopic surgery, and after lesion removal I experienced no change to my pain. Post procedure I now additionally experience mild typical endometriosis symptoms.

I tracked my sleep and noticed I wake up at a regular time intervals, typically every hour (exactly). It’s exhausting getting such broken sleep for over a week each month.

I use to always described it as feeling like intense “trapped gas pain” but no digestive issues.
I have tried everything, from dietary alterations and increased water intake thinking it could be digestive, chiro/physio/massage/pelvic floor physio thinking it might be muscular or nerve related, contraception pills trialling hormonal influences, I even moved towns/homes thinking it could have environmental.

I am grateful I have found this post. I’ve never found anything that comes close to describing what I experience until now. I hope your experience changes shortly.


So much of what you have experienced resonates! Unfortunately I have a very similar experience to you.

Approximately 1-2 days post ovulation until my period begins I experience lower abdominal cramps, with regular additional lower back pain (both slightly to the left of my midline), and occasional radiating ache through my left thigh. I’ve had it for 5 years now, slowly getting more severe.

I was diagnosed with endometriosis via laparoscopic surgery, and after lesion removal I experienced no change to my pain. Post procedure I now additionally experience mild typical endometriosis symptoms.

I tracked my sleep and noticed I wake up at a regular time intervals, typically every hour (exactly). It’s exhausting getting such broken sleep for over a week each month.

I use to always described it as feeling like intense “trapped gas pain” but no digestive issues.
I have tried everything, from dietary alterations and increased water intake thinking it could be digestive, chiro/physio/massage/pelvic floor physio thinking it might be muscular or nerve related, contraception pills trialling hormonal influences, I even moved towns/homes thinking it could have environmental.

I am grateful I have found this post. I’ve never found anything that comes close to describing what I experience until now. I hope your experience changes shortly.

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I want to trail on what you said and mention that I too have been experiencing a very similar pain. I have not gone to any doctors about it. But the symptoms you described match my experience almost exactly.

I’m also grateful to have found this post and to know I’m not alone.


Sounds like endometriosis try to get that ruled out


I have had similar pain since I was 15 (I'm now 30) and it's definitely getting worse.

What I find really confusing about my symptoms (that every doctor doesn't know what to do with) are:
1) my pain is during the same time, about 12-15 days before my period.
2) the pain is located in the UPPER abdomen right below my sternum and radiates to my mid back, usually causing a muscle spasm that outshines the abdominal pain.
3) The pain always happens in the afternoon/evening and lasts through the night. I resonate with your comment about how it happens after eating or with an empty stomach, but to specify, mine is always in the afternoon. It will usually only happen 1-2 days, always showing up in the afternoon/evening and then returning the same time the next day.
4) Laying down seems to make it worse so most nights when it's happening, I have to sleep sitting up.

I have gone to my gyno for endo, she said it couldn't be because it's too high in my abdomen. I've read that there are rare cases of stomach and diaphragm endo that I'm hoping to get ruled out by another gyno. I've gone to a gastro who said it's just high stomach acid, and though acid reducers do seem to help sometimes, half the time they're totally useless. At this point, I wonder if it could also be gallstones because a lot of those symptoms are spot on, though the regularity with the menstrual cycle doesn't seem quite on, but I'm going to get an ultra sound to rule those out as well.

Thanks for asking these questions, women's health is so wiiiiiiildy under studied so it's so hard to find what the heck is happening! Wishing you all the best on your journeys to health!



It’s very interesting to hear other people discribing this issue, -I hope that it could help us figure out what is is.
Please wright it in here if you find cures or releafs.

I have had pain in my right ovary since i was a teenager (I am 31 now). My sister has similar pain and my mother did too when she was young.
For me it sometimes start already on day 7 of my cycle (which is about 27 days) as a pressure on what i think is my right ovary. It builds up and gets more painful and peaks on day 18-22 then gets a bit bettet untill my period, then period pain for 2-3 days and then I’m totally fine untill next day 7-10.
It starts with a dull pain in my right ovary or lower right side of the back. It spreads to back, hip, thigh and uterus, lasts for 10-40 minutes and is acompagniet by nausea.
It comes multiple times a day but mostly and worst in evening, night and morning.
Sometimes it just omes out of the blue, other times its triggered by fysical movement or filled bladder.
I’ve beed to docters, gynocologists, physical therapist, acupunktures, massage therapists, women clinic experts.
Endometriosis is ruled out, tight psoas (which can actually cause this, if anyone havn’t tried this) is ruled out.

I read that 7 days after ovulation, progesterone level peaks, which fits my pain pattern, has any of you noticed this?


Same here, same pain, for the last 10 years, it is not getting worst. Mine starts 9 days and stops 2 days before my period, it is located in the right lower abdomen. It usually wakes me up around 3 am. The pain is so intense it irradiates until my upper right leg. Talk about with more than 6 doctors in EU and Latin America, nobody cares. It doesn't happen every single month but when it happens makes me hate my life.

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