Lung nodule found was not there a year ago

Posted by deborah67 @deborah67, Jun 9, 2023

I had a chest, abdomen and pelvic C scan. They found a nodule that is 4mm. Which was not there last year. They want to wait 6 months, to see if it grows. I have read that there are lung cancers that can double in 25 days. I am worried. I live in Canada. Is this what they do in the states?

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I had a small lung nodule (found on chest X Ray for regular check up) and within 10 days in Newfoundland, Canada I had a cat scan, pulmonary function test, pet scan and biopsy. Nodule turned out to be Non Small Cell Carcinoma in the Lower Left Lung. Just got all my staples out today after my lobectomy. Appointment with my surgeon tomorrow, hoping that all margins are clear and I won’t need to have radiation or chemo therapy! Fingers crossed!

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Hi what size was your nodule?


Thank you. that is what I am saying to myself also.

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All clear, no cancer anywhere. No chemo or radiation required! Best News Ever!

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