Lung nodules & scared!

Posted by pattymac @pattymac, Mar 19, 2017

March 1, 2017 at 7:44 pm
I had a Ct in December 2016,showed 3 nodules 6mm,5mm&4mm in right upper lobe! Last week I had a Ct bc of a different issue and ER Dr told me I had 1 nodule in my right upper lobe that was 8mm and subpleural and a tiny subleural nodule in my left lower lone and small scattered lymph nodes throughout the paratracheal region? What does this mean?Pulmononlogist called finally after a few weeks and finally radiology compared both Cts and was told I need Pet Scan which is next Tuesday. I feel frozen and numb! He said it was triangular in shape and something about right hiler? Gosh I can't even think. Advice please

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My Pulmonoligist here is referring me to one in Munster Indiana bc he said he doesn't have equipment to do bronchoscopy here which is weird bc it's same hospital affiliation? So Tuesday is my appt with him to set appt for biopsy and this is all frustrating and scary but I will also get a second opinion as well. I'm reading more about how chemo is very bad and really good nutrition is better too.Why would radiation be a choice if it only kills the good cells?

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And it doesn;t all need to be raw, cold, and boring LOL, but things like organic raw red peppers, spinach tossed into a salad with organic greens, olive oil dressing, walnuts, etc. is a POWER HEALING SALAD-O-RAMA!!! Anything we can do to increase the power of our diet will help us! Sooner or later, we all have a health crises building if our diets are not really strong in some area.


My Pulmonoligist here is referring me to one in Munster Indiana bc he said he doesn't have equipment to do bronchoscopy here which is weird bc it's same hospital affiliation? So Tuesday is my appt with him to set appt for biopsy and this is all frustrating and scary but I will also get a second opinion as well. I'm reading more about how chemo is very bad and really good nutrition is better too.Why would radiation be a choice if it only kills the good cells?

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Unfortunately yes, I carry an epi-pen.


My Pulmonoligist here is referring me to one in Munster Indiana bc he said he doesn't have equipment to do bronchoscopy here which is weird bc it's same hospital affiliation? So Tuesday is my appt with him to set appt for biopsy and this is all frustrating and scary but I will also get a second opinion as well. I'm reading more about how chemo is very bad and really good nutrition is better too.Why would radiation be a choice if it only kills the good cells?

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So I hope I can find organic @ Kroger possibly. Oh sounds delicious and my 5 year old Grandaughter asked if I could make salad tomorrow night for dinner lol:) But she likes croutons too. So I'll shop for healthier foods! I'm still loving protein drinks? Plant based protein powder, blueberries & no sugar almond milk! Is that a bad choice?


My Pulmonoligist here is referring me to one in Munster Indiana bc he said he doesn't have equipment to do bronchoscopy here which is weird bc it's same hospital affiliation? So Tuesday is my appt with him to set appt for biopsy and this is all frustrating and scary but I will also get a second opinion as well. I'm reading more about how chemo is very bad and really good nutrition is better too.Why would radiation be a choice if it only kills the good cells?

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LOL I love it! Yes I think even in smaller cities one can find organics! Do the best you can : ) The EWG publishes a list of Top 10 most toxic foods;strawberries, spinach ... so go for organics as much as you can. Your drink sounds yummy! Going plant-based is always wonderful! Oh so sad you are that allergic to fish WOW. "GTs" makes a raspberry and cherry Chia drink that is delicious! Do you have health food stores or a Whole Foods somewhere in a city nearby? I think you will enjoy finding new power foods : )


I LOVE using "Ezekiel" breads for croutons! They are very loaded in sprouted grains thus very nutritious. Slice into croutons and dry, then add the olive oil bit of vinegar, fresh basil, raw walnuts, heaven! LOL your 5-yr-old granddaughter! So sweet! More soon, good night! Focus on anything that makes you smile, because that is where the power is! Planning a healing meal does wonders for the heart and soul, and helps others too. : )


My Pulmonoligist here is referring me to one in Munster Indiana bc he said he doesn't have equipment to do bronchoscopy here which is weird bc it's same hospital affiliation? So Tuesday is my appt with him to set appt for biopsy and this is all frustrating and scary but I will also get a second opinion as well. I'm reading more about how chemo is very bad and really good nutrition is better too.Why would radiation be a choice if it only kills the good cells?

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@pattymac, I just now discovered your post here as I was scrolling thru some discussion, which I usually do on my Sunday mornings after I return home from church. I am sorry to see that you are facing so much uncertainty and fear with your current situation. I am completely ignorant of the particulars that you have been discussing about the lungs, so I have no comments about that. But I do share with you the confusion of being sent here and there for more testing. This is a necessity where there is a limited number of specialists and equipment. When this happened to me, with end stage liver disease, I learned that it guided my physicians to a clearer picture of what was going on inside of my body. Scopes, scans, name it. Be patient because time does crawl in these situations.
I imagine that your doctor is looking for more information so he can accurately diagnose and thus provide treatment. It is frightening for us, the non medical people. As difficult as it is to wait, the last thing you want is an incomplete or inaccurate diagnosis.

My suggestion, and it is based on my past experience is this: Focus on just going to appointment Tuesday and see what the doctor says. Write down your concerns and your questions to ask him, And then, move to the next step. Please do not confuse and frighten yourself by trying to self diagnose yourself and interpret your own tests results!. It is easy to do, now with all of the information, (some of it inaccurate) that is available online.
I hope for you to receive answers soon. In the mean time, please find some comfort in knowing that you are not alone in feeling like this.


My Pulmonoligist here is referring me to one in Munster Indiana bc he said he doesn't have equipment to do bronchoscopy here which is weird bc it's same hospital affiliation? So Tuesday is my appt with him to set appt for biopsy and this is all frustrating and scary but I will also get a second opinion as well. I'm reading more about how chemo is very bad and really good nutrition is better too.Why would radiation be a choice if it only kills the good cells?

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@pattymac, This is such a good question for you doctor when you see him on Tuesday - about the radiation.


My Pulmonoligist here is referring me to one in Munster Indiana bc he said he doesn't have equipment to do bronchoscopy here which is weird bc it's same hospital affiliation? So Tuesday is my appt with him to set appt for biopsy and this is all frustrating and scary but I will also get a second opinion as well. I'm reading more about how chemo is very bad and really good nutrition is better too.Why would radiation be a choice if it only kills the good cells?

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@pattymac, Hi again. I know that you are working to be proactive with your health. And that is great! But keep this in mind - since you are looking at a possible complicated health issue here, would you consider waiting until after you consult with your doctor before you make any changes to your diet?
I don't feel that this is an appropriate time any drastic changes. No need to add more stress to your body, even if your intentions are good.


Hi @pattymac. Nice to e-meet you here. I am very sorry to read about your health travails. I was my wife's primary caregiver during her 14+ year war against brain cancer so my thoughts come from that orientation. From her experiences I can agree the 'waiting and watching' times in our medical journeys can often be extremely difficult on one's nerves! We are so often programmed to expect immediate medical solutions to our problems that waiting can be excruciating. In my wife's case she worked very hard to try and focus her energies anywhere other than on her (at the time) current health issue during those times of waiting and uncertainty. She would often use these times to treat herself to some indulgence or other. During her illness her mantra was 'in all things moderation' so she would use her exceedingly challenging times to treat herself. A book, dessert, have me cook a favored meal or food, make a phone call to an old friend, order a trinket for herself from a catalog, etc. Might not work for anyone else, but it did for her.

I live in the same area as you and likewise have been frequently 'outsourced' by my GP to Chesterton, Valpo, LaPorte, and beyond for specific tests or specialists. Maybe the new hospital will provide more extensive services once it is done.

I wish you the best as you wait. Please know there is a big online Connect community here to listen and visit with you.

Peace and strength!


My Pulmonoligist here is referring me to one in Munster Indiana bc he said he doesn't have equipment to do bronchoscopy here which is weird bc it's same hospital affiliation? So Tuesday is my appt with him to set appt for biopsy and this is all frustrating and scary but I will also get a second opinion as well. I'm reading more about how chemo is very bad and really good nutrition is better too.Why would radiation be a choice if it only kills the good cells?

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@rosemarya Thank you so much for your support and I am trying to calm down but every time I look into my sons eyes I get so sad thinking I won't see his children get married or graduate since there isn't a cure for lung cancer:( My diet hasn't changed too much since I always drink protein shakes anyway but do want to eat healthy. I think part of me is so angry that all those cardiac stress tests and appts at my Dr complaining of chest fluttering and pain was bc of lung cancer all along and he didn't listen to me. I'm still going to mass and praying so pray God takes this away.

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