Anyone out there living with stage 4 lung cancer?

Posted by nursed2075 @nursed2075, Mar 10, 2020

Is anyone living with stg4 lung cancer? How are they doing?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Lung Cancer Support Group.


My journey start with SCC Oesophageal Cancer November 2022. Radiation and chemo January and February. But sadly today I’ve been informed I know have a couple of small tumours in each of my lungs. I feel broken.
Is it normal not to have a biopsy to confirm if the tumour is SCC as they’ve just assumed it’s linked to my oesophageal cancer which is now under control.
I start fortnightly chemo and immune therapy when I get back from uk November.
I was on a blind immune therapy trial and they have taken me off this now and say they are hoping I was on the placebo as otherwise it means my tumours probably won’t react to the immune therapy which could mean I only have 9 months instead of a couple of years.
Looking to hear others in a similar situation or any advice 🤍🤍🤍

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I'm a doctor, but not the right type, so I don't know what is normal in Lung Oncology. I know it's not unusual for lung cancer to metastasize to the esophagus. I can imagine the reverse could also be true.

Sorry to hear about your developments. Since you're asking for free advice, ignore the timetable. I agree with Olivia Newton-John that living like you have an expiration date is no way to live. Try to forget those numbers as soon as you hear them and make every day count. Your mental health will be a lot better. I've told my Oncologist I don't want to hear a likely life expiration, and he no longer gives me an estimate.

I keep telling my other doctors that my metastatic lung cancer has not changed my plan to live forever -- or die trying. My kidney specialist lights up every time I say that.

Lastly, you, we, are not broken. We are wounded warriors. Old warriors in most cases, but warriors nonetheless. I wish you all the best.


My journey start with SCC Oesophageal Cancer November 2022. Radiation and chemo January and February. But sadly today I’ve been informed I know have a couple of small tumours in each of my lungs. I feel broken.
Is it normal not to have a biopsy to confirm if the tumour is SCC as they’ve just assumed it’s linked to my oesophageal cancer which is now under control.
I start fortnightly chemo and immune therapy when I get back from uk November.
I was on a blind immune therapy trial and they have taken me off this now and say they are hoping I was on the placebo as otherwise it means my tumours probably won’t react to the immune therapy which could mean I only have 9 months instead of a couple of years.
Looking to hear others in a similar situation or any advice 🤍🤍🤍


Just an update ,It’s been 3 days since since first treatment, haven’t had any side effects yet . I’m ready ! Thanks !


Do they recommend portal ? They are doing mine intravenously
Any plus or minus either way?

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@sstiffel64- Good morning- I do recommend having a portal put in. As far as I'm concerned there is no plus to having an IV every time you have chemo.



Do they recommend portal ? They are doing mine intravenously
Any plus or minus either way?

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I got a port for my intravenously performed treatment procedures going forward due to historically being a hard stick ( quite often several sticks for blood test etc ) seems to be the best decision for me so far!I would definitely recommend as of now ! Best of luck and prayers for you !


Full listed treatment combo is carbplatin,penfexy,Keytruda
Had first treatment yesterday through my portal no reactions at all yet. I’m prepared for side effects and I know it’s different for everyone !thanks so much for your very kind support !

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Do they recommend portal ? They are doing mine intravenously
Any plus or minus either way?


Full listed treatment combo is carbplatin,penfexy,Keytruda
Had first treatment yesterday through my portal no reactions at all yet. I’m prepared for side effects and I know it’s different for everyone !thanks so much for your very kind support !

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Wonderful news. All the "platins" can be rough on the stomach; keep an eye out!

Let me know if we can be of more help and I hope that you can keep us updated on his progress!



Hello- I wish you the best during your chemo. And you are correct that everyone is different. But so are other medications. Generally speaking, you will most likely be tired, and you might lose your appetite. Your tastes in food might change..mine did. I wanted spicy food so I could taste it. One of my medications had a very strong metallic taste, and I couldn't taste anything, so the spicier the better for me!

Some, but not all chemo's can be a culprit in hair loss.

Have you been told what your chemo will be?

I suggest that you have a caretaker if you don't already. Make things as easy as possible for yourself, at least for the first session or until you know how it affects you.

As each dose is given to you the effects might seem more noticeable, so be prepared for that.

Even if you have your port, you might be a bit tender for the first few times that it is used. The nurse will give you suggestions on how to care for it.

I suggest that you bring snacks and a book to read. This is to help you from being bored. If you feel ill ask the nurse immediately for help with it. Don't brave it out. And nap if you can.

Do you have any specific questions? Have you done any preparations for this at all other than your port?


It's my belief that cancer patients need to be babied, catered to, and adored.

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Full listed treatment combo is carbplatin,penfexy,Keytruda
Had first treatment yesterday through my portal no reactions at all yet. I’m prepared for side effects and I know it’s different for everyone !thanks so much for your very kind support !


Hi @jblbrad, I am a stage IV (ALK mutation) patient. I’ve been fortunate to have a targeted therapy drug that’s kept me going for the past 3 years. Good luck to you this week! It sounds like you are armed with knowledge and help, both very important.

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Thanks so much ! Continued Good luck to you as well ! I’m finding great strength in prayer and scripture ! Thanks again !


Yes, I’m beginning treatments chemo/katruda/ etc tomorrow . I had a port installed Friday so I’m ready to start. My bio marker test came back with KRAS g12C . 1st round treatment will be for I think 3 treatments every 3 weeks. I just wanted to ask what to expect going forward. I know that it is very different for each person. I’m 68 years old and a former smoker ( stopped in 2013. Thanks for any responses !

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Hi @jblbrad, I am a stage IV (ALK mutation) patient. I’ve been fortunate to have a targeted therapy drug that’s kept me going for the past 3 years. Good luck to you this week! It sounds like you are armed with knowledge and help, both very important.

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